Should we raise taxes to combat Ebola?

We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Ebola isn't the only virus out there. Of all the years of research, and the untold billions and billions if dollars we have spent, we still don't have anything close to a cure. Not for the cold, not for HIV/AIDS, not for the flu, not for SARS, or H1N1, none of them.

Only a democrat would think things can be fixed with taxes.
Do you know that West Africa doesn't border America? Did you know that people from West Africa can't just walk into America?
Wow! really? you're amazing smart!

The man got here on an airplane with a visa. You know. The LEGAL way.

Yes?...and? I have to take my shoes off in the airport because of "national security"...but they can't manage to figure out who is entering the country from an ebola hot zone?

Whining about our borders isn't going to solve this.
oh...whining is it? have a way with words..a childish way...

Closing our borders isn't going to solve this. It's here now and we have to deal with it now.

Never said closing our border will make ebola go away.
Closing our border is what american patriots want.
Explain to me how it is good to allow illegals to wander into our country with no screening for health, literacy, criminal background or sanity?
I mean other than the fact that they displace american workers and help prevent citizens from getting a fair wage...which keeps people poor and dependent on gvmt...which translates into votes...We get all that...but what are some more reasons you want our borders unsecured?

Our borders with Canada and Mexico isn't what brought ebola to America. don't say! you ARE smart!

Poor monitoring of a traveler from an ebola hot zone is what allowed ebola into our yes..the gvmt is culpable.

The problem with your post is that the man didn't come directly from West Africa. He went from West Africa to Europe. Then got on a plane to America.

The reason? There are no flights from West Africa ebola infected nations to America.

As for our borders, it's not like it was when the bush boy was president. Our borders aren't wide open and our president doesn't invite them here by creating a "guest worker" program like the bush boy and gop did.

Obama has set records for the number of people he's had deported.

Deportations Surged in 2013, Data Shows -

In fact, there's been a lot of controversy about him sending parents back to Mexico and putting their American citizen children in foster care.

Whining about our borders in regard to ebola is stupid because our borders have nothing to do with ebola coming to America.

This isn't a debate about illegal immigration. It's about whether you conservatives are willing to take a crow bar to you wallets and help find a solution to this problem. A problem you conservatives are screaming bloody murder about.

It's very obvious to me that you all love to scream and whine about it but if it's going to cost you even one penny, then you don't want to do anything about it beyond pointing fingers of blame.
Do you know that West Africa doesn't border America? Did you know that people from West Africa can't just walk into America?
Wow! really? you're amazing smart!

The man got here on an airplane with a visa. You know. The LEGAL way.

Yes?...and? I have to take my shoes off in the airport because of "national security"...but they can't manage to figure out who is entering the country from an ebola hot zone?

Whining about our borders isn't going to solve this.
oh...whining is it? have a way with words..a childish way...

Closing our borders isn't going to solve this. It's here now and we have to deal with it now.

Never said closing our border will make ebola go away.
Closing our border is what american patriots want.
Explain to me how it is good to allow illegals to wander into our country with no screening for health, literacy, criminal background or sanity?
I mean other than the fact that they displace american workers and help prevent citizens from getting a fair wage...which keeps people poor and dependent on gvmt...which translates into votes...We get all that...but what are some more reasons you want our borders unsecured?

Our borders with Canada and Mexico isn't what brought ebola to America. don't say! you ARE smart!

Poor monitoring of a traveler from an ebola hot zone is what allowed ebola into our yes..the gvmt is culpable.

The problem with your post is that the man didn't come directly from West Africa. He went from West Africa to Europe. Then got on a plane to America.

No one denies that.I said that monitoring people who travel from ebola hot spots is very easily done.

The reason? There are no flights from West Africa ebola infected nations to America.

Yes..we know

As for our borders, it's not like it was when the bush boy was president. Our borders aren't wide open and our president doesn't invite them here by creating a "guest worker" program like the bush boy and gop did.

Our borders are wide serious.
Last month 50,000 children...CHILDREN ....walked...WALKED..across our border without their parents.

I do NOT give a flip about bush...using misconduct from the past to justify misconduct now is the most childish excuse I've ever heard.
obama is president now..and our borders are open. Why is that?

Obama has set records for the number of people he's had deported.

Deportations Surged in 2013, Data Shows -

Big deal it's like trying to empty the ocean with a teacup as long as the border is open...more come in than can be deported...

In fact, there's been a lot of controversy about him sending parents back to Mexico and putting their American citizen children in foster care.

send them all back.

Whining about our borders in regard to ebola is stupid because our borders have nothing to do with ebola coming to America.

You don't know who is crossing our border or what they have.

This isn't a debate about illegal immigration. It's about whether you conservatives are willing to take a crow bar to you wallets and help find a solution to this problem. A problem you conservatives are screaming bloody murder about.

Close and enforce the border.
Deport illegals.

It's very obvious to me that you all love to scream and whine about it but if it's going to cost you even one penny, then you don't want to do anything about it beyond pointing fingers of blame.
It's obvious to me you like hyperbole and exaggeration.

all this talk about "screaming bloody murder" and "whining" and "stupid"
Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Does that mean you don't think we should raise taxes to protect Americans?

We obviously don't need to take any of the measures you're suggesting in the OP at this point. So no, we don't need to raise taxes for ebola right now. If ebola became a major problem here and the government didn't have enough money to deal with the problem, then yes, I would be in favor for raising taxes to combat ebola.

