Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

I hope you say that about it being warmer. No shit it will be summer time.
Like all educated men, I expect it to get warmer in the summer. You seem to have a problem understanding that it gets colder in the winter. I learned that before eight years of age.
Like all educated men, I expect it to get warmer in the summer. You seem to have a problem understanding that it gets colder in the winter. I learned that before eight years of age.
So you agree that in summer, 3 more degrees is fine??
What a long winding pile of baloney the article is as there is NO increase in storminess, the Arctic decline has stopped after 2007, Increasing snowfall in Fall and Winter in last decade plus, significant decrease in major Tornadoes, on and on it goes,

The very first two comments made by scientists showed how faulty the article is really easily here is the second comment:


A crisis is anything you want to define as such. There is not an objective definition of a crisis.

“A crisis is any event or period that will lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, or all of society.”

With such a definition nearly anything can be made into a crisis.

“(2) We know, based on ice core data, that in post-industrialization times the carbon dioxide level in our atmosphere has already risen to a level that is unprecedented in more than 14 million years”

And we know that the place where it has been measured (Antarctica) should be 12 ºC warmer if the Pleistocene CO2-temperature relationship was kept. Yet Antarctica has warmed by 0.0 ºC. Such growing disparity casts serious doubts about the reality of the relationship. If it doesn’t hold today why should it be a causal relationship in the past?

“(7) We know, based on satellite observations, that Arctic sea ice is declining at a rate of about 12% per decade”

The per decade rate means nothing if it turns out that for the past 1.7 decades the decline rate has been 0%.


LOL why do leftists swallow the climate crisis bullshit so easily....... because they are stupid and ignorant.

Antarctica is warming and losing ice.
It has for 50 years.

How well do you know Antarctica? - Sustainability Math


The article Antarctica is colder than the Arctic – but it’s still losing ice by Michon Scott (3/121/19) is a detailed primer on Antarctica and it’s relation to climate change. Some basic facts about Antarctica:

Thanks to thick ice, Antarctic elevation averages more than 6,000 feet (more than a mile above sea level). The very highest parts of the ice sheet, near the center of East Antarctica, rival the height of its tallest mountains, at nearly 13,500 feet.
Antarctica’s interior gets so little precipitation that it counts among the world’s driest deserts. Air masses reaching the high-elevation interior are usually stripped of moisture. The U.S. Antarctic Program reports that, continent-wide, Antarctica receives an average of roughly 2 inches of precipitation per year. (Phoenix, Arizona, gets about 7.5 inches of annual precipitation.)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) synthesis report published in 2014 found a warming trend over Antarctica, but expressed low confidence that the warming was caused by human activities. In the late twentieth century, the ozone hole and its effects on air circulation may have partly shielded the continent from the global warming influence of greenhouse gas emissions. Continued success in addressing the ozone hole, along with fossil fuel emissions, may cause Antarctic temperatures to rise more rapidly in future decades.

West of the Antarctic Peninsula, measurements dating back to the 1950s show a strong warming trend in the upper ocean: nearly 2.7°F. Meanwhile, waters of the Arctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), far below the surface, have warmed faster than the rest of the global ocean. Between depths of 1,000 and 3,000 feet, ACC temperatures rose by 0.11°F per decade between the 1960s and the 2000s. Between the 1980s and 2013, ACC temperatures at those depths rose by 0.16°F per decade.
Antarctica is warming and losing ice.
It has for 50 years.

How well do you know Antarctica? - Sustainability Math


The article Antarctica is colder than the Arctic – but it’s still losing ice by Michon Scott (3/121/19) is a detailed primer on Antarctica and it’s relation to climate change. Some basic facts about Antarctica:

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) synthesis report published in 2014 found a warming trend over Antarctica, but expressed low confidence that the warming was caused by human activities. In the late twentieth century, the ozone hole and its effects on air circulation may have partly shielded the continent from the global warming influence of greenhouse gas emissions. Continued success in addressing the ozone hole, along with fossil fuel emissions, may cause Antarctic temperatures to rise more rapidly in future decades.

West of the Antarctic Peninsula, measurements dating back to the 1950s show a strong warming trend in the upper ocean: nearly 2.7°F. Meanwhile, waters of the Arctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), far below the surface, have warmed faster than the rest of the global ocean. Between depths of 1,000 and 3,000 feet, ACC temperatures rose by 0.11°F per decade between the 1960s and the 2000s. Between the 1980s and 2013, ACC temperatures at those depths rose by 0.16°F per decade.
Why ignore salient parts of your own article?

It does not say with a certainty it will harm us!

"Compared to the Arctic, Antarctica is responding less rapidly to climate change. Water’s melting point, 32°F, is a critical threshold for rapid change in polar regions, and only a small fraction of the snow on Antarctica’s miles-high ice sheet reaches that temperature in summer. Antarctica is also surrounded by a vast ocean, and it’s buffered by winds and weather patterns that tend to isolate it from large warm-air intrusions. Still, the frozen continent has become warmer, and has lost billions of tons of ice as a result. Its future responses to warming air and ocean could have worldwide consequences.

