Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?

Should trans athletes be banned from competing in womens' sports events?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters

frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?

I agree that transgengers should not be allowed to play in the opposite sexes sport. It gives trans' an unfair advantage when competing against biological women, who simply don't possess the G-d given muscular abilities as biological men.
And look at how they attack women who have been robbed due to this nonsense! That young woman who WOULD have won the swimming competition if she didn’t have to compete against a 6’4 guy in his physical prime has spoken against all this, and the trans-community and their supporters actually assaulted her!
What's even sadder is that he's still a bad competitive swimmer. That doesn't justify him competing in women's sports by any means, it just means he sucks and should stick to doing something else.
I just fount out that my Harley identifies as a Schwinn, so I look forward to the next Tour d' Frog.
I just found out my Schwinn identifies as a Harley Limited CVO, and so I am selling it for $44,000 to any leftist interested in purchasing!

What’s that you’re saying? (Cups ear.) No matter what I call it, it’s still a Schwinn?

Our point exactly!
I think the PGA tour is a good example of why we have the LPGA tour.
The PGA Tour is an open tour and male and females can qualify for the PGA Tour. Women have qualified for the PGA Tour in the past.
However the majority of women can't compete along side men. Only 1 woman made it past the cut.

So where do most women play for equal opportunity, the LPGA.

If we open all sports to women, women will naturally create their own equal competitive league.
If Trans move to the women's leagues, the women will stop competing and re-create their own league or class, again.
What's even sadder is that he's still a bad competitive swimmer. That doesn't justify him competing in women's sports by any means, it just means he sucks and should stick to doing something else.
He does suck. From what I’ve heard, he doesn’t ALWAYS win against the women. Sorry, but a 6’4 guy with broad shoulders and testerone-infused muscles who claims to be a competitive swimmer should beat girl swimmers consistently.

I took tennis lessons from an unknown tennis pro back in the mid-70s who lived winters next door to Chris Evert - the #1 women’s tennis champ in the world at the time. Guess what? Mr. Unknown played against her for fun, and it was such a mismatch (with him having the advantage) that he covered the doubles court to even it up. THAT is how big the physical advantage is.
I think the PGA tour is a good example of why we have the LPGA tour.
The PGA Tour is an open tour and male and females can qualify for the PGA Tour. Women have qualified for the PGA Tour in the past.
However the majority of women can't compete along side men. Only 1 woman made it past the cut.

So where do most women play for equal opportunity, the LPGA.

If we open all sports to women, women will naturally create their own equal competitive league.
If Trans move to the women's leagues, the women will stop competing and re-create their own league or class, again.
And all we will be left with are men’s teams and trans-teams.
I took tennis lessons from an unknown tennis pro back in the mid-70s who lived winters next door to Chris Evert - the #1 women’s tennis champ in the world at the time. Guess what? Mr. Unknown played against her for fun, and it was such a mismatch (with him having the advantage) that he covered the doubles court to even it up. THAT is how big the physical advantage is.
That was likely her brother John whom she practiced with a lot.
She stated that if they ever played an actual competitive match, she would never win a game.
Not never win a set, never win a GAME.
And all we will be left with are men’s teams and trans-teams.
Yes, and it won't happen right away. At this moment in time the average man probably would be incredibly ashamed to present himself as a woman just so that he could play on a women's team, having failed as a male player.

But the junior high and high school athletes are growing up seeing this. Boys who don't make the boys basketball team will simply join the girls basketball team. The boys who are good enough to be on the high school team but not good enough for college, will simply take a scholarship from a female basketball player. Boys who are good enough to play college basketball but don't make the cut at the NBA will just turn to the WNBA.

Salaries aren't as high at the WNBA as they are at the NBA, but a dude who would be one of the better players in the WNBA can make more than $200,000. That is 200,000 more dollars than a player gets paid for not making the cut at the NBA. The WNBA will be male basketball players' new Russian basketball league.

Praise allah, that there is no professional women's baseball league. If there were, MLB'S farm teams would empty out.

