Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?

Should trans athletes be banned from competing in womens' sports events?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
That’s not what these people want. They want to compete against biological women as if they were one themselves.

You can change gender, you cannot change sex
i dispute that you can change gender. that's an ongoing experiment. outcome unknown.
i dispute that you can change gender. that's an ongoing experiment. outcome unknown.

Might wanna look up the actual meaning of gender then.

Here..................let me help you out...................

Gender refers mainly to cultural or social differences between male and female, rather than the physical ones according to the definition of the word.
frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?
I was in the same boat as you until I went to a Drag Queen Show and a Gay Bar last week. I met a lot of really nice people. Very refreshing. It used to bother me the PDA and all that stuff. I hated it. But now I am ok with it. And with Bud Light coming out as All Inclusive I am really digging it. I will take a LGBTQ'r any day of the week over a MAGA or Gunnutter.
As far as competing, I can't say either way. But I think if they changed their sex before puberty, they should be allowed to compete. Also, I decided to sell all my guns because this movement has really WOKE me. So yeah I am WOKE. No, I am not interested in a LGBTQ relationship. If any of you are thinking of sending me a PM to seduce me, don't bother.
Might wanna look up the actual meaning of gender then.

Here..................let me help you out...................

Gender refers mainly to cultural or social differences between male and female, rather than the physical ones according to the definition of the word.
fact remains that hetro men will never accept a trans"woman" as a real woman.
so gender is defined at birth, and shouldn't be changed.
let 'm dress up as drag queens at drag parties, those "transgenders".
I don’t transition from head on top to head where feet are and men don’t transition to women
I think as long as they're on hormones and are serious then yes,
Hormones don’t magically change you from one sex to another.

No matter how much steroids a female bodybuilder takes, she will never have the slightest chance as being as big/strong as the men in the field

And no matter how many hormone blockers a man takes, he’ll always have an advantage over biological women.
My party?

As for women's this a huge issue? I mean...give me a many times has a person born female lost a championship or scholarship to a person born male? I bet you can count it on the fingers on one hand and still pick your nose.

Here is my position:
This is a relatively new issue. It’s also a building issue. Doing nothing will only make it worse.
Just to point out the difference between the physical capabilities of a man vs a woman all you need to look at was the tennis match between the 230th ranked male vs the Williams sisters.

The mediocre professional male destroyed them. It wasn’t even competitive.
Just to point out the difference between the physical capabilities of a man vs a woman all you need to look at was the tennis match between the 230th ranked male vs the Williams sisters.

The mediocre professional male destroyed them. It wasn’t even competitive.
Thank you.

When it comes to the gap between men and women in terms of athletic potential, it isn’t a gap so much as it is a yawning chasm.

That’s not misogynistic, it’s just science
Just to point out the difference between the physical capabilities of a man vs a woman all you need to look at was the tennis match between the 230th ranked male vs the Williams sisters.

The mediocre professional male destroyed them. It wasn’t even competitive.
That was Kristen Brach of Germany . He had started smoking again and had not beaten anyone in top 100 for 5 years. Mostly playing satellites.
I think he beat Serena 6-1, 6-2.
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.
Lol, defending every sickness the left creates.
Might wanna look up the actual meaning of gender then.

Here..................let me help you out...................

Gender refers mainly to cultural or social differences between male and female, rather than the physical ones according to the definition of the word.

Gender is defined as classification of sex (American Heritage Dictionary). Culture and society will be taking a back seat to a two-sex classification due to evolution of H. sapiens. The outcome of the election had only one of two possible outcomes from the beginning.
That was Kristen Brach of Germany . He had started smoking again and had not beaten anyone in top 100 for 5 years. Mostly playing satellites.
I think he beat Serena 6-1, 6-2.
Assuming this a mutilated tranny, the smoking will assist many-fold any potentials for subsequent cancers, which may present at any time until death.
As a matter of politics, the government should have no say in the matter. It should be up to the leagues and the athletes.

That said, if I was female athlete, in a sport that saw good reason to separate the genders, I wouldn't want to compete with trannies.
Is it real?

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