Should We Lower The Voting Age?

Should the voting age be lowered to 14?

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Daily Beast Writer Give Some 14-Year-Olds the Vote

Okay, not all teenagers. Only the ones who can work and pay taxes on their employment—which the Department of Labor says is anyone over the age of 14. (Sorry, 13-year-olds.) Taxes are an obvious benchmark, since right now, employed teenagers are literally subjected to taxation without representation

That's a really good point.

Don't get me wrong, teens 14 - 19 are generally uninformed and could probably care less.

Whoever, they are getting taxed and have no say and if I recall, some people we all look up to started killing other people to prevent just that.

We should raise the voting age to 35, and we should also have a maximum voting age of 55.

Hey, just hope that don't bring back an IQ test. You be in real trouble then. You'd never got to vote again.
When a 14 year old can vote on my life in this country that's when I stop voting and let them run things and your lives
sounds like a lot of us don't want people to vote b/c they think uninformed people shouldn't.

I see a shit ton of hypcrassy
It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc.
so you would put restrictions on the right to vote?
We already have restrictions on the right to vote don't we?

IMO only adults should and IMO if you're 25 and still living with Mommy then you are not yet an adult

When the constitution was written an 18 year old was an adult. Today we have extended childhood into the mid 20s.

Ah but you don't have a problem with that same immature person having the ability to buy an arsenal of high power weapons now do ya? I mean, after all that's in the Constitution.

Isn't voting rights in the same group of amendments? I believe it is.

Hey 2D read back a few posts to #46 where I said :

It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc

And I hate to tell you this but not everyone is obsessed with and as fearful of guns as you that it relates to everything else. And you say gun owners are obsessed with guns but really you take the cake on that one

sounds like a lot of us don't want people to vote b/c they think uninformed people shouldn't.

I see a shit ton of hypcrassy
It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc.
so you would put restrictions on the right to vote?
We already have restrictions on the right to vote don't we?

IMO only adults should and IMO if you're 25 and still living with Mommy then you are not yet an adult

When the constitution was written an 18 year old was an adult. Today we have extended childhood into the mid 20s.

Ah but you don't have a problem with that same immature person having the ability to buy an arsenal of high power weapons now do ya? I mean, after all that's in the Constitution.

Isn't voting rights in the same group of amendments? I believe it is.

Hey 2D read back a few posts to #46 where I said :

It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc

And I hate to tell you this but not everyone is obsessed with and as fearful of guns as you that it relates to everything else. And you say gun owners are obsessed with guns but really you take the cake on that one

Wouldn't answer the question now would ya?

Mommys widdle 25 year old boy can barely wipe his own ass. But he can buy all the weapons he wants.
You would restrict voting rights but not gun rights.

Now that is being a major hypocrite.

Has nothing to do with obsession or anything else. Just common sense.

According to you, common sense would tell you that an immature individual maybe should not have the right to vote. But they can still buy all the guns they want.

And you call that MY obsession? You're full of shit.
You should only be given the right to vote if you are a tax paying citizen. Those who get paid to be Americans via Unearned tax credit bullshit should not get a vote. Only those who PAY income taxes should be able to vote.
It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc.
so you would put restrictions on the right to vote?
We already have restrictions on the right to vote don't we?

IMO only adults should and IMO if you're 25 and still living with Mommy then you are not yet an adult

When the constitution was written an 18 year old was an adult. Today we have extended childhood into the mid 20s.

Ah but you don't have a problem with that same immature person having the ability to buy an arsenal of high power weapons now do ya? I mean, after all that's in the Constitution.

Isn't voting rights in the same group of amendments? I believe it is.

Hey 2D read back a few posts to #46 where I said :

It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc

And I hate to tell you this but not everyone is obsessed with and as fearful of guns as you that it relates to everything else. And you say gun owners are obsessed with guns but really you take the cake on that one

Wouldn't answer the question now would ya?

Mommys widdle 25 year old boy can barely wipe his own ass. But he can buy all the weapons he wants.
You would restrict voting rights but not gun rights.

Now that is being a major hypocrite.

Has nothing to do with obsession or anything else. Just common sense.

According to you, common sense would tell you that an immature individual maybe should not have the right to vote. But they can still buy all the guns they want.

And you call that MY obsession? You're full of shit.
Of course I answered the question 2D,

What part of what i said in post # 46 confuses you? or do you not know the meaning of the term etc.?

But now maybe we can delve into why you are so afraid of guns that you must relate them to every topic.
You should only be given the right to vote if you are a tax paying citizen. Those who get paid to be Americans via Unearned tax credit bullshit should not get a vote. Only those who PAY income taxes should be able to vote.

taxes don't make you any more human and any more in need of Representation in our Representative Democratic Republic that all citizens live in....and tax law is a miniscule amount of representation that Congress spends its time on....there are a gazillion legislative acts of congress that have NOTHING to do with tax rates but EVERYTHING to do with the Laws and actions of our gvt, the govt that is suppose to represent us, ALL OF US.

You are wrong, in every way, with that kind of ''thinking'' and should justly change your stance on that imo.
Daily Beast Writer Give Some 14-Year-Olds the Vote

Okay, not all teenagers. Only the ones who can work and pay taxes on their employment—which the Department of Labor says is anyone over the age of 14. (Sorry, 13-year-olds.) Taxes are an obvious benchmark, since right now, employed teenagers are literally subjected to taxation without representation

That's a really good point.

Don't get me wrong, teens 14 - 19 are generally uninformed and could probably care less.

Whoever, they are getting taxed and have no say and if I recall, some people we all look up to started killing other people to prevent just that.


