Should we raise taxes to combat Ebola?

We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

No, I support making cuts in existing budgets to pay for it.


Like the CDC?
I am sure the CDC's budget could be cut as well

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Do you realize that the CDC is the only organization in America that's fighting to find a cure for this disease? Their budget has already been slashed buy more than half a billion dollars.

Do you realized that capitalism has failed in this situation? First by drug companies refusing to do any research because there's no money in a cure. Second by that private hospital in Texas putting money before the nation. They sent that man with ebola out into the community to infect people. That man didn't have insurance and no way to pay his bill. So the private hospital diagnosed him with a sinus infection and sent him out into the community to infect people. Even though he had a temperature of 103 and had told them he was in Liberia. Now they have a 500 thousand dollar medical bill that will never be paid. Seems to me it would have been cheaper to treat him when he first came in. He probably wouldn't have died either. But greed got in the way and now we have a problem. A problem you're now running to the government to solve even though you're the same people who say that the government is the problem

If you don't support properly fighting this disease then you have no right to gripe about what's happening.

I didn't expect any conservative to support raising taxes over this but you shocked me by saying that the CDC's budget should be cut. Again.

Do you realize that the money that is spent on this is mostly spent by the CDC? You want to cut their budget to give them more money? Do you know how ridiculous and irresponsible your statement is?
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There ya have it....we want to fight this deadly disease, but just don't want to pay for it


Everything must be free for them.

They want to gripe about the situation but they don't want to do anything to address the situation and fix it.
The Governor of the state that gave the US Texbola wants to travel to Asia after his stay in Europe ends, that will cost money, yes. As for treatment, no. Perry is praying Ebola away, long distance, I hope his connection is good.

He's got a problem with ebola in his state and he left the state?


Who is taking care of things in Texas? I guess this explains all the mishaps and mistakes that have been made since that man with ebola arrived.

Who is working to make sure that the people of Texas are safe and those who have been exposed quarantined so they won't infect more people?

It seems to me the last thing the governor should do is leave the state.

And this man wants to be president?
To answer the question in the OP: No.

We should stop spending money on stupid shit. The Feds have collected a record $3T this year. Stop wasting it on snail sex studies and origami condoms.


If you knew that raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola, would you?

Simple Yes or No will do.

I reject the strawman premise of your question.


If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?

It's a false premise. We cannot know any such nonsense; and it assumes that the government lacks the resources to address the problem.

As for Ebola: I'd rather donate to private charity such as Doctors Without Borders, who competently perform actual in the field services.
They've lost several doctors to Ebola. The US hasn't lost any.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. If it's that we shouldn't care about Ebola because no Americans have been killed by it, then you're a loon.
There ya have it....we want to fight this deadly disease, but just don't want to pay for it

To the contrary, you and the left don't want to pay for it. You have the money

Lets make the poor people pay to fight Ebola

Better yet, lets get the inept Government out of the Ebola business and let the private sector fight it

It was the private sector that caused this mess.

First by the drug companies not doing any research to find a cure for ebola because they're was no profit in it.

Second by that private hospital putting money before public safety when they sent that man with ebola out into the community to infect more people.

Third by not having their staff wear protective gear while treating the man with ebola.

Fourth by allowing those employees to leave the building after being exposed to ebola.

Now there's people who were on an airplane who have to be found and checked out.

This has been a very good example of what the private sector does.
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I'm sure there's a way to fund it by not raising taxes.
Why is it the only way to do anything with these Libs who are so into big government agencies
is to tax and spend...

There isn't any war big enough or a threat serious enough for assholes like you to dig in your pocket to pay for the actions necessary to win the war or end the threat.

That's why the Iraq war is such a good thing to Republicans. It didn't "cost" any additional tax dollars. They just borrowed the money. Cause Repubs are so concerned about debt, terror and ebola, except that don't want to pay for the cure. Think its "free" money when we borrow to wage wars. On people or viruses.

If you knew that raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola, would you?

Simple Yes or No will do.

I reject the strawman premise of your question.


If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?

It's a false premise. We cannot know any such nonsense; and it assumes that the government lacks the resources to address the problem.

As for Ebola: I'd rather donate to private charity such as Doctors Without Borders, who competently perform actual in the field services.
They've lost several doctors to Ebola. The US hasn't lost any.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. If it's that we shouldn't care about Ebola because no Americans have been killed by it, then you're a loon.
No, my point is that Doctors without Borders, as wonderful as they are, are not as credible as the CDC as they have lost doctors to ebola.
I reject the strawman premise of your question.


If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?

It's a false premise. We cannot know any such nonsense; and it assumes that the government lacks the resources to address the problem.

