Should voters be concerned about Romney's Mormon religion?

The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel

For many years, the Mormon Church has claimed that Native Americans were the descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel that migrated to the Americas around 600 B.C. In addition, according to Mormon doctrine, this tribe divided into two groups, the Nephites, who were whites, and the Lamanites, who became black as a punishment for worshiping idols.

However, DNA tests have contradicted the teachings of the Mormon Church. In an article written by William Lobdell and published in the Los Angeles Times on February 16, 2006, Lobdell said that the Mormon Church has disregarded DNA evidence as irrelevant.

More: Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel

Romney's Mormonisn is based on a myth. However, I'm sure Bishop Romney still believes in this mythical connection to Israel. That's the scary part...

NOTE: The above link is an excellent article - if you value truth.
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The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel

For many years, the Mormon Church has claimed that Native Americans were the descendants of one of the lost tribes of Israel that migrated to the Americas around 600 B.C. In addition, according to Mormon doctrine, this tribe divided into two groups, the Nephites, who were whites, and the Lamanites, who became black as a punishment for worshiping idols.

However, DNA tests have contradicted the teachings of the Mormon Church. In an article written by William Lobdell and published in the Los Angeles Times on February 16, 2006, Lobdell said that the Mormon Church has disregarded DNA evidence as irrelevant.
More: Dr. Claude Mariottini - Professor of Old Testament: The Mormon Church and the Lost Tribes of Israel

Romney's Mormonisn is based on a myth. However, I'm sure Bishop Romney still believes in this mythical connection to Israel. That's the scary part...

give it up,

this will never get traction.

and it is bigoted as well.

not that that is a problem here.
I think it IS on the table, Obamas religion sure was in 08, now that you guys have a crazy running on the republican ticket its now "off the table" "a private matter" so if thats the case why was Obama pushed to hard to "prove" he was a christian and also pushed on his ties to his minister?

When did Obama ever "prove" he was a Christian?

Why should he have to?

Mittens isn't and you're okay with that.

Why is President Obama any different?

Hint - Every hear of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?

It includes those black folk too.

If you don't know what those two documents are, just check with the UCLA cuz that's all they do - protect YOUR rights.
I think it IS on the table, Obamas religion sure was in 08, now that you guys have a crazy running on the republican ticket its now "off the table" "a private matter" so if thats the case why was Obama pushed to hard to "prove" he was a christian and also pushed on his ties to his minister?

When did Obama ever "prove" he was a Christian?

Why should he have to?

Mittens isn't and you're okay with that.

Why is President Obama any different?

Hint - Every hear of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?

It includes those black folk too.

If you don't know what those two documents are, just check with the UCLA cuz that's all they do - protect YOUR rights.

aclu, ouch.

ucla is ok as well. but they want your money.
I think it IS on the table, Obamas religion sure was in 08, now that you guys have a crazy running on the republican ticket its now "off the table" "a private matter" so if thats the case why was Obama pushed to hard to "prove" he was a christian and also pushed on his ties to his minister?

When did Obama ever "prove" he was a Christian?

Why should he HAVE to prove that? More to the point, what's the standard.

Most of the evangelicals who support Romney because they hate the black guy don't consider you Mormons to be "Christians"... It's a really subjective standard, isn't it.

I submit there are no "Christians". Jesus would be totally embarrassed by the lot of you.
When did Obama ever "prove" he was a Christian?

Why should he have to?

Mittens isn't and you're okay with that.

Why is President Obama any different?

Hint - Every hear of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?

It includes those black folk too.

If you don't know what those two documents are, just check with the UCLA cuz that's all they do - protect YOUR rights.

aclu, ouch.

ucla is ok as well. but they want your money.

Same is true of all or most non-profits but look what you get from the ACLU. Doesn't get much better than what they give us.
I think it IS on the table, Obamas religion sure was in 08, now that you guys have a crazy running on the republican ticket its now "off the table" "a private matter" so if thats the case why was Obama pushed to hard to "prove" he was a christian and also pushed on his ties to his minister?

When did Obama ever "prove" he was a Christian?

Why should he HAVE to prove that? More to the point, what's the standard.

Most of the evangelicals who support Romney because they hate the black guy don't consider you Mormons to be "Christians"... It's a really subjective standard, isn't it.

I submit there are no "Christians". Jesus would be totally embarrassed by the lot of you.

