Should we remove the ability of POTUS to pardon anyone?

I don't want morally bankrupt political cvnts like Obama and Clinton to be able to pardon their criminal friends.

I'm sure Progs would love to prevent people like Bush and Trump from being able to pardon their cronies.

It's a win/win.

Fuck the Prog heros and Fuck the Prog enemies. How about we just obey the laws and then POTUS doesn't have to pardon anyone.
We have much bigger problems, like the left filing multiple lawsuits against POTUS candidates to bankrupt them if they refuse to drop out of the race.

Trump called Cain for advice before announcing his run for POTUS. The only advice Cain gave Trump was, prepare for the onslaught of lawsuits and lies from the left. Cain said, "you can afford to fight them, I couldn't".
We have much bigger problems, like the left filing multiple lawsuits against POTUS candidates to bankrupt them if they refuse to drop out of the race.

Trump called Cain for advice before announcing his run for POTUS. The only advice Cain gave Trump was, prepare for the onslaught of lawsuits and lies from the left. Cain said, "you can afford to fight them, I couldn't".

I am not saying that's the #1 priority for all American.

The #1 priority for all Americans is air to breathe. Without that we have like 4 minutes to live or priority....air.

I bring it up because of the criticism Trump is getting for pardoning Sheriff Joe.

I don't think any POTUS should have that power because they are all corrupt political pieces of shit who can't be trusted.

They can pardon their pals for cash. That's bullshit.
We have much bigger problems, like the left filing multiple lawsuits against POTUS candidates to bankrupt them if they refuse to drop out of the race.

Trump called Cain for advice before announcing his run for POTUS. The only advice Cain gave Trump was, prepare for the onslaught of lawsuits and lies from the left. Cain said, "you can afford to fight them, I couldn't".

I am not saying that's the #1 priority for all American.

The #1 priority for all Americans is air to breathe. Without that we have like 4 minutes to live or priority....air.

I bring it up because of the criticism Trump is getting for pardoning Sheriff Joe.

I don't think any POTUS should have that power because they are all corrupt political pieces of shit who can't be trusted.

They can pardon their pals for cash. That's bullshit.

He pardoned the Sheriff because that was nothing more than a witch hunt. Fuck Obama and his stooges in the Federal government were ignoring our immigration law, LAW as in its spelled out clear as day what our immigration law is. That fucker just made up his own laws and decided to ignore our laws, both of which broke his oath of office. So a sheriff on the front lines decides to openly oppose this lawlessness and the Obama administration went after him with the full might of the federal government. If someone deserves a pardon its that guy.

As to your OP, easy make presidents criminally responsible for anyone they pardon. If they pardon some shit stain and he/she commits another crime toss the president in prison as an accessory. That will cure the pardon problem right there.

Its sad that the founders assumed presidents would be lawful, had they known these liberals might be elected I think the Constitutional protections would have been much stronger.
We have much bigger problems, like the left filing multiple lawsuits against POTUS candidates to bankrupt them if they refuse to drop out of the race.

Trump called Cain for advice before announcing his run for POTUS. The only advice Cain gave Trump was, prepare for the onslaught of lawsuits and lies from the left. Cain said, "you can afford to fight them, I couldn't".

I am not saying that's the #1 priority for all American.

The #1 priority for all Americans is air to breathe. Without that we have like 4 minutes to live or priority....air.

I bring it up because of the criticism Trump is getting for pardoning Sheriff Joe.

I don't think any POTUS should have that power because they are all corrupt political pieces of shit who can't be trusted.

They can pardon their pals for cash. That's bullshit.

He pardoned the Sheriff because that was nothing more than a witch hunt. Fuck Obama and his stooges in the Federal government were ignoring our immigration law, LAW as in its spelled out clear as day what our immigration law is. That fucker just made up his own laws and decided to ignore our laws, both of which broke his oath of office. So a sheriff on the front lines decides to openly oppose this lawlessness and the Obama administration went after him with the full might of the federal government. If someone deserves a pardon its that guy.

As to your OP, easy make presidents criminally responsible for anyone they pardon. If they pardon some shit stain and he/she commits another crime toss the president in prison as an accessory. That will cure the pardon problem right there.

Its sad that the founders assumed presidents would be lawful, had they known these liberals might be elected I think the Constitutional protections would have been much stronger.

Well, luckily for you, it's likely not going anywhere.

I don't like the power of the pardon because we all know that every POTUS is corrupt.
Presidential pardons are supposed to be a way to heal the country so it can move forward, to avoid discontent. Washington pardoning the Whiskey Rebellion members, former confederate soldiers and even Richard Nixon.

Like anything, they can be misused in the wrong tiny, orange hands.
Presidential pardons are supposed to be a way to heal the country so it can move forward, to avoid discontent. Washington pardoning the Whiskey Rebellion members, former confederate soldiers and even Richard Nixon.

Like anything, they can be misused in the wrong tiny, orange hands.

Precisely....and they can be misused in jizz covered grand jury lying hands.

I do not trust any POTUS to use the power of the pardon properly because they are all lying racists.

Every single one of them.

The recent outcry against Trump pardoning the sheriff is asinine in the extreme. This is nowhere near the worst pardon that has been handed out.

That was a non-DOJ pardon, for purely political reasons. The person wasn't even sentenced before justice was derailed. The only one worse was when Ford pardoned Nixon to hide the truth a trial would have brought out.

Next was Bush sr, and the Iran/Contra pardons, shielding himself from being part of it.
I don't think any POTUS should have that power because they are all corrupt political pieces of shit who can't be trusted.

They can pardon their pals for cash. That's bullshit.

That's also illegal. If it ever happens they can go to jail. As bribery is one of the high crimes and misdemeanors the constitution specifies.
I don't think any POTUS should have that power because they are all corrupt political pieces of shit who can't be trusted.

They can pardon their pals for cash. That's bullshit.

That's also illegal. If it ever happens they can go to jail. As bribery is one of the high crimes and misdemeanors the constitution specifies.

It is is distributing confidential State department emails on an unsecured personal server..yet it happened.
Why should POTUS be able to excuse anyone from legal punishment?

It seems like bullshit to me.
No.,,but remember he can't pardon just anyone....federal convictions only.

Most presidential pardons come from the DOJ program. Where DOJ reviews pardon and clemency applications, studies the matter closely, even putting rules like the person had to show 5 years of good behavior to be considered.

And then if they seem ripe for a pardon or clemency, the information is forwarded to the president, usually starting at least a year to two years after he takes office. It takes that long to vet the applicants.

Instead Trump pardoned Arpaio in 6 months, before sentencing. One of the fastest presidential pardons ever issued.
It is is distributing confidential State department emails on an unsecured personal server..yet it happened.

When did a president issue a non DOJ pardon? Those are the only one's where bribery would even be possible.
It is is distributing confidential State department emails on an unsecured personal server..yet it happened.

None of the emails were marked confidential., secret or top secret

Original classification is an initial determination made by an original classification authority (OCA) that information requires, in the interest of national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure. Standard markings are required for all documents that contain originally classified information.
It's ok to break the law as long as you agree politically with those breaking the law.

That's really the upshot of this.
Just because you are POTUS doesn't make you above the law. You should not be able to pardon your criminal cronies.
It's a Constitutional issue. I wonder why nobody brought it up when Hillary's husband pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal while he was on the FBI ten most wanted list. To add insult to injury Bubba Bill pardoned every Puerto Rican bomber terrorist member of FALN while they were doing time in NYS prisons.

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