Could have does not mean it will have.
So you agree that in summer, 3 more degrees is fine??

The problem is not the changes between summer and winter, that average out.
The problem is that we have nearly double the carbon in the atmosphere, and carbon traps heat.
It does not let it radiate back out into space.
So then the whole planet will get hotter and hotter.
Even if we stopped adding carbon, it will keep accumulating solar heat.
We do not know already, at what temperature it will finally reach equilibrium and stop heating up.
If that is hot enough to evaporate all the frozen methane hydrate, then it may eventually get how enough to evaporate all liquid water on the planet.
And we all die.
That is what happened on Venus.
It is over 400 degrees F, all the time.
Why ignore salient parts of your own article?

It does not say with a certainty it will harm us!

"Compared to the Arctic, Antarctica is responding less rapidly to climate change. Water’s melting point, 32°F, is a critical threshold for rapid change in polar regions, and only a small fraction of the snow on Antarctica’s miles-high ice sheet reaches that temperature in summer. Antarctica is also surrounded by a vast ocean, and it’s buffered by winds and weather patterns that tend to isolate it from large warm-air intrusions. Still, the frozen continent has become warmer, and has lost billions of tons of ice as a result. Its future responses to warming air and ocean could have worldwide consequences.

Could have does not mean it will have.

The reason Antarctica is "responding less rapidly to climate change" is because it is more in the shade. The axis shifts to aim the north pole more at the sun, as it wobbles. But the south pole does not wobble and never points at the sun. The ice is also much thicker and older in the south pole, so there is a lot of thermal mass inertia to over come.

Sure we are only guessing, but we know gas changes have altered the climate in the past, and we are pretty sure carbon is the most significant factor. We can also duplicate it in miniature lab experiments. So the odds are it is real and will happen.

Nor is there any reason to not stop the carbon emissions. We are running out and they are getting too expensive anyway. The alternatives like hydrogen, bio fuels, etc. make more sense and can be sustained forever.
What does science tell us about a global 3 degrees more bob.

What science says about 3 degrees increase all the time, is about 30' increase in ocean levels.
That would wipe out most coastal cities.
The reason Antarctica is "responding less rapidly to climate change" is because it is more in the shade. The axis shifts to aim the north pole more at the sun, as it wobbles. But the south pole does not wobble and never points at the sun. The ice is also much thicker and older in the south pole, so there is a lot of thermal mass inertia to over come.

Sure we are only guessing, but we know gas changes have altered the climate in the past, and we are pretty sure carbon is the most significant factor. We can also duplicate it in miniature lab experiments. So the odds are it is real and will happen.

Nor is there any reason to not stop the carbon emissions. We are running out and they are getting too expensive anyway. The alternatives like hydrogen, bio fuels, etc. make more sense and can be sustained forever.
I am reporting that there are genuine Climate scientists who tell us not to be alarmed. We are experiencing what Earth has for its life.
What science says about 3 degrees increase all the time, is about 30' increase in ocean levels.
That would wipe out most coastal cities.
I just checked the Azores Islands and it is not experiencing rising ocean levels. And none of their cities have been wiped out. Why don't you check the Galapagos Islands to see what they lost?
The problem is not the changes between summer and winter, that average out.
The problem is that we have nearly double the carbon in the atmosphere, and carbon traps heat.
It does not let it radiate back out into space.
So then the whole planet will get hotter and hotter.
Even if we stopped adding carbon, it will keep accumulating solar heat.
We do not know already, at what temperature it will finally reach equilibrium and stop heating up.
If that is hot enough to evaporate all the frozen methane hydrate, then it may eventually get how enough to evaporate all liquid water on the planet.
And we all die.
That is what happened on Venus.
It is over 400 degrees F, all the time.
Lets try to experiment with Carbon Dioxide.
First we define how much.

The system to measure it is parts per million.

So examine a million.

Then try to say dollars, a million dollars.
Carbon Dioxide is reported to have been say 200 ppm 100 years back. And today a bit over 400 ppm. So say it doubled. Still this is tiny. Very very tiny. And as molecules, virtually invisible. If one could see gas.

Now a rich man encounters two people. To one he hands the party 200 dollars. The other he hands a million dollars.

Who do you think escaped poverty?

A lot of laymen make hay about a tiny amount of a gas. I believe seriously it is very overblown and is why scientists tell us not to be alarmed over this tiny amount.

I am a pilot. I have seen humans get so scared over a thousand feet up that it amazes me. They have been that high in high mountains. But inside the plane they act as if they will fall straight down immediately. Humans also believe in wild ass things. I do not go by that crap.
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