Should we decentralize the U.S. government?

This is a great idea.....spread out the assholes in the bureaucracy.....

we already have ,,,its called the 10th amendment,,,
The 10th amendment is practically dead compared to the power the founders intended to give it.
might be dead to you but in the real world it still exists,,,
no. no. no. I am all for the 10th amendment. My point is that the federal government has expanded its powers well beyond what should be allowed by the 10th amendment.
if thats the case,, which it is,, the solution is simple,,,

restore the 10th A and be done with it,,,
no reason to reinvent the wheel,,,
Once the federal government has taken power, it is almost impossible for that power to be taken back.
doesnt mean we dont try or that we should do something stupid like rewrite the constitution,,,

and its the dems and repubes that have violated it not the government,,,
What specifically are you going to try?
for starters not voting for dems or repubes ,,,

what about you???
I voted 3rd party for the last presidential election. However, third party candidates rarely get any traction in elections. The MSM always focuses on the democrats and republicans.
OK ,,, your point??
Goodluck trying to change anything by not voting for the two main parties. Unless you can convince a majority of voters to do the same, it will be an exercise in futility.
better than giving up and letting them get away with their crimes,,,

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