Should Traitors hang for sedition and treason thread and poll

Should Traitors be hung for treason and sedition

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters
I will say yes. I think gross cases of government corruption should be dealt with very harshly as well. Not death, but loss of all assets and forced to break rocks for the rest of their life.
Yes. Those who have sold their office for personal gain should be held accountable for damages. If it is classified information etc it should be demanded the worst.
Drawn and quartered.
Depends on the level of treason involved, and whether or not it seriously compromised any sources or missions. And, before any lethal action was taken, they need to stand trial before a jury of their peers. We can't execute people without a fair and just trial.

And, you have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they committed treason.

But, if they leaked something that compromised the military or assets we have overseas, and people died, then yeah, execute them after a trial.

But I believe any condemned person should have the right to choose their form of execution.

If it were me...I think I'd pick firing squad (or old age).
Yes. The level of corruption in our government needs to be dealt with. Those involved need to be made example of to put all politicians on notice of what happens to corrupt politicians. Public hanging or publis firing squad.
It's harsh and 18th Century but should traitors be hung?
The reason crime is how it is, is precisely because we no longer treat crimes properly. Every criminal is thrown away and treated equally unless they are white collar criminals. They get vacations in day camps while everyone else gets tossed in a cell with no hope of rehabilitation.
Do you think a person shoplifting in order to feed their kids deserves to be locked up with killers and predators?
We need to bring back PUBLIC EXECUTIONS for the most heinous of crimes.
Everyone else needs to be delt with based on their specific crimes/circumstances. We need to focus on rehabilitation for those who will return to society. Give them a chance to be productive and successful.
Political crimes are a whole nother can of worms. We have to be VERY careful that we don't turn political opposition into a crime. That's how they do shit in third world countries.
Are you shitting me? The FBI made a deal with convicted traitor Robert Hanssen that his family would continue to receive a freaking pension as if he retired honorably. You can't even get the Military or the federal government to execute convicts who were sentenced to death. Army specialist cook Ronald Gray was sentenced to death in 1987 for a series of murders and is still languishing. We won't even talk about Maj. Nadal who killed a dozen of his on men more than ten years ago. Drain the freaking swamp before you think about hanging future traitors.
Depends on the level of treason involved, and whether or not it seriously compromised any sources or missions. And, before any lethal action was taken, they need to stand trial before a jury of their peers. We can't execute people without a fair and just trial.

And, you have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they committed treason.

But, if they leaked something that compromised the military or assets we have overseas, and people died, then yeah, execute them after a trial.
There are no levels of Treason you either are a traitor or you aren't.
Are you shitting me? The FBI made a deal with convicted traitor Robert Hanssen that his family would continue to receive a freaking pension as if he retired honorably. You can't even get the Military or the federal government to execute convicts who were sentenced to death. Army specialist cook Ronald Gray was sentenced to death in 1987 for a series of murders and is still languishing. We won't even talk about Maj. Nadal who killed a dozen of his on men more than ten years ago. Drain the freaking swamp before you think about hanging future traitors.

Got a link for his family continued to receive his pension? Because there is nothing about it on the Wiki article I read, but it does say that Hanssen is serving 15 consecutive life sentences, and the only reason he wasn't put to death was because he agreed to assist the FBI in their investigations if they dropped the death penalty.

Robert Hanssen - Wikipedia
Hung? No.

Hanged? Yes. But only until nearly...not quite...dead. Still capable of feeling pain.

Drawn? Yes. But only until they can no longer feel pain. Beyond that is pointless.

Quartered? No. Planned Parenthood too likely to demand the parts for resale.

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