The one saving grace for the WNBA and LPGA maybe that people won't pay to see "women" with beards and Adam's apples beating biological females.
That was likely her brother John whom she practiced with a lot.
She stated that if they ever played an actual competitive match, she would never win a game.
Not never win a set, never win a GAME.
No it wasn’t. He was not related to her at all.
Boys versus boys and girls versus girls is how it works
You can wallow in your sex confusion all you want but others need not adhere.
If you are a wack job guy who wants to pretend he’s a girl then the competition is guy vs girl and Still inherently unfair and uncompetitive 90% of the time
Trying to cater to 0.5% of the population and redefine words and acts is ludicrous and thinkers won’t do it
You want “inclusion”, it’s up to a you to reach out and seek it and not up to anyone else to do that to themself for you.
Tennis, golf, swimming, diving, gymnastics, rugby, rowing, wrestling, horse racing, auto racing, equestrian, polo, water polo, skiing, snowboarding, judo, table tennis, racquetball, handball, weightlifting, cycling, volleyball, softball, shotput, discus, javelin, cross-country skiing, archery, skeet, bowling, badminton, etc, etc, etc.
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Yet conservatives/republicans see political angles in everything that happens.
Ok, fair.

So what percent of Democrats do you think actually are stupid enough to believe that it makes sense for biological males who cannot be great athletes to simply announce that they are women and compete against female athletes?

BTW, do you have any examples in which a male was a great male athlete, and then suddenly announced that they identify as women or girls so they can move down to the women's teams?

Bruce Jenner never came out until his competing days were long over.

Transgenderization: making losing boys into winning girls since 2021!
It is the legal standard that gave gays the right to marry same sex partners.

You argue that they should not have been successful? That interracial marriage can be overturned?

Study up.

What? No, I’m not arguing that. You’re arguing that because some men share the same traits as some trans me that men who identify as men should be allowed in women’s sports.
I’m not arguing that at all, in fact, why are we even arguing this? Where are the lefty’s who should be agreeing with me? You know, the ones who advocated for this type of thing, and now that it’s blowing up in their faces, they are sinking back trying to duck out of it.

Come on you all, step up and own it…you all fought for this, it’s time for you to take responsibility. This is the world you wanted to live it, so welcome to it. You have a choice, either you stick with your commitment that biological men can really be women, and we let the state of women’s competition vanish as biological men take over, or you admit that biological men are indeed men and don’t belong on women’s teams or anywhere where women have to compete directly with each other.

So…where is everyone?
Ok, fair.

So what percent of Democrats do you think actually are stupid enough to believe that it makes sense for biological males who cannot be great athletes to simply announce that they are women and compete against female athletes?
Too many for dang sure.
BTW, do you have any examples in which a male was a great male athlete, and then suddenly announced that they identify as women or girls so they can move down to the women's teams?
No. I think the transitioning males who do this are doing it in part because they were not good enough to do well competing against men. Again, I don't see any harm in a bunch of kids in 7th grade or earlier being on the same team. Puberty may not have been encountered yet. Beyond that...nope. If you have indoor play with the girls. If not, you play with the boys.

The difference is that I don't see some sort of sinister political/societial motive behind it. You guys see nothing but political/societal motivations and try to conflate everything into a battle for the nation's soul.

I encourage anyone to let their freak flag fly as long as you're not breaking any laws and are doing it safely. The governing bodies of athletics are under no obligation to allow this though. Its not safe that they are allowing it (if there are any).

Transgenders should be committed and seriously examined. We already knew that they're mentally and spiritually ill, but now we're finding out that they're a literal danger to society. One decided that it would be a great idea to massacre 6 people (three of whom were young and innocent little kids) and the other decided to stab a cab driver to death. Which, by the way, clearly shows why all knives should be banned.
yeah, murdering 6 people over a political argument is some seriously sick sh!t alright.
or even just 1. it's still politically motivated murder, and murder should be reason for longlasting jailtime. in my opinion.

but eh, you wanna ban knives, while they're needed for ordinary kitchen tasks (and btw, i can tell you, killing with a stick or a tree branch is nearly as easy).
but you don't want to ban guns? how so?

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