Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

the document doesn't know it's classification. Hillary was secretary of state, a senator, is currently running for the highest office in the land and doesn't know if document is classified (or should be) to me is hilarious.
You can encrypt a doc till the cows come home that doesn't change that "hillary" is to dumb to be president
the document doesn't know it's classification. Hillary was secretary of state, a senator, is currently running for the highest office in the land and doesn't know if document is classified (or should be) to me is hilarious.
You can encrypt a doc till the cows come home that doesn't change that "hillary" is to dumb to be president

Sometimes, the document becomes classified further up the chain. And if a document isn't marked, the classification is considered to be unclassified.
Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me
the document doesn't know it's classification. Hillary was secretary of state, a senator, is currently running for the highest office in the land and doesn't know if document is classified (or should be) to me is hilarious.
You can encrypt a doc till the cows come home that doesn't change that "hillary" is to dumb to be president

Sometimes, the document becomes classified further up the chain. And if a document isn't marked, the classification is considered to be unclassified.
and I bet if hillary was prez and trey gowdy asked for that very document hillary's black magic marker would be all over that sucker.
Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run
"Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?"

Your ignorance is exceeded only by your stupidity, as you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
"Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?"

Your ignorance is exceeded only by your stupidity, as you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Well you certainly picked up the rope didn't ya.
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.

Swing voters like myself already know Fox News righties hate Hillary. I'm not voting for her in any case...but you Hillary and Obama haters have got to think like people who haven't already accepted your hatred for them
Sorry, but ALL classified material is marked, both at the top and the bottom, and is sometimes stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot even be shared with our allies.

If a document is unmarked, it is considered to be unclassified. Sometimes, in the message traffic, unclassified documents will be marked as unclassified both top and bottom.

If the document was not marked, then it was not classified. If it was marked, it is classified, regardless of the information in it. If it contains sensitive information, it must be marked at the time of transmission, but, sometimes the information is deemed to be sensitive at a level different than the person who sent it.

How do I know about classified documents? I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years.
How many classified documents are emailed everyday, that shouldn't have been emailed?

Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just curious if that happens a lot

When you email classified or confidential information you can use encryption techniques so that only the receiver can read it.

If it was received by Hillary without being sent encrypted it was not confidential or classified at that time.

That makes no sense. You CAN use encryption techniques, does not mean the sender on a private server did encrypt it or even had the capability to do so.
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.
Not so.... The fact she broke the law is enough.

But that is a unique defense. I bet if you fight your next speeding ticket by telling the judge you didn't kill anybody, you'll score some major points.
Sorry, but ALL classified material is marked, both at the top and the bottom, and is sometimes stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot even be shared with our allies.

If a document is unmarked, it is considered to be unclassified. Sometimes, in the message traffic, unclassified documents will be marked as unclassified both top and bottom.

If the document was not marked, then it was not classified. If it was marked, it is classified, regardless of the information in it. If it contains sensitive information, it must be marked at the time of transmission, but, sometimes the information is deemed to be sensitive at a level different than the person who sent it.

How do I know about classified documents? I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years.
How many classified documents are emailed everyday, that shouldn't have been emailed?

Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just curious if that happens a lot

When you email classified or confidential information you can use encryption techniques so that only the receiver can read it.

If it was received by Hillary without being sent encrypted it was not confidential or classified at that time.

That makes no sense. You CAN use encryption techniques, does not mean the sender on a private server did encrypt it or even had the capability to do so.
See...this quibbling is going to make this issue about as outrageous as going five miles an hour over the speed limit, or not stopping completely for a stop sign.

And that's my point.

We need to see damages, not just outrage.

There was a little old retired man in the town I grew up in...who would sit in his driveway at a 4 way stop, and write down the license plates of cars that didn't come to a complete stop. He was outraged about it, but when he turned that list into the police once a week, they'd smile, and round file it when he left
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.
Not so.... The fact she broke the law is enough.

But that is a unique defense. I bet if you fight your next speeding ticket by telling the judge you didn't kill anybody, you'll score some major points.
See post #31
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.
Not so.... The fact she broke the law is enough.

