Should we elect a person who doesnt know what a classified document looks like if they receive one?

A subsequent joint statement by Mr. McCullough and Mr. Linick said: “These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC Classification officials, that information remains classified today.”
At a March press conference, Mrs. Clinton asserted she “fully complied with every rule” in maintaining her private server for official business.
But the joint IG statement said she did not follow the rules. “This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” the two said.

read it and weep leftard
A subsequent joint statement by Mr. McCullough and Mr. Linick said: “These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC Classification officials, that information remains classified today.”
At a March press conference, Mrs. Clinton asserted she “fully complied with every rule” in maintaining her private server for official business.
But the joint IG statement said she did not follow the rules. “This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” the two said.

read it and weep leftard

Again no law cited. A rule is not the same as a law and does not carry the same weight. You're raving now and are not doing a good job of it.
A subsequent joint statement by Mr. McCullough and Mr. Linick said: “These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC Classification officials, that information remains classified today.”
At a March press conference, Mrs. Clinton asserted she “fully complied with every rule” in maintaining her private server for official business.
But the joint IG statement said she did not follow the rules. “This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” the two said.

read it and weep leftard

Whomever sent the classified emails is the party who is responsible, not the recipient of the email.

Unless you can establish that Hillary was the originator of the classified email she hasn't broken any laws.
A subsequent joint statement by Mr. McCullough and Mr. Linick said: “These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC Classification officials, that information remains classified today.”
At a March press conference, Mrs. Clinton asserted she “fully complied with every rule” in maintaining her private server for official business.
But the joint IG statement said she did not follow the rules. “This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” the two said.

read it and weep leftard

Whomever sent the classified emails is the party who is responsible, not the recipient of the email.

Unless you can establish that Hillary was the originator of the classified email she hasn't broken any laws.

She kept and stored highly classified material on a non-government unsecured personal server.

Patraeus kept documents locked in a safe in his house and got convicted. You tell me which is worse?
A subsequent joint statement by Mr. McCullough and Mr. Linick said: “These emails were not retroactively classified by the State Department; rather these emails contained classified information when they were generated and, according to IC Classification officials, that information remains classified today.”
At a March press conference, Mrs. Clinton asserted she “fully complied with every rule” in maintaining her private server for official business.
But the joint IG statement said she did not follow the rules. “This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system,” the two said.

read it and weep leftard

Whomever sent the classified emails is the party who is responsible, not the recipient of the email.

Unless you can establish that Hillary was the originator of the classified email she hasn't broken any laws.

She kept and stored highly classified material on a non-government unsecured personal server.

Patraeus kept documents locked in a safe in his house and got convicted. You tell me which is worse?

In this country you have to have evidence of a crime before you are charged. There is no Clinton evidence of wrongdoing no matter how many times you say it is so.
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!

TYpo. Big deal. Iraq was the losers quest.

You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run
You seem a little confused there.... We were in a war with IRAN?????

Did Obozo forget to tell us?????
You seem to be a little mixed up with who was president that put us into the war with I R A N! Remember the Constitution and what it says about a president and war.
Come on now, play by the rules and look it up and tell us.

Hell, if you remember correctly, the last republican president couldn't tell the difference between real intelligence information and fake ones.
He couldn't even tell the difference between a locked door and a closed door.

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
niether could the democrats, but they've been able to cut and run

We have not been in a shooting war with Iran although when they invaded the US Embassy and held Americans hostage it was an act of war. Jimmy Carter was the President and didn't have the nads to take them on.

TYPO! You meant Iraq instead of Iran. Isn't that the the war that Senators Clinton and Kerry voted for? And it has absolutely nothing to do with the OP thread.
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
It was in her own emails, dumbass...

It hope you didn't mind the pic..... I figured you would find pictures easier to understand.
Last edited:
My post was about the last president that didn't have a clue. You know. gwb.

Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
Hey stupid facker. see we can all play that name game.
It was gwb and his people that didn't know what the f*ck they were doing.
Deal with it.

Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
It was in her own emails, dumbass...
View attachment 47382

It hope you didn't mind the pic..... I figured you would find pictures easier to understand.
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
It was in her own emails, dumbass...
View attachment 47382

It hope you didn't mind the pic..... I figured you would find pictures easier to understand.

Her own personal email. You're trying to tell me that its against the law for you to erase your own email now?
According to Judge Naplitano Clinton could face charges. It will depend on if the Govt wants to press charges.

Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down with Martha MacCallum to go over the two potential criminal investigations that the former First Lady could face.

1. The less serious possibility is an investigation similar to what was brought against Gen. David Petraeus, who pleaded guilty this week for keeping classified documents in an unsecured location. The judge explained that in Mrs. Clinton's case, she kept classified secrets on a home server that was not secured by the government. Napolitano said there's no way Clinton did not have classified material on her home server, since she held the same security clearance as the president. That would only be a misdemeanor charge, however.

2. Napolitano said the far more serious charge would be a conspiracy to "conceal documents from government computers," which carries a penalty of three years in jail per document. A conviction on that charge would disqualify her from holding public office again.

MacCallum asked whether anyone will actually get a hold of these documents through the committee's subpoena. Napolitano pointed out that in Petraeus' case, the FBI went in with a search warrant.

"When you subpoena, you don't know if you get everything," he said.

Napolitano said right now the legal consequences for Clinton are hypothetical, since the government would need to decide to prosecute her.

"If somebody prosecutes her, the consequences are grave for her political future," said Napolitano.

He said, essentially, Clinton turned the Federal Records Act "on its head."

"She kept the documents, she decided which ones were governmental, gave them to the government and kept her own," said Napolitano.

Clinton tweeted last night that she wants her emails to be released.

Of course they have to find something to prosecute her for and then make a decision about whether to prosecute or not.

Wonder if Petreus got the same deal???
My post was about the last president that didn't have a clue. You know. gwb.

Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.

Sorry boilermaker 55, I apologize for the error.
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
It was in her own emails, dumbass...
View attachment 47382

It hope you didn't mind the pic..... I figured you would find pictures easier to understand.

Her own personal email. You're trying to tell me that its against the law for you to erase your own email now?
It's illegal to destroy government records, and we know she did....

I loved the day Sidney ratted her out on that one!!!!!
According to Judge Naplitano Clinton could face charges. It will depend on if the Govt wants to press charges.

Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down with Martha MacCallum to go over the two potential criminal investigations that the former First Lady could face.

1. The less serious possibility is an investigation similar to what was brought against Gen. David Petraeus, who pleaded guilty this week for keeping classified documents in an unsecured location. The judge explained that in Mrs. Clinton's case, she kept classified secrets on a home server that was not secured by the government. Napolitano said there's no way Clinton did not have classified material on her home server, since she held the same security clearance as the president. That would only be a misdemeanor charge, however.

2. Napolitano said the far more serious charge would be a conspiracy to "conceal documents from government computers," which carries a penalty of three years in jail per document. A conviction on that charge would disqualify her from holding public office again.

MacCallum asked whether anyone will actually get a hold of these documents through the committee's subpoena. Napolitano pointed out that in Petraeus' case, the FBI went in with a search warrant.

"When you subpoena, you don't know if you get everything," he said.

Napolitano said right now the legal consequences for Clinton are hypothetical, since the government would need to decide to prosecute her.

"If somebody prosecutes her, the consequences are grave for her political future," said Napolitano.

Of course they have to find something to prosecute her for and then make a decision about whether to prosecute or not.

Wonder if Petreus got the same deal???

He said, essentially, Clinton turned the Federal Records Act "on its head."

"She kept the documents, she decided which ones were governmental, gave them to the government and kept her own," said Napolitano.

Clinton tweeted last night that she wants her emails to be released.

Judge Napolitano is no different from the other screwballs trying to make something out of nothing. There is no evidence in this case, Her emails were deleted. If Trey Gowdy can reproduce a Top Secret email that was deliberately erased there may be a case before the law. Not having that critical piece of evidence is going to make this whole thing go away.
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
It was in her own emails, dumbass...
View attachment 47382

It hope you didn't mind the pic..... I figured you would find pictures easier to understand.

