Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?

Should trans athletes be banned from competing in womens' sports events?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
I didn't read all 100 posts, but I read the first 37 and skimmed the rest. I didn't see a single post fully defending biological males participating in women's sports. Just one post in which a poster defended bio-males in non-concact sports like swimming. This on a board with plenty of Democrats and plenty of "independents" who spend all their time complaining about Trump and promoting the latest success by Biden.

So if there is so little support for the absurd idea that it is OK for men to dominate women's sports, why is it happening?

I would say because most women's sports takes place in secondary schools and colleges, both of which have become institutions that deliberately apply the principles of groupthink in order to insulate their far left ideology from any dissent. There, one is not allowed to express concern about the safety or fairness of men competing as women.

Speak out and you risk being expelled, fired, threatened, and even attacked by a mob of testosterone pumping cross-dressers, as happened to Riley Gaines. So we talk about it here, but nowhere else. Most of us are too busy trying to make a living to spend a lot of time trying to influence policies that we really have little means to affect.

Sure, we can vote for people who talk about protecting women's sports. But that is almost exclusively done by GOP politicians. So the Democrats on here who oppose the ruining of women's sports understandably aren't going to switch over one issue. No Democrat politician will vote for any law that protects women's sports, and the president would not sign it. Only in heavily red states is anything done to protect women in sports.

As far as I know, this has yet to reach professional women's sports, other than some older cases in women's tennis. If men start playing in the WNBA, that league will become the basketball version of XFL Football. Just a minor league/farm team for male players who are very good, but not quite good enough for the NBA. Men might also invade the LPGA. Not sure what other sports women can make a living at.

Which brings me to candycorn and her constant interjection into this issue about how "you" never cared about women's sports before. Candy must be as old as I am or just binge watched a lot of "All in the Family." It is true that in those old days, back in the seventies, many conservative men ridiculed the idea of girl's sports being on an equal footing with boys. But no more. Come to Texas, and you will see that High School Softball is just as popular in the Spring as high school football is in the Fall. Conservatives have always understood the importance of youth sports, and in the 21st, girls youth sports are no different.
Which brings me to candycorn and her constant interjection into this issue about how "you" never cared about women's sports before. Candy must be as old as I am or just binge watched a lot of "All in the Family." It is true that in those old days, back in the seventies, many conservative men ridiculed the idea of girl's sports being on an equal footing with boys. But no more. Come to Texas, and you will see that High School Softball is just as popular in the Spring as high school football is in the Fall. Conservatives have always understood the importance of youth sports, and in the 21st, girls youth sports are no different.
LOL...sure. Softball is just as popular as football in Texas (or anywhere else for that matter). What are you smoking?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Liberals don't care about girls sports either; only that they get to have a team. The transsexual bru-haha is the GOP gearing up for 2024. They've picked this as an issue for their candidates to campaign on next year which is why you see the pearl clutching taking place and the resulting "oh my god" posts from conservatives here. Astroturfing at it's finest.
I have no problems with gay folks. IMO they are normal and the phenomenon is natural and genetic. Over many years I have had many gay friends.

It's the weird trans thing I have a problem with. Unnatural and wicked is how it looks to me.
i don't mind gays at all, so long as they don't fall in love with me! :)

and i don't mind trans individuals who 'keep it in the closet most of the time' (like a straight couple would) either.

it's this infesting of the female athletes world that's bothering me about the transgenders.
and especially this aggressive protesting at speaking events where hetro women try to voice their opinion and arguments about transgenders, need to STOP!!!
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frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?
Trans should be banned from existence entirely.....
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.
the popularity of women's sports across this country has grown drastically since Title IV was passed....the demafasicst, who obviously hate equality and fair play, are threatening women athetlics.

WHat we need to do is change the categories for sports from men and women to XX and XY chromosome divisions.
Have you started any threads about the WNBA? If not…why not?
Because this is a political message board, not a message board about sports. Additionally, I don't follow professional basketball, women or men...I prefer college, and yes I watch the women's college bball tourney, also, love college softball.,'s almost that time of year for the world series....a lot of fun.


Women’s College World Series final outgains men’s final, averages 1.7 million viewers​


Women’s College World Series tops College World Series in viewership​

I don't expect you dembots to keep up with sports..or for that matter even care about all just repeat hate and division from your propagandist
Myself vs. Eddie Hall isn’t equal either. Thats why I wouldn’t compete against him. Pick your fights.
But a male powerlifter has the potential to compete against someone like Eddie Hall. They’d have to have good genetics and work their ass off, but it’s within the realm of possibility.

But even a mediocre amateur powerlifting man will mop the floor with the most elite powerlifting women out there. That’s just how much physically stronger men are.

I’m a amateur powerlifter, proud of my achievements but do not train professionally and would not be able to compete at an elite level against other men.

With that said, I am 100% confident that I am stronger than any biological woman on earth, except maybe a handful of women on so much rapids that they’re practically men anyway.
But a male powerlifter has the potential to compete against someone like Eddie Hall. They’d have to have good genetics and work their ass off, but it’s within the realm of possibility.

But even a mediocre amateur powerlifting man will mop the floor with the most elite powerlifting women out there. That’s just how much physically stronger men are.

I’m a amateur powerlifter, proud of my achievements but do not train professionally and would not be able to compete at an elite level against other men.

With that said, I am 100% confident that I am stronger than any biological woman on earth, except maybe a handful of women on so much rapids that they’re practically men anyway.
why not give queers, weirdos, etc their own division....since they arent men or women just call it the freak league
why not give queers, weirdos, etc their own division....since they arent men or women just call it the freak league
It’s not about that, it’s not even political. It’s about biological realities. Men are stronger than women and thus should not compete against them athletically.

Gay men are still biological men. Nothing inherently wrong with gays and straight men competing against each other. Anyone who’s ever been to a gym knows that gay men are just as capable of building muscle as straight men.

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