Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?

Should trans athletes be banned from competing in womens' sports events?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
So you can't. There's an old Texas saying, "If it aint broke don't fix it."
If there's an issue in a sport then that sport's regulatory agency can address it.

Very few girls in competitive shooting, tiger.
Well that competitive BB rifle competition should fulfill your “needs”
How anyone other than a pervert can argue biological males should be allowed girls locker rooms, and it’s somehow not a legislative issue to protect these girls, is beyond me and any serious adults.

But if Joe tells them they should, democrats will bow to perversion.

Nothing more clear than that.
How anyone other than a pervert can argue biological males should be allowed girls locker rooms, and it’s somehow not a legislative issue to protect these girls, is beyond me and any serious adults.

But if Joe tells them they should, democrats will bow to perversion.

Nothing more clear than that.
You went from sports to arguing about locker rooms. Try to focus, yes?
A male who has “transitioned” to female should be banned from competing against actual females in a women’s competition.

But if a female has “transitioned” to male, I don’t see how her participation in a male’s sports competition would hurt anybody.
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.

Stop being an idiot. It is not fair at all to any of the female athletes. I detest stupid people like you.
You went from sports to arguing about locker rooms. Try to focus, yes?
I believe the locker room is a part of the topic. Female athletes might not wish to be nude in a shower or in their changing rooms in front of a nude transsexual “female” with a dick.

frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?
Of course women's sports should be restricted to people who have F for 'female' on their birth certificates. And if by some weird extremely rare mistake the wrong gender was obviously put on a birth certificate, medical certification that a person was born female should apply. No other policy is in any way acceptable, reasonable, or practical. And places where women need/want privacy and safety from predatory males such as public restrooms and locker rooms should also be restricted to those who have "F" for female on their birth certificates.

IMO, anybody who argues otherwise has a very unhealthy and destructive agenda in mind.
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I believe the locker room is a part of the topic.
You know, the more I think about it, my exceptions are really sports where there is no separation. If you remove that (and golf of course), then I don't see the competitive equality. If a sport has competitive equality, then its already a co-ed sport.

So I guess we're kind agreement. I am shocked too.
You know, the more I think about it, my exceptions are really sports where there is no separation. If you remove that (and golf of course), then I don't see the competitive equality. If a sport has competitive equality, then its already a co-ed sport.

So I guess we're kind agreement. I am shocked too.
If we followed your lunacy then there should be no weight nor age discrimination and 16 year old pansies should play football against 6 year old boys. You would advocate that increases their (delusional) self esteem
If we followed your lunacy then there should be no weight nor age discrimination and 16 year old pansies should play football against 6 year old boys. You would advocate that increases their (delusional) self esteem
I just agreed with you. Reading comprehension fail - go sit in the corner you!
You know, the more I think about it, my exceptions are really sports where there is no separation. If you remove that (and golf of course), then I don't see the competitive equality. If a sport has competitive equality, then its already a co-ed sport.

So I guess we're kind agreement. I am shocked too.
😜 I’m not shocked; but it does come as a bit of a surprise sometimes.
But yet you won't say shit about cis-woman joining male sports or male clubs or whatever. It is all out of hatred against transwoman that need to be apart of something to feel good in their lives. It is all really sick and sad.
I just agreed with you. Reading comprehension fail - go sit in the corner you!
If you actually agreed with a reality fact , that’s so unusual for you that I missed it . My bad.
Keep up the good work and perhaps more will follow
I am going to sign up for a male power lifting competition and lift with the boys. Of course that is ok with you as your entire crock of shit is only against biological males(transwoman) that need to be accepted because of their brainwiring problems. What a bunch of fascist fuckers you are.
I am going to sign up for a male power lifting competition and lift with the boys. Of course that is ok with you as your entire crock of shit is only against biological males(transwoman) that need to be accepted because of their brainwiring problems. What a bunch of fascist fuckers you are.
Since you’re female-at-birth trans-man (also known as a woman), you wouldn’t be able to physically compete with male powerlifters anyway. All the testosterone you inject won’t alter that. So have at it

The reason we (people in general) have an issue with biological men competing against women is because men have a massive advantage. We are stronger and faster. Biologically. No fascism involved.
I am going to sign up for a male power lifting competition and lift with the boys. Of course that is ok with you as your entire crock of shit is only against biological males(transwoman) that need to be accepted because of their brainwiring problems. What a bunch of fascist fuckers you are.

Nobody would care. You wouldn’t make a junior high team.

Get it?

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