But that is a unique defense. I bet if you fight your next speeding ticket by telling the judge you didn't kill anybody, you'll score some major points.
See post #31
So you're stupid. When someone' s prosecuted for breaking the law, they're prosecuted for just that - BREAKING THE LAW!!!

So, did it hurt when you fell off the short bus????
Sorry, but ALL classified material is marked, both at the top and the bottom, and is sometimes stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot even be shared with our allies.

If a document is unmarked, it is considered to be unclassified. Sometimes, in the message traffic, unclassified documents will be marked as unclassified both top and bottom.

If the document was not marked, then it was not classified. If it was marked, it is classified, regardless of the information in it. If it contains sensitive information, it must be marked at the time of transmission, but, sometimes the information is deemed to be sensitive at a level different than the person who sent it.

How do I know about classified documents? I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years.
How many classified documents are emailed everyday, that shouldn't have been emailed?

Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just curious if that happens a lot

When you email classified or confidential information you can use encryption techniques so that only the receiver can read it.

If it was received by Hillary without being sent encrypted it was not confidential or classified at that time.

That makes no sense. You CAN use encryption techniques, does not mean the sender on a private server did encrypt it or even had the capability to do so.
Sorry, but ALL classified material is marked, both at the top and the bottom, and is sometimes stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot even be shared with our allies.

If a document is unmarked, it is considered to be unclassified. Sometimes, in the message traffic, unclassified documents will be marked as unclassified both top and bottom.

If the document was not marked, then it was not classified. If it was marked, it is classified, regardless of the information in it. If it contains sensitive information, it must be marked at the time of transmission, but, sometimes the information is deemed to be sensitive at a level different than the person who sent it.

How do I know about classified documents? I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years.
How many classified documents are emailed everyday, that shouldn't have been emailed?

Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just curious if that happens a lot

If your office is running right, never. I never had a single security incident, nor were there ever any security incidents at any command that I ever worked at, because we made sure we followed all the rules concerning classified information. I said..................there IS a possibility that you can send a document that doesn't contain classified information (at least at your level), but later, when it goes further up the chain, they can determine it to be classified if they think it can lead to other things, and then messages are sent to tell everyone that the document is now classified are sent.

If Hillary didn't know the information was classified at the time she did the e-mails (it happens once in a while), she's in the clear. However, if it can be proven that she knew prior to sending it that the information in it was classified, she's screwed.

That does make sense if I remember the briefings I got on handling of documents in the USAF when I was cleared for Top Secret. That was quite a few years ago before e-mails were invented. The problem as I see it is Hillary and her close associates didn't go by the rules that other government employees were required to follow. Using a private server to send government documents without encrypting them and not knowing the classification of said documents was at the least stupid and at the most criminal. If she didn't know that, she should have.
Sorry, but ALL classified material is marked, both at the top and the bottom, and is sometimes stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot even be shared with our allies.

If a document is unmarked, it is considered to be unclassified. Sometimes, in the message traffic, unclassified documents will be marked as unclassified both top and bottom.

If the document was not marked, then it was not classified. If it was marked, it is classified, regardless of the information in it. If it contains sensitive information, it must be marked at the time of transmission, but, sometimes the information is deemed to be sensitive at a level different than the person who sent it.

How do I know about classified documents? I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years.
How many classified documents are emailed everyday, that shouldn't have been emailed?

Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just curious if that happens a lot

When you email classified or confidential information you can use encryption techniques so that only the receiver can read it.

If it was received by Hillary without being sent encrypted it was not confidential or classified at that time.

That makes no sense. You CAN use encryption techniques, does not mean the sender on a private server did encrypt it or even had the capability to do so.
See...this quibbling is going to make this issue about as outrageous as going five miles an hour over the speed limit, or not stopping completely for a stop sign.

And that's my point.

We need to see damages, not just outrage.

There was a little old retired man in the town I grew up in...who would sit in his driveway at a 4 way stop, and write down the license plates of cars that didn't come to a complete stop. He was outraged about it, but when he turned that list into the police once a week, they'd smile, and round file it when he left

I guess we could ask the Russians or the Chinese if they hacked Hillary's private server.
You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
They were marked
They weren't marked

Doesn't matter to me. If I were at the level supposedly hillarys' at I would know what a top secret document looked like
This gal didn't even go back to the source and say,"Hey this looks pretty sensitive, should it be floating around like this?"

