Should we end birth right citizenship?

Only about 20 percent of countries in the world automatically grant citizenship to those born in their borders, according to data from the CIA World Factbook.

Lawmaker opposed to birthright citizenship tries again in Trump era

Interesting. Australia, Armenia, Austria, the Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, China, Columbia, Denmark, and through the rest of the alphabet, the majority of countries in this world don't grant citizenship by birth.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Since when has US policy and law been based on a fucking popularity contest?
Feel free to start working on removing the 14th Amendment. Our founding fathers in their wisdom left us a system for changing the Constitution.

Good luck getting 75% of the states to agree to anything.

The current abuse was based on a crap court ruling.

Just reverse that crap ruling and we are good to go.

Way too late of course.

But what they hell, got nothing better to do than try.
IMHO, it would be more likely to amend the constitution than to reverse the ruling.

I hope you are wrong, because Amending the Constitution is not going to happen.

A reversal of a crap ruling, should take nothing but a Right leaning court.

But too many of Republican appointees, respect even crap precedent.

And by 'crap precedent' you mean you just disagree with the Court going with the actual words of the Constitution.

I said what I meant. It was a crap ruling.

Address that, or run along.

Yes- your opinion is just a crap opinion.

The language of the 14th Amendment is very clear- it just doesn't say what you want it to say. The Supreme Court merely read the actual language of the 14th amendment and applied it.
Feel free to start working on removing the 14th Amendment. Our founding fathers in their wisdom left us a system for changing the Constitution.

Good luck getting 75% of the states to agree to anything.

Show me in the 14th amendment it has that about birthright

oh here it is

14th Amendment

Don't see it...please let me know if I missed it

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Pretty straightforward.

If you don't think illegal aliens are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States then why do you keep insisting on arresting them?
The 14th Amendment also has the "equal protection" clause which is the basis of our Civil Rights laws and also which makes Affirmative Action policies illegal.

Well go to court and argue that- tell them that you lost out on your dream astro physics jobs because of AA not because you didn't finish high school.
With respect to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Baby litters, the Fourteenth leaves a gaping hole in our laws, to the benefit of these Illegal Alien parents.

A hole big enough to drive a Peterbilt cab through.

Time to fill-in and close that hole, through additional law.

If it takes another Amendment, rescinding all or part of a previous one, then, do it.
With respect to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Baby litters, the Fourteenth leaves a gaping hole in our laws, to the benefit of these Illegal Alien parents.

A hole big enough to drive a Peterbilt cab through.

Time to fill-in and close that hole, through additional law.

If it takes another Amendment, rescinding all or part of a previous one, then, do it.

Well? What are you waiting for? All these wannabe know-nothings emote on cue, but never actually do anything.
Feel free to start working on removing the 14th Amendment. Our founding fathers in their wisdom left us a system for changing the Constitution.

Good luck getting 75% of the states to agree to anything.

The current abuse was based on a crap court ruling.

Just reverse that crap ruling and we are good to go.

Way too late of course.

But what they hell, got nothing better to do than try.

The only crap I see is you. The court ruled correctly according to what the amendment says. It is pretty plain English.
...Well? What are you waiting for? All these wannabe know-nothings emote on cue, but never actually do anything.
Speaking about 'emoting on cue'... I can always count on your to react viscerally to the phrase "Anchor Baby litters"... tee-hee...

Not to worry... putting an end to Anchor Baby citizenship is being discussed at the highest levels in both Federal and many State governments.

Given the Republican majority in State Houses and Governor's Mansions, as well as the Congress...

The passage of such an amendment, in double quick-time, is not as far-fetched as you would like folks to think.
...Well? What are you waiting for? All these wannabe know-nothings emote on cue, but never actually do anything.
Speaking about 'emoting on cue'... I can always count on your to react viscerally to the phrase "Anchor Baby litters"... tee-hee...

Not to worry... putting an end to Anchor Baby citizenship is being discussed at the highest levels in both Federal and many State governments.

Given the Republican majority in State Houses and Governor's Mansions, as well as the Congress...

The passage of such an amendment, in double quick-time, is not as far-fetched as you would like folks to think.

And in another decade you’ll be saying the same thing - to no effect.
...Well? What are you waiting for? All these wannabe know-nothings emote on cue, but never actually do anything.
Speaking about 'emoting on cue'... I can always count on your to react viscerally to the phrase "Anchor Baby litters"... tee-hee...

Not to worry... putting an end to Anchor Baby citizenship is being discussed at the highest levels in both Federal and many State governments.

Given the Republican majority in State Houses and Governor's Mansions, as well as the Congress...

The passage of such an amendment, in double quick-time, is not as far-fetched as you would like folks to think.

So when it comes to common sense gun ownership or campaign money the constitution is an all sacred document written by God or someone better...

But when it comes to brown babies they are all wrong.
Birth Right Citizenship was meant to protect the offspring of the former slaves.
It was never meant to give citizenship to the offspring of illegal aliens.
Clearly illegal aliens are abusing the law and exploit the American Taxpayers.

There was some discussion, at the time the Fourteenth Amendment was pending, about whether it was intended to grant citizenship to babies born of foreigners, and the word from the authors was that it certainly was not. Unfortunately, the way that it is written, that is exactly what the letter of it calls for.

