Should There Be Some Limit on Freedom of Speech?

The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
IMO its not a freedom of speech issue. If you break my rules while in my home I reserve the right to kick your ass out of my home. If you want freedom of speech on the internet start your own platform.

View attachment 513663
The problem is that Facebook first squelched posts about the virus having come from gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan Virology Lab and now everyone thinks that is where it came from.
The problem is Facebook is neither a monopoly, nor a government entity. If you don't like the way they play, don't play with them. That's pretty easy. You can do it!
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
IMO its not a freedom of speech issue. If you break my rules while in my home I reserve the right to kick your ass out of my home. If you want freedom of speech on the internet start your own platform.

View attachment 513663

Facebook, or any other website, censoring content is an entirely different matter. Really has nothing to do with the OP. Kinda the opposite really.
The title asks should there be limits on freedom of speech. It's not a free speech issue because its a private company which is what the OP is indirectly referencing.
I didn't read that into the OP.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
We don't need the fucking government telling us what we can and can't say.

If people are stupid enough to believe what they read on Facebook then IMO that's just evolution's way of culling the herd
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
We don't need the fucking government telling us what we can and can't say.

If people are stupid enough to believe what they read on Facebook then IMO that's just evolution's way of culling the herd
Thats only true if their stupidity doesn't have any affect on you.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
Yes, there should be SOME limits. I support the "Some" as defined during the bulk of my 66 year life up until recent times.

The authoritarian left has expanded that "some" to the point where it means "anything they don't like", however, and that is a very dangerous thing, indeed.
Yep it all boils down to who is call what misinformation..... If we say the Republicans are sane decent people that will be considered misinformation and therefore expunged. If we say that drag queens have no business reading bed time stories to 6 year old kids. That will be considered misinformation and therefore expunged. If we observe that the Biden Administration is bussing tens of thousands of unvetted, unvaccinated and unemployed illegal aliens all over the country and just dumping them on communities with no warning...that will be considered misinformation.....son and so forth....
Yes, there should be SOME limits. I support the "Some" as defined during the bulk of my 66 year life up until recent times.

The authoritarian left has expanded that "some" to the point where it means "anything they don't like", however, and that is a very dangerous thing, indeed.
Yep it all boils down to who is call what misinformation..... If we say the Republicans are sane decent people that will be considered misinformation and therefore expunged. If we say that drag queens have no business reading bed time stories to 6 year old kids. That will be considered misinformation and therefore expunged. If we observe that the Biden Administration is bussing tens of thousands of unvetted, unvaccinated and unemployed illegal aliens all over the country and just dumping them on communities with no warning...that will be considered misinformation.....son and so forth....
They have been pulling this sleight of hand where they call any person who disagrees with their POLICIES designed to kill small business as being anti- science, and so if anybody disagrees with these fascist policies, they are accused of opposing science. As they indulge in their censorship all they have to do then is substitute the word science for anything that opposes their policies, and it becomes a fait accompli.
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The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
People can get sued for spreading false information on the internet.
On one hand the Democratic party leaned heavily on Social Media with their blatant left wing bias and congressional protection to silence the Right wing but now are complaining about the mis-information about vaccines and Coronavirus.

Can't have it both ways....

And since their own picks for Judges are the ones who threw the only viable case out of court that could have fixed it... you are left with chaos.

Stop whining and fix it yourself.
On one hand the Democratic party leaned heavily on Social Media with their blatant left wing bias and congressional protection to silence the Right wing but now are complaining about the mis-information about vaccines and Coronavirus.

Can't have it both ways....

Haven't you heard? It's National Hypocrisy Month (decade?) - we can all have it both ways.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
People can get sued for spreading false information on the internet.
Not if you can't identify them. Why do you think the people that make all the computer viruses almost never get caught?
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
People can get sued for spreading false information on the internet.
Nope....can't. as social media is just that... social media. You are assumed to be giving opinions and not qualified advice to a specific person.

This is why one of the Wall Street Bets guys is in trouble...he holds an NASD certification and promoted himself by saying such. He is definitely in trouble.

Which is why you don't go to Social Media for advice...old fable exists about listening to everyone.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
People can get sued for spreading false information on the internet.
Not if you can't identify them. Why do you think the people that make all the computer viruses almost never get caught?
So? Same goes for the media. Whatever. Not looking to debate the matter. It's the Truth™ - you can be sued for spreading false information on the internet. You were suggesting the opposite. Which isn't true.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
People can get sued for spreading false information on the internet.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.

Should There Be Some Limit on Freedom of Speech?​

In what sense do we have freedom of speech when it's limited?

Beyond inciting crimes, no.
The Internet is a powerful means of spreading information, but it's also a power means of spreading dangerous misinformation. And when that misinformation is accepted as fact and innocent people act on it and die is this not analogous to screaming fire in a crowded auditorium where there is no fire and many are trampled to death.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, there is a big difference between, the statements of opinion and fact, and between news and editorials. Just as there is a big difference between the statements, "In my opinion, we had many deaths due to covid-19 vaccines in the US. " and "5,250 people in the US have died due covid-19 vaccinations" The first statement is a personal expression of opinion and carries far less weight than the second which is declaration of fact.

IMHO, if we do no find a way to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation, it will eventually lead to government controlling media, not because of some sinister clandestine organization or some world goverment, but because the people will demand it.
Honestly Flopper - the internet has no less misinformation than the entire news industry.
That is a fact.
On the internet, most people at least look at information with a degree of skepticism... however there is still nearly 40% of our population that believes what the media tells them.
That, to me, is worse than the internet.
Thats a horrible comparison. On the internet any fucking whack job can post information. At least with the media they are held to accountability and can get their asses sued for spreading false information just like Faux did..
People can get sued for spreading false information on the internet.
Not if you can't identify them. Why do you think the people that make all the computer viruses almost never get caught?
So? Same goes for the media. Whatever. Not looking to debate the matter. It's the Truth™ - you can be sued for spreading false information on the internet. You were suggesting the opposite. Which isn't true.
Its not the same. Youre talking a technicality. I am talking reality. People in the media can easily be identified. Someone that spins up a server on the internet spreads some lies and then tears down only to pop up somewhere else is virtually impossible to find.

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