Should we be sympathetic for Trump Voters who are getting screwed over?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.
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We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Dean, give me some help here. I keep hearing 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. So are they telling me that all the companies that have moved manufacturing jobs to foreign countries like Mexico and China did so to run automated facilities? No, they went there because they can hire people for $2-$3 per hour with no benefits. If those companies stayed here, Americans would be working them.
We DID lose a lot of jobs to globalization.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

It's their own damn fault putting their faith into that useless orangutan. Why would they ever think Social Security and their healthcare were safe under Trump? They are as dumb as he is apparently.
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We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Hell no. You reap what you sow..

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Dean, give me some help here. I keep hearing 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. So are they telling me that all the companies that have moved manufacturing jobs to foreign countries like Mexico and China did so to run automated facilities? No, they went there because they can hire people for $2-$3 per hour with no benefits. If those companies stayed here, Americans would be working them.
We DID lose a lot of jobs to globalization.

The off shore manufacturing is automated also. Trump's companies use off shore manufacturing. Companies will manufacturer in the USA if they can be competitive. Automation allows them to be competitive and manufacture in the USA.
People talk a good game about supporting US workers but when it comes to spending money they go with the best value.
" I will repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One with SOMETHING BETTER, and all people will be covered."

Trumpcare: 22 million won't be covered.

Supporters..., yeaaaaaaa oh wait.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

They will not be the first people that Trump and his family have conned. But like all others conned, they will pay the price.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Dean, give me some help here. I keep hearing 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. So are they telling me that all the companies that have moved manufacturing jobs to foreign countries like Mexico and China did so to run automated facilities? No, they went there because they can hire people for $2-$3 per hour with no benefits. If those companies stayed here, Americans would be working them.
We DID lose a lot of jobs to globalization.

The off shore manufacturing is automated also. Trump's companies use off shore manufacturing. Companies will manufacturer in the USA if they can be competitive. Automation allows them to be competitive and manufacture in the USA.
People talk a good game about supporting US workers but when it comes to spending money they go with the best value.

Automation allows them to be competitive and manufacture in the USA.
Then why did they move to Mexico and China etc.?

People talk a good game about supporting US workers but when it comes to spending money they go with the best value.
Of course.

All things being equal, though, US workers have priced themselves out of the market, and the days of a man with nothing but a high school education supporting a wife and a handful of kids in a modest home are over. Those were special times. It ain't that way now.
just like the obama and bush diehards,the trump diehards will do the same as those people did.....

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Dean, give me some help here. I keep hearing 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. So are they telling me that all the companies that have moved manufacturing jobs to foreign countries like Mexico and China did so to run automated facilities? No, they went there because they can hire people for $2-$3 per hour with no benefits. If those companies stayed here, Americans would be working them.
We DID lose a lot of jobs to globalization.

This article says 85%.

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More recent estimate put the percentage closer to 87%.

Remember, we are talking about millions of jobs.

From the article: This is not to say that trade with China and other countries has not contributed to job losses. Research by the Ball State University found that 13 per cent of the overall job losses in manufacturing had resulted from trade.

The Long-Term Jobs Killer Is Not China. It’s Automation.

And it's not just manufacturing. This is an automated dairy farm:


The entire fixture is rotated. Electronic eyes find the cow's teats and automatically hook up milking devices. There are scanners to check for blood and feces and illnesses. Very few people are needed.

This is the future.

Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Even coal mining jobs are being automated and only existing technology is being used.

Think nothing is made in America? Output has doubled in three decades


Surprising Fact No. 1: Manufacturing is the largest and most dynamic sector of the U.S. economy.

Republicans complain that by taxing these companies, we are not being fair to them. They are making money hand over fist. And letting workers go. This income disparity is not good for the country and will eventually lead to revolution. We have seen massive income disparity do that throughout history. We should know better, but greed talks.

And you think China is safe? China is making a million robots to replace workers making $173 a month. We certainly can never compete with those low wages.

So, how do you combat that? By education. But Republicans cut education. Someone even posted a study that shows Republicans think higher education is a waste. You can't fight the ignorance of these people. You have to outlast them and hope they don't infect their children.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Dean, give me some help here. I keep hearing 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. So are they telling me that all the companies that have moved manufacturing jobs to foreign countries like Mexico and China did so to run automated facilities? No, they went there because they can hire people for $2-$3 per hour with no benefits. If those companies stayed here, Americans would be working them.
We DID lose a lot of jobs to globalization.

The off shore manufacturing is automated also. Trump's companies use off shore manufacturing. Companies will manufacturer in the USA if they can be competitive. Automation allows them to be competitive and manufacture in the USA.
People talk a good game about supporting US workers but when it comes to spending money they go with the best value.

Automation allows them to be competitive and manufacture in the USA.
Then why did they move to Mexico and China etc.?

People talk a good game about supporting US workers but when it comes to spending money they go with the best value.
Of course.

All things being equal, though, US workers have priced themselves out of the market, and the days of a man with nothing but a high school education supporting a wife and a handful of kids in a modest home are over. Those were special times. It ain't that way now.

And education is the bottom line.

There are all kinds of education. And there are all kinds of jobs. Some jobs can't be automated. Electrician, plumber, carpenter, technician, machinist, all requiring a relatively low level of education compared to say, a doctorate. But still requiring an apprenticeship. Republicans want to cut funding for that. Trump wants to cut funding for that. For them it's all about greed. They just want tax cuts for the rich and to get rid of minimum wage. We all know that's their priorities. So why does the most affected, the GOP base, keep voting for people who are ruining their lives? It's simple. It's all about race. The GOP is 90% white and the leadership understands how to play race politics better than anyone.
News flash for you myopic circle jerking partisan twits...

The whole country is getting screwed, not just the Trumplodytes who voted for the guy.
Yes. If you believe yourself be a liberal, or a Christian of course you should be sympathetic. We all know someone who has been conned. Of course you sympathize and some maybe even empathize. (Of course my sympathy does not extend to those that voted for him for his racist rhetoric)

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