Should Trump be impeached?

Trump is failing at what? Lol TDS?
I already said, can't you pay attention? His tax cuts only added debt, not GDP. GDP was no higher in 2018 than it was in 2015.
Gee No trickle down ?? That worked so well with the last Republican turd
Look at the unemployment rate looks like it’s workign
The unemployment rate's been dropping for 9 years now. 8 of those years being before trump's tax cuts.

Not manufacturing.. or wages or real jobs until now.

Yes, manufacturing has also been growing for 9 years...

In a truly superhuman feat, The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 (LIES) in 828 days.
If the Democrats impeach Trump for "lying", no Democrat will ever hold public office again.
If the Democrats impeach Trump for "lying", no Democrat will ever hold public office again.
Even as distasteful and repugnant as lying to the public with a straight face is; Trump will not be impeached for lying. Trump & his inner circle have deliberately conspired freely and openly with a foreign enemy just to further his political gains.

I know there is a word for this but for the moment I cannot think of it.

M14 Shooter, do you have any idea what that word could be-?

Just asking

No animosity intended or implied

You are fully aware of the fact you cannot show this to be true.
This is not about me. I am just one among millions and what I say means nothing, period.

What matters is what Congress and the House Of Representatives do.

All I can say is, buy a few bags of popcorn, sit in your favorite living room chair, turn on your TV; channel MSNBC news, and watch this unfold before your eyes.

It will be a sight to see

If the Democrats impeach Trump for "lying", no Democrat will ever hold public office again.
Even as distasteful and repugnant as lying to the public with a straight face is; Trump will not be impeached for lying. Trump & his inner circle have deliberately conspired freely and openly with a foreign enemy just to further his political gains.

I know there is a word for this but for the moment I cannot think of it.

M14 Shooter, do you have any idea what that word could be-?

Just asking

No animosity intended or implied

Perhaps I can help? Traitorous POS 4 words
Pelosi just openly accused Trump of a black letter crime. Trump's had it with all the lies and has directed that EVERY part of the Federal government fully and completely comply with AG Barr's declassification of the entire Democrat farce.
...Trump says he is a "genius"

The truth will set you free :)-

He whipped your asses,

Seems more people voted against Trump than for him, but perhaps Democrats couldn't hope for a better outcome with Trump in office.
I wonder at the damage to the Republican party.
Pelosi just openly accused Trump of a black letter crime. Trump's had it with all the lies and has directed that EVERY part of the Federal government fully and completely comply with AG Barr's declassification of the entire Democrat farce.
...Trump says he is a "genius"

The truth will set you free :)-

He whipped your asses,

Seems more people voted against Trump than for him, but perhaps Democrats couldn't hope for a better outcome with Trump in office.
I wonder at the damage to the Republican party.

It's not just the damage to the republican party but damage to our constitutional way of doing things You put a pos like trump in the soup it spoils the soup
~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single highhandedly destroying the republican Party
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Trump is failing at what? Lol TDS?
I already said, can't you pay attention? His tax cuts only added debt, not GDP. GDP was no higher in 2018 than it was in 2015.
Do more jobs and investment add more revenue? More people working? MIC DROP
We had more new jobs added before the tax cuts
Yes because trump said it was coming lol wow
We gained even more jobs before then.

Yes shack shack jobs took off under Obama..
I already said, can't you pay attention? His tax cuts only added debt, not GDP. GDP was no higher in 2018 than it was in 2015.
Gee No trickle down ?? That worked so well with the last Republican turd
Look at the unemployment rate looks like it’s workign
The unemployment rate's been dropping for 9 years now. 8 of those years being before trump's tax cuts.

Not manufacturing.. or wages or real jobs until now.

Yes, manufacturing has also been growing for 9 years...

Lol growing after 17.. hahaha more like took off
Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. What is required are Congressional votes. If and when Congress feel it is in their best interest to charge, find guilty and remove, then Trump is gone. If Trump committed crimes he goes to court.
Just so we're clear:
-You agree that a charge of obstruction requires a provable corrupt intent;
-You also agree that the Mueller report is entirely devoid of a finding of said intent.
It is the Congressional votes that impeaches and removes.
Part of Dowds write up in NY Times
“He does outrageous, nasty, destructive things, knowing full well he’s crossing a line, and then he pretends he didn’t,” said Trump biographer Tim O’Brien. “He has spent five decades going to gossip columnists, radio shows, TV interviews and newspapers to stick a knife into almost anybody who crosses his path that he doesn’t like and he revels in it. There is something amazing in the Energizer Bunny aspect of his nastiness and his ignorance. He doesn’t care what people think about how mean or dumb he is. He just keeps going.”

O’Brien said Pelosi “hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history. Even while he was saying he was the most transparent president in history, his Treasury secretary was across town telling Congress, ‘I’m not giving you the president’s tax returns.’

“One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.”

It’s wearing, not letting this petulant man wear us all out.
Pelosi just openly accused Trump of a black letter crime. Trump's had it with all the lies and has directed that EVERY part of the Federal government fully and completely comply with AG Barr's declassification of the entire Democrat farce.
...Trump says he is a "genius"

The truth will set you free :)-

He whipped your asses,

Seems more people voted against Trump than for him, but perhaps Democrats couldn't hope for a better outcome with Trump in office.
I wonder at the damage to the Republican party.

You bet. You're in the midst of a moral victory!

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