Should untouchables all convert to christianity?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Do you think we the roma untouchables should all convert to christianity? I mean real christianity not the roman church. HInduism is not the religion of the roma and untouchables because it is the religion of the aryans and they enslaved the untouchables and still do to this day. Maybe Buddhism also because Buddha came to reform hinduism.
I think God sends messengers to bring the gospel to their culture. Mohammed was a messenger to bring it to arabs, and similar like black negroes (but he confused some things). Now I think I might have received the call to bring the gypsies the gospel.
They could all become Mormons. They would at least get one of those cool 10 speed bikes with a teardrop helmet to ride around on.
Now I think I might have received the call to bring the gypsies the gospel.
This is the voice to follow.
Ignore the other voices, they're trying to distract you from your destiny.
Now I think I might have received the call to bring the gypsies the gospel.
This is the voice to follow.
Ignore the other voices, they're trying to distract you from your destiny.
Im not shizophrenic I was misdiagnosed
It is the work of the holy spirit. I received the holy spirit. I was baptised with water and received the holy spirit, Im born again. Im not shizophrenic. The Bible says though that the spirit is "clear" and such and gives you clear mind and you are not afraid. But I think Im just a weakling who cannot controll it properly, thats why I had unorderly thoughts and was afraid, but right now Im calm and clear. I realised in the past few days alot of things about the world and how it works.
I think God sends messengers to bring the gospel to their culture.
Good Thing God's Word Is Whatever You Want It To Be

Mohammed was a messenger to bring it to arabs, and similar like black negroes
(but he confused some things)
No, He Didn't
Mohammed Was Rejected By 'People Of The Book' Of His Time
Mohammed Didn't Pass Scriptural Muster For A Prophet
Because He Isn't One

His Al-lah Is Not The God Of Abraham
And The Ancient Emblem Of Who Mohammed Worshiped
Is On Every Muslim Thing, For All To See


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