As for Ebola: I'd rather donate to private charity such as Doctors Without Borders, who competently perform actual in the field services.
They've lost several doctors to Ebola. The US hasn't lost any.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. If it's that we shouldn't care about Ebola because no Americans have been killed by it, then you're a loon.
No, my point is that Doctors without Borders, as wonderful as they are, are not as credible as the CDC as they have lost doctors to ebola.

Wrong again, hon (fish in a barrel). Our CDC is more concerned with playing politics than it is in combating Ebola.

And shame on you for your dismissive attitude towards DWB.

In another example of the disease's relentless march, Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday that 16 of its staff members have been infected with Ebola and that nine have died. The toll highlights the high risk of caring for Ebola patients even at well-equipped and properly staffed treatment centers....

Sierra Leone soldier with Ebola is not peacekeeper

If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?

It's a false premise. We cannot know any such nonsense; and it assumes that the government lacks the resources to address the problem.

As for Ebola: I'd rather donate to private charity such as Doctors Without Borders, who competently perform actual in the field services.
They've lost several doctors to Ebola. The US hasn't lost any.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. If it's that we shouldn't care about Ebola because no Americans have been killed by it, then you're a loon.
No, my point is that Doctors without Borders, as wonderful as they are, are not as credible as the CDC as they have lost doctors to ebola.

Wrong again, hon (fish in a barrel). Our CDC is more concerned with playing politics than it is in combating Ebola.

And shame on you for your dismissive attitude towards DWB.

In another example of the disease's relentless march, Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday that 16 of its staff members have been infected with Ebola and that nine have died. The toll highlights the high risk of caring for Ebola patients even at well-equipped and properly staffed treatment centers....

Sierra Leone soldier with Ebola is not peacekeeper
Thanks for proving my point.
No, my point is that Doctors without Borders, as wonderful as they are, are not as credible as the CDC as they have lost doctors to ebola.

Wrong again, hon (fish in a barrel). Our CDC is more concerned with playing politics than it is in combating Ebola.

And shame on you for your dismissive attitude towards DWB.

In another example of the disease's relentless march, Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday that 16 of its staff members have been infected with Ebola and that nine have died. The toll highlights the high risk of caring for Ebola patients even at well-equipped and properly staffed treatment centers....

Sierra Leone soldier with Ebola is not peacekeeper
Thanks for proving my point.

Your grammar is as faulty as your logic.
Perry's attempt to find a cure in Iowa failed, he now, with his usual unselfish manner, is now in Europe, will come back to Texas once his mission is complete.
He has already cut his trip short. Your hate for the wrong guy is almost cute, like puppy love gone wrong.

I do not hate him, I recognize he is inept. CDC wasn't notified until 10/01, so why is CDC a target of complaints? Funding was cut and delayed for CDC, but again, a hospital in Texas caused the entire problem.
Yeah cause our immigration laws had nothing to do with giving this guy a visa to come here with Ebola.

He didn't immigrate here. He came here to visit family and friends.
Perry's attempt to find a cure in Iowa failed, he now, with his usual unselfish manner, is now in Europe, will come back to Texas once his mission is complete.
He has already cut his trip short. Your hate for the wrong guy is almost cute, like puppy love gone wrong.

I do not hate him, I recognize he is inept. CDC wasn't notified until 10/01, so why is CDC a target of complaints? Funding was cut and delayed for CDC, but again, a hospital in Texas caused the entire problem.
Yeah cause our immigration laws had nothing to do with giving this guy a visa to come here with Ebola.

He didn't immigrate here. He came here to visit family and friends.
Wrong, he finally got his Visa in August and was here for the foreseeable future.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Does that mean you don't think we should raise taxes to protect Americans?

We obviously don't need to take any of the measures you're suggesting in the OP at this point. So no, we don't need to raise taxes for ebola right now. If ebola became a major problem here and the government didn't have enough money to deal with the problem, then yes, I would be in favor for raising taxes to combat ebola.

So don't do anything about it now. It's not a big problem.

That has to be one of the most stupid and irresponsible attitudes I've seen yet from you conservatives.

So you want to wait for it to become a big problem. When it's a big problem, thousands of Americans have died and will cost a lot of money then do something.

Don't do something now when it's easier and cheaper to solve. Wait for thousands of Americans to die before we actually do something.

Heaven forbid that you actually have to make any sort of sacrifice for our nation and our people. Even if it's a very small one.

We all know that paying an extra few dollars a year in your taxes will destroy you and our economy. Right?

