Should We Revise the Race Box?

Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
..what is it on some forms for something? they have a separate section for hispanics only??!!
..I think that's on firearm forms also....I've seen it on a number of forms
...?? has anyone else seen this..why do hispanics have their own section?
Yup. It's on the mandatory required intake form that we have to enter on all students.
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
..what is it on some forms for something? they have a separate section for hispanics only??!!
..I think that's on firearm forms also....I've seen it on a number of forms
...?? has anyone else seen this..why do hispanics have their own section?
Yup. It's on the mandatory required intake form that we have to enter on all students.
the hispanic section is separated from the AA/Caucasian /Asian/NA section which are altogether--yes?
As I've said before, race is an artificial concept designed to divide us. Therefore it has no use or value, except to be used as division and put us into irrelevant boxes.

Eliminate the question.
Idk about all that. That "artificial concept" was instituted by the one in charge.
We should eliminate it altogether.
I'd be up for that. Might be more for documentation and id cards though, as a preventative measure of id theft and fraud. So, if We use continental ancestral origin... but then again, My ancestors are from at least... 4 or 5 of the 7 Continents... so in the case of ID, I'd say Identifying as a Multi Continental (MC) Neanderthal would be apropos. If someone is a Eu. or As. N or an Af. S. or N. you have a good idea of what the genetics of the person could be. Yeah, if somone had Af. N on their ID, I would think Egyptian or Arab or Berber and then the ID would match.
Continental Origin is even less useful. It's nothing but a substitute for race.
Then for nonphoto ID's, should there a skin color question; to prevent ID theft and fraud?
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Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
..what is it on some forms for something? they have a separate section for hispanics only??!!
..I think that's on firearm forms also....I've seen it on a number of forms
...?? has anyone else seen this..why do hispanics have their own section?
Yup. It's on the mandatory required intake form that we have to enter on all students.
the hispanic section is separated from the AA/Caucasian /Asian/NA section which are altogether--yes?
Yes. The first question always is Are you Hispanic or nonHispanic? If nonHispanic, then you have the other choices--White, Black, Asian, etc. on a table of several. Having that question separate is for faster data sorting purposes. Hispanics (Spanish speaking) are the largest foreign language group in the country, followed by Chinese. Maybe the government is intent on providing plenty of support for Spanish speakers, like ESL programs and translators, etc. in areas where they live. Can't think of any other reason.
We should eliminate it altogether.
I'd be up for that. Might be more for documentation and id cards though, as a preventative measure of id theft and fraud. So, if We use continental ancestral origin... but then again, My ancestors are from at least... 4 or 5 of the 7 Continents... so in the case of ID, I'd say Identifying as a Multi Continental (MC) Neanderthal would be apropos. If someone is a Eu. or As. N or an Af. S. or N. you have a good idea of what the genetics of the person could be. Yeah, if somone had Af. N on their ID, I would think Egyptian or Arab or Berber and then the ID would match.
Continental Origin is even less useful. It's nothing but a substitute for race.
Then for nonphoto ID's, should there a skin color question; to prevent ID theft and fraud?
I've never heard of a nonphoto ID being accepted as a valid ID. Unless it's a secondary or third form of ID backing up a photo ID.
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
..what is it on some forms for something? they have a separate section for hispanics only??!!
..I think that's on firearm forms also....I've seen it on a number of forms
...?? has anyone else seen this..why do hispanics have their own section?
Yup. It's on the mandatory required intake form that we have to enter on all students.
the hispanic section is separated from the AA/Caucasian /Asian/NA section which are altogether--yes?
Yes. The first question always is Are you Hispanic or nonHispanic? If nonHispanic, then you have the other choices--White, Black, Asian, etc. on a table of several. Having that question separate is for faster data sorting purposes. Hispanics (Spanish speaking) are the largest foreign language group in the country, followed by Chinese. Maybe the government is intent on providing plenty of support for Spanish speakers, like ESL programs and translators, etc. in areas where they live. Can't think of any other reason.
The Treaty of Tordesillas could be the cause... remember the origin of the name "America" and the connection to Spain.

"For as much of you, Christopher Columbus, are going by our command, with some of our vessels and men, to discover and subdue some Islands and Continent (Atlantis) in the (Atlantic) ocean, and it is hoped that by God's assistance, some of the said Islands and Continent (Atlantis) in the (Atlantic) ocean will be discovered and conquered by your means and conduct..."

Homo Sapien Neanderthal/Homo Sapien Sapien is better than Red, White, Yellow, Indigo, and Black. Less separation, let's Us remember who We are. Mulan translated from Aztecan would be Land of Mu. I am Aztec.