So don't do anything about it now. It's not a big problem.

That has to be one of the most stupid and irresponsible attitudes I've seen yet from you conservatives.

So you want to wait for it to become a big problem. When it's a big problem, thousands of Americans have died and will cost a lot of money then do something.

Don't do something now when it's easier and cheaper to solve. Wait for thousands of Americans to die before we actually do something.

Heaven forbid that you actually have to make any sort of sacrifice for our nation and our people. Even if it's a very small one.

We all know that paying an extra few dollars a year in your taxes will destroy you and our economy. Right?

It's better to let the problem get out of hand and thousands of Americans die first so that we have to spend a lot more money and time to solve the problem.

Do you thinkUT 24/7 "hazmat teams" at every hospital is necessary when only 2 Americans that we know of have have ebola? The best thing that we can do is stop flights to and from west Africa.

Well you can cross off stop all flights from West Africa off your list. It's already been done.

You see, there are no flights from the ebola West Africa nations to America. So all your fear of flights from those nations is very unfounded and ridiculous.

Yes we need to put hasmat teams in at least one hospital per city. That way if someone turns up with ebola they can deal with it properly. Instead of how that private hospital in Texas handled it.

There are no direct flights, but people can still come here from West African countries.
I am sure the CDC's budget could be cut as well

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Do you realize that the CDC is the only organization in America that's fighting to find a cure for this disease? Their budget has already been slashed buy more than half a billion dollars.

Do you realized that capitalism has failed in this situation? First by drug companies refusing to do any research because there's no money in a cure. Second by that private hospital in Texas putting money before the nation. They sent that man with ebola out into the community to infect people. That man didn't have insurance and no way to pay his bill. So the private hospital diagnosed him with a sinus infection and sent him out into the community to infect people. Even though he had a temperature of 103 and had told them he was in Liberia. Now they have a 500 thousand dollar medical bill that will never be paid. Seems to me it would have been cheaper to treat him when he first came in. He probably wouldn't have died either. But greed got in the way and now we have a problem. A problem you're now running to the government to solve even though you're the same people who say that the government is the problem

If you don't support properly fighting this disease then you have no right to gripe about what's happening.

I didn't expect any conservative to support raising taxes over this but you shocked me by saying that the CDC's budget should be cut. Again.

Do you realize that the money that is spent on this is mostly spent by the CDC? You want to cut their budget to give them more money? Do you know how ridiculous and irresponsible your statement is?

yes I am fully aware liberal! as with all federal programs there are full of fraud and waste. I really do not care if you believe me or not. How much do we spend on that foolish director? Put the money where it is needed. I know it is hard for you tax and spend types, but just like every federal program the right things are not cut. Your President Obama cut the funding for Ebola so do not spout your crap at me. I would much rather spend tax dollars on research for all infectious diseases than to house and feed illegal aliens and to hospitalize them, all the money propping up your religion global warming would be better spent on cancer research and infectious diseases too. Plenty of fat to spend on the right things. Transgender medical services in the prison system is another waste of federal and state money so do not tell me about cuts
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Better yet, lets get the inept Government out of the Ebola business and let the private sector fight it.
Where's the profit? :dunno:

With out profit, the private sector will show little interest...

*sigh* Looks like that has us fighting the Ebola Monster with either the tool of inept Gubmint, or leaving it up to individuals to deal with it on their own.

:eusa_eh: Do we get a vote?​

Where's the profit? :dunno:

With out profit, the private sector will show little interest...

*sigh* Looks like that has us fighting the Ebola Monster with either the tool of inept Gubmint, or leaving it up to individuals to deal with it on their own.
So you believe that only government has advanced medicines?
No, man! I believe government has the incentive and the private sector does not.

Both are tools, both can be effective - either can be corrupted. Let's write off neither.
No, man! I believe government has the incentive and the private sector does not.

Both are tools, both can be effective - either can be corrupted. Let's write off neither.
There is no greater incentive for products than profit. Government's incentive is job security.
The hysterical nonsense is having real-world effects as stock markets are starting to tank and watching that coverage, they're blaming ebola fears. Not the disease, but the fear. Markets live and die on psychological uncertainty, start spreading panic and alarm about anything and markets will respond.

Or probably the market is over-priced and was due for a correction anyway.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Or we could just prevent people from the Ebola infected countries from coming here. Cost: zero.
If it could be shown that raising taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of raising taxes?
If it could be shown that lowering taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of lowering taxes?

Absolutely. I'm not a mindless, ideological drone.

How about you? Would you raise taxes to save a million Americans from Ebola?

We already raised $3,000,000,000,000.00 dollars this year. THAT IS THREE TRILLION DOLLARS TO SAVE AMERICANS AND OTHERS FROM EBOLA.

No I'm not a mindless ideological drone. Any other stupid statements you want to make?

I'll put you down as "No."

Posters Who Wouldn't Raise Taxes to Save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola

If there really were a way to save one million Americans, they would employ it and find the money or add to the debt without having to raise taxes.
The problem may very well be there is a lack of consensus of what more drastic measures can be taken to combat an outbreak of ebola and not a lack of willingness to fund it. If many people started getting sick with ebola, IMO they could do what you say and quickly deploy trailers and such faster than the disease could spread. Whether they have that will or not is yet to be seen.

We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

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