Its easy to call yourself a "Christian".

Actions speak louder than words.
Why should he have to?

Mittens isn't and you're okay with that.

Why is President Obama any different?

Hint - Every hear of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?

It includes those black folk too.

If you don't know what those two documents are, just check with the UCLA cuz that's all they do - protect YOUR rights.

aclu, ouch.

ucla is ok as well. but they want your money.

Same is true of all or most non-profits but look what you get from the ACLU. Doesn't get much better than what they give us.

yeah, i was vulturing on your UCLA-ACLU mishap.
The ultimate question is, what are the chances a candidate's beliefs and principles will affect performance and how. Thus, religion is totally justified as a consideration.
Given the position of this group vis-a-vis Israel, and given the delicacy of today's international situation, only the greatest prudence should be used.
Many other questions are also posed, but this is likely the decision maker.
President Obama tolerates Netanyahu, but a President Romney would kiss his ass.

LOL, Netanyahu is ten times the man that Obama is. He is just waiting for the amateur to be done fecking up the U.S. I bet that Bibi shakes his head and chuckles every time he thinks about how stupid many Americans were that voted for the Amateur. I am sure Bibi would welcome a Romney into office so things could begin to straighten out.
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Brigham Young’s great-great-granddaughter believes so.

A direct descendant of Brigham Young, Sue Emmett left the church because of the very values she says would make Romney a frightening president. She speaks exclusively with Jamie Reno.

Sue Emmett is Mormon royalty. Her great-great-grandfather was Brigham Young, the founder of Salt Lake City, first governor of Utah, and president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) from 1847 until his death in 1877.

Much More: Exclusive: Brigham Young’s Great-Great-Granddaughter on Mormonism and Mitt Romney

Yes, you should be worried. Romney says he is a Mormon but he's not. He's really a Muslim.
Brigham Young’s great-great-granddaughter believes so.

A direct descendant of Brigham Young, Sue Emmett left the church because of the very values she says would make Romney a frightening president. She speaks exclusively with Jamie Reno.

Sue Emmett is Mormon royalty. Her great-great-grandfather was Brigham Young, the founder of Salt Lake City, first governor of Utah, and president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) from 1847 until his death in 1877.

Much More: Exclusive: Brigham Young’s Great-Great-Granddaughter on Mormonism and Mitt Romney

No one seemed bothered about obamas religion/s. So why would anyone care about romneys?

You must be kidding, his religion/s are a constant source of criticism from the Right.
I was a kid when JFK ran for president. Also being Catholic, I couldn't understand why it was such a big deal that a Catholic wanted to be presdent. So what??

It makes no difference what religion our president is. We should only be concerned with his/her ability to run our country.
I think it IS on the table, Obamas religion sure was in 08, now that you guys have a crazy running on the republican ticket its now "off the table" "a private matter" so if thats the case why was Obama pushed to hard to "prove" he was a christian and also pushed on his ties to his minister?

When did Obama ever "prove" he was a Christian?

Why should he HAVE to prove that? More to the point, what's the standard.

Most of the evangelicals who support Romney because they hate the black guy don't consider you Mormons to be "Christians"... It's a really subjective standard, isn't it.

I submit there are no "Christians". Jesus would be totally embarrassed by the lot of you.

I never said he did have to. I am just asking when he did such a thing since the previous poster asserted it.

I submit that you dont know Jesus in the least and arent in a position to determine who He would be embarassed by him or not.
ROMNEY didnt pay taxes because he manipulated the tax code, and you guys love that he did that

Tonight he is going on live national tv and he will shoot, in the head until dead, 48 will love that too...

Except the evidence we have shows Romney DID pay taxes.

From a 1 year return? Bullshit.

Yeah. You see, crazy as it sounds, when you have evidence that he paid taxes, it overwhelmingly proves that it's a complete lie when you claim he didn't. He cant pay taxes at the same time as paying no taxes.
I never said he did have to. I am just asking when he did such a thing since the previous poster asserted it.

I submit that you dont know Jesus in the least and arent in a position to determine who He would be embarassed by him or not.

Are we talking about the Jesus that actually existed or the fanciful one who road Elephants in the Book of Mormon?

Fact is, Jesus's central message was never, "Tax Cuts for Rich People", which I know will come as a horrid shock to the Christian Right. Nor was he all obsessed about the gay thing. In fact, he never talked about it at all.

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