It happened in Austria. The left wing party (if anything in Austria can be called left wing) put it in place thinking all the 16-18 year olds would vote for them. They voted far right, why? Because the far right handed out free beer (yeah, in Europe some countries you can make choices at the age of 16, and it doesn't kill them either) and made thing real simple for people with no life experience to understand.

Who needs complex policies when simple will get you votes?
full blown adults are bribed and have been getting bribed since the 30's with welfare

however, your point is very valid and proves that welfare should be ended
sounds like a lot of us don't want people to vote b/c they think uninformed people shouldn't.

I see a shit ton of hypcrassy
It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc.
so you would put restrictions on the right to vote?
We already have restrictions on the right to vote don't we?

IMO only adults should and IMO if you're 25 and still living with Mommy then you are not yet an adult

When the constitution was written an 18 year old was an adult. Today we have extended childhood into the mid 20s.

Ah but you don't have a problem with that same immature person having the ability to buy an arsenal of high power weapons now do ya? I mean, after all that's in the Constitution.

Isn't voting rights in the same group of amendments? I believe it is.
My kid owning a gun will probably not affect you or anyone you know ever.

His voting will
It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc.
so you would put restrictions on the right to vote?
We already have restrictions on the right to vote don't we?

IMO only adults should and IMO if you're 25 and still living with Mommy then you are not yet an adult

When the constitution was written an 18 year old was an adult. Today we have extended childhood into the mid 20s.

Ah but you don't have a problem with that same immature person having the ability to buy an arsenal of high power weapons now do ya? I mean, after all that's in the Constitution.

Isn't voting rights in the same group of amendments? I believe it is.

Hey 2D read back a few posts to #46 where I said :

It has nothing to do with being uninformed and everything to do with life experience.

If you're 25 and Mommy is still doing your laundry you are still a child and should not be allowed to vote, buy liquor, sign contracts etc

And I hate to tell you this but not everyone is obsessed with and as fearful of guns as you that it relates to everything else. And you say gun owners are obsessed with guns but really you take the cake on that one

Wouldn't answer the question now would ya?

Mommys widdle 25 year old boy can barely wipe his own ass. But he can buy all the weapons he wants.
You would restrict voting rights but not gun rights.

Now that is being a major hypocrite.

Has nothing to do with obsession or anything else. Just common sense.

According to you, common sense would tell you that an immature individual maybe should not have the right to vote. But they can still buy all the guns they want.

And you call that MY obsession? You're full of shit.
gun rights are restricted

Daily Beast Writer Give Some 14-Year-Olds the Vote

Okay, not all teenagers. Only the ones who can work and pay taxes on their employment—which the Department of Labor says is anyone over the age of 14. (Sorry, 13-year-olds.) Taxes are an obvious benchmark, since right now, employed teenagers are literally subjected to taxation without representation

That's a really good point.

Don't get me wrong, teens 14 - 19 are generally uninformed and could probably care less.

Whoever, they are getting taxed and have no say and if I recall, some people we all look up to started killing other people to prevent just that.


It happened in Austria. The left wing party (if anything in Austria can be called left wing) put it in place thinking all the 16-18 year olds would vote for them. They voted far right, why? Because the far right handed out free beer (yeah, in Europe some countries you can make choices at the age of 16, and it doesn't kill them either) and made thing real simple for people with no life experience to understand.

Who needs complex policies when simple will get you votes?
full blown adults are bribed and have been getting bribed since the 30's with welfare

however, your point is very valid and proves that welfare should be ended
Except 50% of our adult citizens do not go to the polls and vote TT, and those on welfare are in a very high category of those who do not vote....look at Ferguson and their citizens....67% of them were not even registered to vote....or something like that...

so it is a dreamed up fallacy, that people on welfare vote for democrats because they are paid to do such, as in this right wing bs that is spread around.

It's Democrats such as myself, that votes for the poor being given welfare....not the welfare recipients it is me and others like me, who have never needed or never taken welfare that supports the congressmen etc that supports the welfare that you need to be mad at.... and you should stop repeating something that is simply NOT TRUE......

these people getting welfare, typically do NOT VOTE, so they are NOT being paid to support democratic members...they don't vote at all, in general....and statistics shows this....about people on welfare.
A 14 year old barely knows what day of the week it is, much less knows anything about the important issues of the day. Just spend five minutes talking to a 14 year old and you will quickly disillusion yourself of the desire to see them vote.

My son is 13 and is in the Scouts. He just went through a long right of passage which he talked about for 2 minutes then went on a long rant about video games.

but I still think, if he gets a job and pays taxes, he should have a say
If "taxation without representation" is the problem, I would exempt kids from taxes before I would give them the vote.
Ah but you don't have a problem with that same immature person having the ability to buy an arsenal of high power weapons now do ya? I mean, after all that's in the Constitution.

Isn't voting rights in the same group of amendments? I believe it is.
My kid owning a gun will probably not affect you or anyone you know ever.

His voting will[/QUOTE]

How will his voting affect anyone else? Chances are it won't make the slightest different to a system that isn't democratic and is controlled by money.
full blown adults are bribed and have been getting bribed since the 30's with welfare

however, your point is very valid and proves that welfare should be ended

You think free beer is welfare?
no, I think they are both bribes

Welfare, if done properly, and for a lot of workers, is something essential.

If it's used to prop up people's lives without them having to work ever, then I don't agree with it. Welfare is dependent on how it functions.
I have no problem with keeping it at 18.

Those who support raising it, because they think we have too many uninformed voters as it is... seriously? Do you really think we have any more uninformed 60 year olds than 18 year olds? Most voters of any age group are sorely misinformed.

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