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Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
..what is it on some forms for something? they have a separate section for hispanics only??!!
..I think that's on firearm forms also....I've seen it on a number of forms
...?? has anyone else seen this..why do hispanics have their own section?
Yup. It's on the mandatory required intake form that we have to enter on all students.
the hispanic section is separated from the AA/Caucasian /Asian/NA section which are altogether--yes?
Yes. The first question always is Are you Hispanic or nonHispanic? If nonHispanic, then you have the other choices--White, Black, Asian, etc. on a table of several. Having that question separate is for faster data sorting purposes. Hispanics (Spanish speaking) are the largest foreign language group in the country, followed by Chinese. Maybe the government is intent on providing plenty of support for Spanish speakers, like ESL programs and translators, etc. in areas where they live. Can't think of any other reason.
The Treaty of Tordesillas could be the cause... remember the origin of the name "America" and the connection to Spain.
I don't think so.
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
..what is it on some forms for something? they have a separate section for hispanics only??!!
..I think that's on firearm forms also....I've seen it on a number of forms
...?? has anyone else seen this..why do hispanics have their own section?
Yup. It's on the mandatory required intake form that we have to enter on all students.
the hispanic section is separated from the AA/Caucasian /Asian/NA section which are altogether--yes?
Yes. The first question always is Are you Hispanic or nonHispanic? If nonHispanic, then you have the other choices--White, Black, Asian, etc. on a table of several. Having that question separate is for faster data sorting purposes. Hispanics (Spanish speaking) are the largest foreign language group in the country, followed by Chinese. Maybe the government is intent on providing plenty of support for Spanish speakers, like ESL programs and translators, etc. in areas where they live. Can't think of any other reason.
The Treaty of Tordesillas could be the cause... remember the origin of the name "America" and the connection to Spain.
I don't think so.
I updated the quote. I think, therefore I am, et Je Me souviens Jean Cousin et Leif Erikson.
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
So do you advocate just not having the race box question?
Unless someone can explain a good reason for it, yes.

I wish there WASN'T a good reason for it, but the BEST use of it IS in education.. Because you can not FIX anything that you don't have metrics for.. And the disparity factor in both outcomes and opportunities is HUGE enough to HAVE to require the reporting.,. EVEN IF the resultant answers are that ECONOMIC inequities rather than solely race...

It's like doing away with standardized testing for all the excuses that are made for that. Or grades. Because then NO ONE can tell ANYTHING about the "quality, inequalities, or outcomes" in education anywhere at any time.... And any issues or problems simply go "POOF" and disappear into unicorns farting glitter...
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.

When I have an opportunity to write race in, or answer a question, I just respond Homo Sapien Neanderthal now.
And they stamp your paper "Mental Case" and throw it in the trash. There is no such thing as "Atlantean," and Neanderthals became extinct over 40,000 years ago.

What box to check off is the least of your very obvious problems.
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
So do you advocate just not having the race box question?
Unless someone can explain a good reason for it, yes.

I wish there WASN'T a good reason for it, but the BEST use of it IS in education.. Because you can not FIX anything that you don't have metrics for.. And the disparity factor in both outcomes and opportunities is HUGE enough to HAVE to require the reporting.,. EVEN IF the resultant answers are that ECONOMIC inequities rather than solely race...
However, over time the value of the metric is diluted by the fact that more and more Americans don't fall into just one (or two, or three) categories.
Besides the inconsistency of having White instead of European/Cacasian, and Black instead of African; then not having color names for Atlanteans, Asians, and Indians; which I guess would be Red, Yellow, and Indigo, and Olive for Latin/Mediterranean...

When collecting demographics information, why not use Humankind's real two races, or subspecies. Let's just start identifying by actual race, H.S. Neanderthal and H.S. Sapien, then Continent of Origin if further demographics breakdown is needed.
Every adult education student is entered into a database with their race identified. Feds want it so state collects it for them. Why does the government do this? It's one thing to identify race on the census, but just about every form you fill out for the government asks your race. Why?
I know us teachers don't care. It would be one thing if the different races learned differently, if that needed to be taken into account to serve them, but they don't.
Looked at one way, it almost seems to be feeding the race issue. Can we at least attempt to stop chunking people together by their race?
So do you advocate just not having the race box question?
Unless someone can explain a good reason for it, yes.

I wish there WASN'T a good reason for it, but the BEST use of it IS in education.. Because you can not FIX anything that you don't have metrics for.. And the disparity factor in both outcomes and opportunities is HUGE enough to HAVE to require the reporting.,. EVEN IF the resultant answers are that ECONOMIC inequities rather than solely race...

It's like doing away with standardized testing for all the excuses that are made for that. Or grades. Because then NO ONE can tell ANYTHING about the "quality, inequalities, or outcomes" in education anywhere at any time.... And any issues or problems simply go "POOF" and disappear into unicorns farting glitter...
I suppose that makes sense from a government perspective; are minorities being served. I was thinking of it from a teaching perspective.
If people treated skin color like hair color there would be no need today track. Who cares what percent of redheads are CEOs or how they do on standardized tests? But in reality it’s not treated the same so we monitor to improve. You can’t fix what you don’t measure.
Until the damage caused by race conscious policies are completely fixed, we need to stop talking about taking race out of anything.

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