Secretary of state, former senator, and she doesn't know what a secret document looks like. Sorry sugar, you won't get any slack from me
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.
Not so.... The fact she broke the law is enough.

But that is a unique defense. I bet if you fight your next speeding ticket by telling the judge you didn't kill anybody, you'll score some major points.
See post #31
So you're stupid. When someone' s prosecuted for breaking the law, they're prosecuted for just that - BREAKING THE LAW!!!

So, did it hurt when you fell off the short bus????
Are you that neighbor I used to have that would write down license plates on people who California stopped at his 4 way intersection?
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.
Not so.... The fact she broke the law is enough.

But that is a unique defense. I bet if you fight your next speeding ticket by telling the judge you didn't kill anybody, you'll score some major points.
See post #31
So you're stupid. When someone' s prosecuted for breaking the law, they're prosecuted for just that - BREAKING THE LAW!!!

So, did it hurt when you fell off the short bus????
Are you that neighbor I used to have that would write down license plates on people who California stopped at his 4 way intersection?
Nope, but I'm wondering why you keep bring that up.

Were YOU running that stop sign????
Sorry, but ALL classified material is marked, both at the top and the bottom, and is sometimes stamped "NOFORN", meaning that it cannot even be shared with our allies.

If a document is unmarked, it is considered to be unclassified. Sometimes, in the message traffic, unclassified documents will be marked as unclassified both top and bottom.

If the document was not marked, then it was not classified. If it was marked, it is classified, regardless of the information in it. If it contains sensitive information, it must be marked at the time of transmission, but, sometimes the information is deemed to be sensitive at a level different than the person who sent it.

How do I know about classified documents? I was a U.S. Navy Personnelman for over 20 years.
How many classified documents are emailed everyday, that shouldn't have been emailed?

Not trying to pick a fight, I'm just curious if that happens a lot

When you email classified or confidential information you can use encryption techniques so that only the receiver can read it.

If it was received by Hillary without being sent encrypted it was not confidential or classified at that time.

That makes no sense. You CAN use encryption techniques, does not mean the sender on a private server did encrypt it or even had the capability to do so.
See...this quibbling is going to make this issue about as outrageous as going five miles an hour over the speed limit, or not stopping completely for a stop sign.

And that's my point.

We need to see damages, not just outrage.

There was a little old retired man in the town I grew up in...who would sit in his driveway at a 4 way stop, and write down the license plates of cars that didn't come to a complete stop. He was outraged about it, but when he turned that list into the police once a week, they'd smile, and round file it when he left

I guess we could ask the Russians or the Chinese if they hacked Hillary's private server.
From what I hear...the Russians and the Chinese hack everything.

I can't remember who, or even if they were righty media or lefty media, but somebody said the Chinese were more likely to hack the server she was supposed to use.

Not that Hillary knew that...just sayin
Ya know....not only does the GOP need to produce proof that Hillary knew a certain email was classified, and sent it anyway, on her personal email...

The GOP must also prove that what she did was damaging.

Not just potentially damaging, or harmfull, but actualy damaging in order to be compelling to people who don't watch Fox News.
Not so.... The fact she broke the law is enough.

But that is a unique defense. I bet if you fight your next speeding ticket by telling the judge you didn't kill anybody, you'll score some major points.
See post #31
So you're stupid. When someone' s prosecuted for breaking the law, they're prosecuted for just that - BREAKING THE LAW!!!

So, did it hurt when you fell off the short bus????
Are you that neighbor I used to have that would write down license plates on people who California stopped at his 4 way intersection?
Nope, but I'm wondering why you keep bring that up.

Were YOU running that stop sign????
I'm trying to say that everybody has broken the law at one point.

Maybe you drank before you were 21.

Maybe you drove 60 miles an hour in 55 zone today.

Maybe you had sex before you were 18.

What I'm trying to find out, is if what Hillary did, deserves the outrage righty media is telling me I should have...or if this thing happens 50 gazzillion times a day anyway

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