Should transgenders be banned from female sports events altogether?

Should trans athletes be banned from competing in womens' sports events?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 96.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
Imaginary dialog with a trans-activist:

Q: Imagine a male college basketball player, 6'8" tall, with reasonably good talent, but not good enough to be a starter on the men's team. He decides that he wants to play on the women's team next year. He is not transexual; he is a dude. If you were the Athletic Director of the college, would you DISCRIMINATE against this guy and not permit him to play on the women's team?

A: Yes, of course!

Q: Why?

A: Well, because he is bigger and stronger than any of the women, and the girls simply could not compete with him.

Q: Imagine that he then decides that he IS transgender. He assumes a female name, dresses like a girl, acts like a girl - a very large girl, to be sure - and even takes hormones and whatnot to further his female transition. NOW would you let him play?

A: [Let's hear it].

Q: What changed from start to later?
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.
I'm curious in a morbid sort of way, as you masturbate with other boys, do you wear the fascist obedience masks, what about gloving up??? :banana:

frankly, i've completely had it with the entire LGBTQ+ movement.
and especially their infiltration of womens' sports events plus their harassing of female athletes at speaking events, has me thinking of kinetic actions towards gays doing public displays of affection.

i'm not saying the LGBTQ+ers need to fade back into the proverbial closets.
i'm saying they should be more discreet about their public affection displays,
and they should start their own leagues in sports, or simply keep competing with men (with whom they share that genetic and training advantage).

what about you people?
I believe that the girls victimized by these men, should as in any instance of violent sexual assault, target the genitals of the sexual deviants, with fearsome toe kicks to those genitals!

That's right ladies, kick those testicles so fucking hard they pop out of their mouths and hang on either side of their chins! :banana:
Too much testosterone for too many years gives the advantage to the dudes, it's been proven over and over.
I'm for the Men's sports, Women's sports, and Tranny sports.
The "tranny sports" would just essentially be a bunch of males playing against each other, and would certainly not garner the viewership to make it worthwhile. Why would a female compete against a bunch of guys and get her ass kicked?
Trans is a pandemic with catastrophic consequences, and I am completely against this extremist ideology. It marginalizes females, and they lose out on all sorts of opportunities because males continue to dominate them.
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.
You do not seem to understand the science that proves it is unfair. You must be one of them.
Agreed. Keep the dudes with the dudes, keep the women with the women, and if a person decides they want to be trans, then let them compete with other trans individuals.

Differently abled (handicapped) people have their own sports, and special needs people have theirs, so do the same for the trans.

The difference is the special and para Olympics people understand they need their own category. Trans radicals don't get it. Their mantras are "trans women are women, trans men are men".
I don't mind public displays of affection in the least as long as they aren't obscene.

As to men competing against women? No way. If you follow the moronic illogic, if a 27 year old male identified as a young kid in order to play Pop Warner football, he would be able to.
Why should they be any more discreet than straight people in their public affection displays?
Perhaps maybe everyone needs to learn how to keep the PDA down to a minimum.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for the chat starting question, my answer is that if they want to play, they should be amongst the gender that they are when they are born and will forever be no matter what is surgically added or removed.
Why should they be any more discreet than straight people in their public affection displays?

Because Normative people are really offended by them. This is why, at least traditionally, homos tried to be discrete in where they F'ed each other in the A.
Did you care about women's sports before this? No.
Why do you care now? You guys just make me shake my head...bothered by everything all the time. Stop pretending this matters to you.

This is the part where you claim you cared and act indignant. Right?

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls.

Because an injustice is being done to these women............

I think its simple...if you have outdoor compete with the boys, if you have indoor compete with the girls. you are one of those TERFs, who believe in transgender genocide?

You and J.K. Rowling are TERFs now.....right?
That Lea Thomas is in every way a male.

Of course you're right.

But swimming isn't a contact sport, and it isn't even a big money sport. As long as Mr. Thomas isn't in the girl's locker room, who gives a shit.
Of course you're right.

But swimming isn't a contact sport, and it isn't even a big money sport. As long as Mr. Thomas isn't in the girl's locker room, who gives a shit.

The people he stole a place as an “all American” give a shit. They are the true victims in this.
Well it becomes an issue as bodies develop. A high school senior boy performing a slide tackle on the soccer pitch against a female is going to result in some injuries. That is just a physiological reality. The same two competitors on the same soccer pitch 6 years earlier...not so much an issue., like J.K. Rowling, are a TERF?

You must be a Trump supporter too

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