Should we raise taxes to combat Ebola?

Obama wanted to control this in the media. He wanted an issue that allows him to scare people while he appeared like he was trying to help, at same time painting the GOP as obstructionists and claiming they cut off funding.

Oh, and call for more taxes.....

It didn't work out. He hasn't been able to control the direction this took, and he's having to cover up his apparent incompetence right before an election.

This appears to be the October Surprise they warned of. It also explains why they refuse to secure our borders and end flights coming from infected regions. Because either they don't see the threat or there is no real threat.
Does this mean all your hysteria over ebola was made up?

The hysteria is media generated. Whether it was all made up remains to be seen.
I'm talking about your personal hysteria. And the media just feeds people what they want to be fed.
Obama wanted to control this in the media. He wanted an issue that allows him to scare people while he appeared like he was trying to help, at same time painting the GOP as obstructionists and claiming they cut off funding.

Oh, and call for more taxes.....

It didn't work out. He hasn't been able to control the direction this took, and he's having to cover up his apparent incompetence right before an election.

This appears to be the October Surprise they warned of. It also explains why they refuse to secure our borders and end flights coming from infected regions. Because either they don't see the threat or there is no real threat.
Does this mean all your hysteria over ebola was made up?

The hysteria is media generated. Whether it was all made up remains to be seen.
I'm talking about your personal hysteria. And the media just feeds people what they want to be fed.

would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?
And the media just feeds people what they want to be fed.

Well, that certainly 'Splains how gullible Lo-Info voters fell for the Hopenchange line and elected The Community Organizer in Chief.

Obama blingee
by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
That is partially true, though the Republicans certainly didn't offer an alternative.

Different topic.
Obama wanted to control this in the media. He wanted an issue that allows him to scare people while he appeared like he was trying to help, at same time painting the GOP as obstructionists and claiming they cut off funding.

Oh, and call for more taxes.....

It didn't work out. He hasn't been able to control the direction this took, and he's having to cover up his apparent incompetence right before an election.

This appears to be the October Surprise they warned of. It also explains why they refuse to secure our borders and end flights coming from infected regions. Because either they don't see the threat or there is no real threat.
Does this mean all your hysteria over ebola was made up?

The hysteria is media generated. Whether it was all made up remains to be seen.
I'm talking about your personal hysteria. And the media just feeds people what they want to be fed.

Sure they do

I have no hysteria. I have my training and experience. I also have rational thought processes that aren't being mentioned.

When dealing with bio agents you're dealing with some really scary stuff. Obviously all possibilities should be considered and steps taken to keep it contained. The excuses I keep hearing from these people makes me suspicious. They make no sense. I suspect they're either making it all up, trying to spread the virus around, or they're totally incompetent and don't want to work the problem in a diligent manner. Hard to say which is true.
My first suspicion is they're all a bunch of focus-group types who like the trappings and perks of their respective positions and really didn't hire on to insure the safety and security of the citizens of the United States, instead they are more interested in changing us by way of regulations and coercion. What we want isn't even a consideration. Their entire deal is all public relations and no substance. Keep us distracted while they fuck us over royally.

What could possibly go wrong?

I'm sure there's a way to fund it by not raising taxes.
Why is it the only way to do anything with these Libs who are so into big government agencies
is to tax and spend...
To answer the question in the OP: No.

We should stop spending money on stupid shit. The Feds have collected a record $3T this year. Stop wasting it on snail sex studies and origami condoms.


If you knew that raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola, would you?

Simple Yes or No will do.

I reject the strawman premise of your question.


If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?
How about an "Ice Bucket Challenge" for Ebola?

People pouring water on themselves cured ALS almost overnight!
Raise taxes after cutting waste, sure. Raise taxes to fund new spending while wasting as much as we do, no.
To answer the question in the OP: No.

We should stop spending money on stupid shit. The Feds have collected a record $3T this year. Stop wasting it on snail sex studies and origami condoms.


If you knew that raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola, would you?

Simple Yes or No will do.

I reject the strawman premise of your question.


If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?

It's a false premise. We cannot know any such nonsense; and it assumes that the government lacks the resources to address the problem.

As for Ebola: I'd rather donate to private charity such as Doctors Without Borders, who competently perform actual in the field services.
Peggy Noonan sums up very well why people are concerned. Bottom line: It's the Competence, Stupid.

Instead of competent action and honest communication, we get political spew.

“If it spreads more in Africa, it’s going to be more of a risk to us here. Our only goal is protecting Americans—that’s our mission. We do that by protecting people here and by stopping threats abroad. That protects Americans.”

Dr. Frieden’s logic was a bit of a heart-stopper. In fact his responses were more non sequiturs than answers. We cannot ban people at high risk of Ebola from entering the U.S. because people in West Africa have Ebola, and we don’t want it to spread. Huh?

In testimony before Congress Thursday, Dr. Frieden was not much more straightforward. His answers often sound like filibusters: long, rolling paragraphs of benign assertion, advertising slogans—“We know how to stop Ebola,” “Our focus is protecting people”—occasionally extraneous data, and testimony to the excellence of our health-care professionals.

It is my impression that everyone who speaks for the government on this issue has been instructed to imagine his audience as anxious children. It feels like how the pediatrician talks to the child, not the parents. It’s as if they’ve been told: “Talk, talk, talk, but don’t say anything. Clarity is the enemy.”

The language of government now is word-spew....
To answer the question in the OP: No.

We should stop spending money on stupid shit. The Feds have collected a record $3T this year. Stop wasting it on snail sex studies and origami condoms.


If you knew that raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola, would you?

Simple Yes or No will do.

I reject the strawman premise of your question.


If I asked the question, "If you knew raising taxes would save 1,000,000 Americans from al-Qaeda, would you?" would your answer be any different?

It's a false premise. We cannot know any such nonsense; and it assumes that the government lacks the resources to address the problem.

As for Ebola: I'd rather donate to private charity such as Doctors Without Borders, who competently perform actual in the field services.
They've lost several doctors to Ebola. The US hasn't lost any.

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