What we need is a new Constitutional amendment, which overrides that part of the Fourteenth, and more clearly establishes that one is only born a citizen if at least one parent is a citizen.
An Amendment to fix the birth-right citizenship (Anchor Baby) issue...

Section 1. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment is considered extant and operative beginning on July 28, 1868 and ending on the date of the enactment of this Amendment.

Section 2. Subsequent to the enactment of this Amendment this Amendment shall govern and control in place of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Section 3. All persons naturally born of one or more biological parents possessing United States citizenship are citizens of the United States.

Section 4. Natural birth shall be construed as a human fetus gestating within the body of a human being and delivered from that body at the moment of birth.

Section 5. Congress shall have the power to define citizenship status for births attributable to non-natural gestation or delivery through appropriate legislation.

Section 7. All persons born of one or more biological parents possessing permanent legal residency status at the time of birth are citizens of the United States.

Section 8. All persons born of one or more biological parents naturalized in the United States through federally recognized naturalization proceedings are citizens of the United States.

Section 9. All persons not born under the provision of any of Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 of this Amendment are not citizens of the United States at the time of their birth.

Section 10. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any citizen of the United States of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any United States citizen the equal protection of the laws.

Section 11. Persons residing within the United States who are not citizens of the United States shall enjoy protections of law identical to those of citizens except that Congress shall have the power to stipulate exceptions to such protections in matters related to war, national emergency, immigration and other matters related to the public welfare.

Section 12. The Congress shall have power to enforce by appropriate legislation the provisions of this article.


Deals with Anchor Babies and avoids Tlielaxu Axolotl Tanks and Clone Wars...

More complex than it needs to be. The spirit of the Constitution is to be written in simple, plain language, that any reasonably literate person can read and understand. And I disagree entirely with Section 7. I am absolutely opposed to automatically giving citizenship to any child who is not born of at least one citizen parent.
...Well? What are you waiting for? All these wannabe know-nothings emote on cue, but never actually do anything.
Speaking about 'emoting on cue'... I can always count on your to react viscerally to the phrase "Anchor Baby litters"... tee-hee...

Not to worry... putting an end to Anchor Baby citizenship is being discussed at the highest levels in both Federal and many State governments.

Given the Republican majority in State Houses and Governor's Mansions, as well as the Congress...

The passage of such an amendment, in double quick-time, is not as far-fetched as you would like folks to think.

And in another decade you’ll be saying the same thing - to no effect.
Tell that to 200,000 Salvadorans...
An Amendment to fix the birth-right citizenship (Anchor Baby) issue...

Section 1. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment is considered extant and operative beginning on July 28, 1868 and ending on the date of the enactment of this Amendment.

Section 2. Subsequent to the enactment of this Amendment this Amendment shall govern and control in place of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Section 3. All persons naturally born of one or more biological parents possessing United States citizenship are citizens of the United States.

Section 4. Natural birth shall be construed as a human fetus gestating within the body of a human being and delivered from that body at the moment of birth.

Section 5. Congress shall have the power to define citizenship status for births attributable to non-natural gestation or delivery through appropriate legislation.

Section 7. All persons born of one or more biological parents possessing permanent legal residency status at the time of birth are citizens of the United States.

Section 8. All persons born of one or more biological parents naturalized in the United States through federally recognized naturalization proceedings are citizens of the United States.

Section 9. All persons not born under the provision of any of Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 of this Amendment are not citizens of the United States at the time of their birth.

Section 10. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any citizen of the United States of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any United States citizen the equal protection of the laws.

Section 11. Persons residing within the United States who are not citizens of the United States shall enjoy protections of law identical to those of citizens except that Congress shall have the power to stipulate exceptions to such protections in matters related to war, national emergency, immigration and other matters related to the public welfare.

Section 12. The Congress shall have power to enforce by appropriate legislation the provisions of this article.


Deals with Anchor Babies and avoids Tlielaxu Axolotl Tanks and Clone Wars...

More complex than it needs to be. The spirit of the Constitution is to be written in simple, plain language, that any reasonably literate person can read and understand...
Ordinarily, I would agree.

I do not, in this case, because the 14th has been misused and has strayed far from its intended roots, to the great injury of the Republic and its People, because of loose language and lack of foresight regarding future uses, AND because this attempts to prevent future 'grown and harvested' human-clones and the like from automatically attaining citizenship.

...And I disagree entirely with Section 7. I am absolutely opposed to automatically giving citizenship to any child who is not born of at least one citizen parent.
Negotiable ;-)
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...Well? What are you waiting for? All these wannabe know-nothings emote on cue, but never actually do anything.
Speaking about 'emoting on cue'... I can always count on your to react viscerally to the phrase "Anchor Baby litters"... tee-hee...

Not to worry... putting an end to Anchor Baby citizenship is being discussed at the highest levels in both Federal and many State governments.

Given the Republican majority in State Houses and Governor's Mansions, as well as the Congress...

The passage of such an amendment, in double quick-time, is not as far-fetched as you would like folks to think.

And in another decade you’ll be saying the same thing - to no effect.
Tell that to 200,000 Salvadorans...


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