Should we be sympathetic for Trump Voters who are getting screwed over?

I will reserve my sympathies for those on the left who still can't get over the butthurt of their chosen one losing.
News flash for you myopic circle jerking partisan twits...

The whole country is getting screwed, not just the Trumplodytes who voted for the guy.
We know. But Trump minions are getting it the worst.
Yes. If you believe yourself be a liberal, or a Christian of course you should be sympathetic. We all know someone who has been conned. Of course you sympathize and some maybe even empathize. (Of course my sympathy does not extend to those that voted for him for his racist rhetoric)
There are two kinds of Christian in America today.

There is the Traditional Christian who would never see a serial adulterer as a role model for their children. They would want the sick healed. They wouldn't be racist. They wouldn't put billionaires above the country.

Then there are Republican right wing so called Christians. Who complain that poor people and sick people cost too much. It's not my responsibility. They worship the rich. They have an entire list of people they hate and see serial pu$$y grabber Trump as a terrific role model for their children.
Subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking, sore-loser, butt-hurt, obstructionist snowflakes are becoming more triggered every day as their schemes to get rid of Trump continue to fail - after their worst candidate in US history got her ass beat...again...and this snowflake asks if they should feel sympathy for the WINNERS....

I think you should concentrate on soothing your own butthurt. Trump supporters are satisfied as are Americans.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Hell no. You reap what you sow..

Would you be just as charitable toward the slum slut who keeps popping out bastards after bastards for a welfare check? and free health care? And no contribution to society? And marching for BLM?

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Hell no. You reap what you sow..

Would you be just as charitable toward the slum slut who keeps popping out bastards after bastards for a welfare check? and free health care? And no contribution to society? And marching for BLM?

Are you talking about poor whites in Appalachia?
Yes. If you believe yourself be a liberal, or a Christian of course you should be sympathetic. We all know someone who has been conned. Of course you sympathize and some maybe even empathize. (Of course my sympathy does not extend to those that voted for him for his racist rhetoric)
But it is cruel to enable them to continue with their else would they learn?
Yes. If you believe yourself be a liberal, or a Christian of course you should be sympathetic. We all know someone who has been conned. Of course you sympathize and some maybe even empathize. (Of course my sympathy does not extend to those that voted for him for his racist rhetoric)
But it is cruel to enable them to continue with their else would they learn?

Suffering under Trump "learns" them plenty I think.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

Each day liberal nut jobs try to outdo each other with circle jerk questions. I'll let you know what I think about President Trump eight years from now.

We know the GOP healthcare bill's popularity is at around 16%. That means there are lots of Republicans who are against it and Trump wants it passed.

The majority of those losing their healthcare will probably be Trump voters.

We know 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back. Yet, Trump voters believe they will. They are already wrong. Automated jobs don't "come back".

Millions put their faith in him. We know what's coming. Should we be sympathetic? Remember how many voted for and supported Bush. Then after Iraq and the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts and the millions of jobs lost, they won't let Bush anywhere near their convention. Even Trump calls him a loser. Should we have been sympathetic with them? They were warned.

When ever you start a post with "we know..." I don't read another word. I don't think you really know anything about this.
Subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking, sore-loser, butt-hurt, obstructionist snowflakes are becoming more triggered every day as their schemes to get rid of Trump continue to fail - after their worst candidate in US history got her ass beat...again...and this snowflake asks if they should feel sympathy for the WINNERS....

I would not support enabling you if and when you find out that trump has screwed you over. It wouldn't be good for you.
Politics aren't important enough to me to serve as any basis for offering sympathy. I hope and pray for good things for America because when things are going well, we're especially good at helping others.

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