Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?

Should trans athletes be banned from competing in womens' sports events?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
Because an injustice is being done to these women............ you are one of those TERFs, who believe in transgender genocide?

You and J.K. Rowling are TERFs now.....right?
All biological women are TERFS.
Is that a joke?

1) He IS in the girls’ locker room, flaunting his junk.

2) Who cares if swimming isn’t a contact sport? Awards are being stolen from girls by a 6’4 biological male.
Walking around naked fondling himself.
Don’t tell me he was doing THAT! That’s mocking the girls to show that he is a boy who beat them at a sport.

And the leftists go along with this crap? Unbelievable.
That's what the girls were complaining about. Thomas would wander the locker room, fully erect, stroking himself and staring at the girls changing. It got so bad that the girls would go into a toilet stall to change. They would take turns.
That's what the girls were complaining about. Thomas would wander the locker room, fully erect, stroking himself and staring at the girls changing. It got so bad that the girls would go into a toilet stall to change. They would take turns.

This is a boy who couldn’t make it on the boys’ team, and so he grew his hair past his shoulders and robbed girls of the win.

How’s this for a start: any “trans-woman” who has a penis is NOT a woman and cannot compete with females.

Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?​


A 'Transgender' is NOT a 'woman' / 'female'

Its a 'Modified Biological Male'

So the REAL question is 'Should a modified biological male be allowed to compete against women in women's sports?'

frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?
I believe they should be able to compete in individual events but not on teams. They can win a trophy if there are two or more gays competing but it will not be a trophy for winning a female event. It will be a transsexual trophy. If there are enough transexuals they can form teams and complete against other teams of transexuals.
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.

The lefts war on woman continues.
After reading this thread, the absurdity of it all should be apparent to all Americans. If the notion that men can compete against women in sports, simply by stating that they are female, makes any sense to are an imbecile. I urge everyone to step back, take a deep breath and accept the fact that a guy with a beard just broke the woman's bench press record by 100 pounds. He did not have on a skirt, or makeup, he simply competed as a "female" and shattered the record. Is that not absurd??
Women's sports will be killed off sooner than later. Men pretending to be women routinely take first place. Recently they have taken first and second place. When they take 3 top spots Women's sports will effectively be ended. It will be two divisions of men's sports. Likely women will fight for and get a biological Women's division or just stop competing.
After reading this thread, the absurdity of it all should be apparent to all Americans. If the notion that men can compete against women in sports, simply by stating that they are female, makes any sense to are an imbecile. I urge everyone to step back, take a deep breath and accept the fact that a guy with a beard just broke the woman's bench press record by 100 pounds. He did not have on a skirt, or makeup, he simply competed as a "female" and shattered the record. Is that not absurd??

Might help if you presented the whole story. The man entered the competition and shattered the record as a form of protest against transgenders competing in female sports. Seems that there are no requirements in Canadian powerlifting for a person to prove they are female or transgendered, so this guy entered, identified as a female (as a form of protest), and shattered the lifting record that had previously been held by a transgendered female.

A male powerlifting coach by the name of Avi Silverberg has seen enough biological males compete against women. He decided to protest new trans policies ruining his sport and did so by 'self-identifying’ as a woman and shattering a record during a recent meet.

The women’s bench press title holder in the 84+ kilogram category is Anne Andres, who is a biological male. Andres has won eight of the nine competitions he has entered as a woman and is even recognized as a female on the Open Powerlifting ranking site.


Male Powerlifter Protests Trans Policy By Shattering Record

Silverberg may have broken Andres’ record, but he didn’t break any rules in the process, which is the most eye-opening part of the situation.

According to Reduxx, the meet was held under the sanction of the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) which announced a gender self-identification policy earlier this year. The new policy allows any males to participate in women’s competitions based on gender alone.

He wasn't so much entering in as a trans as he was entering to protest the Canadian Powerlifting Union's policy of allowing pretty much anyone to enter the competitions as long as they said they were female. Basically, it was a male protesting trans policies.

Helps if you give the whole story.
Why would a woman want to look like this?


frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?
I have no problems with gay folks. IMO they are normal and the phenomenon is natural and genetic. Over many years I have had many gay friends.

It's the weird trans thing I have a problem with. Unnatural and wicked is how it looks to me.

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