Her own personal email. You're trying to tell me that its against the law for you to erase your own email now?
It's illegal to destroy government records, and we know she did....

I loved the day Sidney ratted her out on that one!!!!!

Show the proof that she did that. She destroyed her personal email and that is not a crime.
Leftard spin doesn't matter. Hillary is in deep trouble. Even the idiots on the left understand that. Hence, the sudden draft Joe Biden talk.

The left is full of liars and bullshit artists. Don't believe the lie. :)
Yes but it does have something to do with the thread. Question. "Should we elect a person who doesn't know what classified documents look like if they received one?"
My response was completely relevant to the question regarding electing a president.
Thank you.
And with regards to your statement about the 2 democratic senators, who has the final decision in sending our troops to war?
The President!
If you have evidence that Hillary Clinton knowingly handled classified material and not an intern or an aide, present it now, otherwise it is just an attempt to smear her good name.
It was in her own emails, dumbass...
View attachment 47382

It hope you didn't mind the pic..... I figured you would find pictures easier to understand.

Her own personal email. You're trying to tell me that its against the law for you to erase your own email now?
It's illegal to destroy government records, and we know she did....

I loved the day Sidney ratted her out on that one!!!!!

Show the proof that she did that. She destroyed her personal email and that is not a crime.
So Sidney pulled 15 work-related emails out of his ass and gave them to Congress??? That's quite a trick, isn't it????
If she had played by the rules and used the government e-mail system she and we would know if they were hacked...just sayin.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.
If she had played by the rules and used the government e-mail system she and we would know if they were hacked...just sayin.
Who plays by the rules when you're driving to work?

Who observes these rules in the state dept

I'm tickled by how some people who want less government regulation and bureaucratic red tape, insist on minute regulations being observed 100% of the this case.

I'm hearing too many people tell me I should be outraged without telling me what harm was caused?

I could be outraged at myself for having sex with my 17 year old high school sweetheart, because I turned 18 2 months before she did. That's breaking the law too

None of that petty nonsense has anything to do with violating rules and regulations that are enacted to protect the security of classified government documents. There is a reason to keep US plans and operations secret from our enemies and adversaries.

Your attempt to deflect is silly if not stupid.
You haven't even proved that Hillary violated any rules and regulations enacted to protect the security of classified government documents.

You just hope they'll find she did.

Of course she didnt violate any rules or regulations unless these count.

"Second, the Federal Records Act [on the books since 1950], mandates that the head of each federal agency shall provide for “(1) effective controls over the creation and over the maintenance and use of records in the conduct of current business;(2) cooperation with the Administrator of General Services and the Archivist in applying standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records, promote the maintenance and security of records deemed appropriate for preservation, and facilitate the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value.”

The Secretary of State was responsible for all of the Department’s records. Yet she failed to preserve even her own."

Analysis of the State Department Emails in Hillary Clinton s Possession and Much More FRINFORMSUM 3 5 2015 UNREDACTED
And if we find some of these emails, we will see why she ignored the request to turn over the server, what she was hiding when she erased all of those emails and which laws were broken at that time.

We have an assortment of charges waiting:

--obstruction of justice (erasing emails)
--obstruction of justice (wiping server clean)
--mishandling sensitive material (using a private server for sensitive documents_
--intentional conflict of interest ( Donations from foreign countries for 'Clinton Foundation.)
--obstruction of justice (Benghazi emails erased - which was the original intent of cleaning the server)
Go ahead and prove them.

I'd like to charge you with being a parrot. And that's self evident
Leftard spin doesn't matter. Hillary is in deep trouble. Even the idiots on the left understand that. Hence, the sudden draft Joe Biden talk.

The left is full of liars and bullshit artists. Don't believe the lie. :)

No group lies more than those on the right. We've been here before many times and each time the right runs away like the cowards they are, You have to have evidence in this country and so far not a single one of you has presented anything that one could honestly derive as fact. Put up or shut up.

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