It's better to let the problem get out of hand and thousands of Americans die first so that we have to spend a lot more money and time to solve the problem.
higher taxes does not automatically = efficiency, accuracy, capability, skill or competency.

anyone who has lived longer than about 15 years knows this...

but indulge your fantasy...
But it would sure pay for a lot of hazmat teams and isolation wards. Which would stop the spread of Ebola. This isn't rocket science
But isolating people isn't politically correct.
And yet we are doing it. So why not be serious about combatting Ebola?

exactly..ebola and all other 3rd world diseases...
close and enforce the border would show that we are "serious"...but that would hamper statists who want americans displaced in the work force by illegals who will work cheaper, undercutting fair wages and causing more people to be dependent on gvmt...which will lead to more votes by poor people who are displaced by illegals.

..but you don't understand that, right?

Do you know that West Africa doesn't border America? Did you know that people from West Africa can't just walk into America?

The man got here on an airplane with a visa. You know. The LEGAL way.

Whining about our borders isn't going to solve this. Closing our borders isn't going to solve this. It's here now and we have to deal with it now.

Our borders with Canada and Mexico isn't what brought ebola to America.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Does that mean you don't think we should raise taxes to protect Americans?

We obviously don't need to take any of the measures you're suggesting in the OP at this point. So no, we don't need to raise taxes for ebola right now. If ebola became a major problem here and the government didn't have enough money to deal with the problem, then yes, I would be in favor for raising taxes to combat ebola.

So don't do anything about it now. It's not a big problem.

That has to be one of the most stupid and irresponsible attitudes I've seen yet from you conservatives.

So you want to wait for it to become a big problem. When it's a big problem, thousands of Americans have died and will cost a lot of money then do something.

Don't do something now when it's easier and cheaper to solve. Wait for thousands of Americans to die before we actually do something.

Heaven forbid that you actually have to make any sort of sacrifice for our nation and our people. Even if it's a very small one.

We all know that paying an extra few dollars a year in your taxes will destroy you and our economy. Right?

It's better to let the problem get out of hand and thousands of Americans die first so that we have to spend a lot more money and time to solve the problem.

Do you thinkUT 24/7 "hazmat teams" at every hospital is necessary when only 2 Americans that we know of have have ebola? The best thing that we can do is stop flights to and from west Africa.
Do you know that West Africa doesn't border America? Did you know that people from West Africa can't just walk into America?
Wow! really? you're amazing smart!

The man got here on an airplane with a visa. You know. The LEGAL way.

Yes?...and? I have to take my shoes off in the airport because of "national security"...but they can't manage to figure out who is entering the country from an ebola hot zone?

Whining about our borders isn't going to solve this.
oh...whining is it? have a way with words..a childish way...

Closing our borders isn't going to solve this. It's here now and we have to deal with it now.

Never said closing our border will make ebola go away.
Closing our border is what american patriots want.
Explain to me how it is good to allow illegals to wander into our country with no screening for health, literacy, criminal background or sanity?
I mean other than the fact that they displace american workers and help prevent citizens from getting a fair wage...which keeps people poor and dependent on gvmt...which translates into votes...We get all that...but what are some more reasons you want our borders unsecured?

Our borders with Canada and Mexico isn't what brought ebola to America. don't say! you ARE smart!

Poor monitoring of a traveler from an ebola hot zone is what allowed ebola into our yes..the gvmt is culpable.
Hell no! The government doesn't a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. It is time that the government learns to live within its means.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Does that mean you don't think we should raise taxes to protect Americans?

We obviously don't need to take any of the measures you're suggesting in the OP at this point. So no, we don't need to raise taxes for ebola right now. If ebola became a major problem here and the government didn't have enough money to deal with the problem, then yes, I would be in favor for raising taxes to combat ebola.

So don't do anything about it now. It's not a big problem.

That has to be one of the most stupid and irresponsible attitudes I've seen yet from you conservatives.

So you want to wait for it to become a big problem. When it's a big problem, thousands of Americans have died and will cost a lot of money then do something.

Don't do something now when it's easier and cheaper to solve. Wait for thousands of Americans to die before we actually do something.

Heaven forbid that you actually have to make any sort of sacrifice for our nation and our people. Even if it's a very small one.

We all know that paying an extra few dollars a year in your taxes will destroy you and our economy. Right?

It's better to let the problem get out of hand and thousands of Americans die first so that we have to spend a lot more money and time to solve the problem.

Do you thinkUT 24/7 "hazmat teams" at every hospital is necessary when only 2 Americans that we know of have have ebola? The best thing that we can do is stop flights to and from west Africa.

Well you can cross off stop all flights from West Africa off your list. It's already been done.

You see, there are no flights from the ebola West Africa nations to America. So all your fear of flights from those nations is very unfounded and ridiculous.

Yes we need to put hasmat teams in at least one hospital per city. That way if someone turns up with ebola they can deal with it properly. Instead of how that private hospital in Texas handled it.

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