Should We Take Back Former ISIS US Citizens?

Under What Conditions Should we allow former ISIS members to return to the USA?

  • Only if we remove a finger or two

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno, whassa matter?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sorry, who is arguing all of that? No one is arguing that she didn't go and do all of that.
She is a terrorist. Neither her or her son will be allowed in the US and anyone who assists her is committing a felony by assisting terrorism.

She held herself up as an example, and an example she is.

The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
------------ I sure don't want her to face the 'justice system' because of time , money , complication and BS . I can see with my own eyes that she sided with the Enemy and that's good enough for her to be labeled ENEMY forever more P.K..
Sorry, who is arguing all of that? No one is arguing that she didn't go and do all of that.
She is a terrorist. Neither her or her son will be allowed in the US and anyone who assists her is committing a felony by assisting terrorism.

She held herself up as an example, and an example she is.

The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
------------ I sure don't want her to face the 'justice system' because of time , money , complication and BS . I can see with my own eyes that she sided with the Enemy and that's good enough for her to be labeled ENEMY forever more P.K..

That's fine but it's hardly earth earth shattering that some would like to see her face justice.
I think we should if they denounce ISIS, face court procedings for joining a terrorist organization, do their time and show no criminal activity, I would say take them back but keep an eye on them.

Any other opinions? Please do the poll.

U.S.-born ISIS bride thinks she 'deserves a second chance'
Try this for an example: Go to an extreme Christian fundamentalist(s) and do anything you can think of, to betray their beliefs that are in the "Old Testament." It simply isn't going to happen, no matter how hard you try.
Now, ratchet up that belief to a higher level and you have an ISIS member. Thoroughly indoctrinated in the teachings of hate and killing of "non-believers" via the Koran, since he/she was young enough to read the Koran and listen to his/her radical family, friends and religious teachers and you have a thoroughly brain-washed killer, complete with no remorse. He/she will kill you, your spouse, your kids and other loved ones, simply for not believing in the garbage preached in the Koran.
So, should you offer peace and a return to their non-Islamic nation, they will simply use taqiyya (lie/deception) to be able to return and look for more ways to undermine your non-Islamic nation.
Any individual that considers him/herself to be a "true" Muslim, uses "abrogation" when it comes to the Koran; the concept that Muhammad's latter teachings of hate and killing, supersede his earlier teachings of peace.
Bottom line, if they are a member of ISIS, the only solution is their death.
And, the only overall problem with this type of enemy is to cut off the head of the snake and in this case, it's the Koran and its teachings.
You started off using a Christian analogy, when in reality no one wishes to destroy that group (the Christian's) except for the ones you made note of here, so hey guess what ? The Christian's are on your side, but the better question is whose side are you really on ??
She is a terrorist. Neither her or her son will be allowed in the US and anyone who assists her is committing a felony by assisting terrorism.

She held herself up as an example, and an example she is.

The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
------------ I sure don't want her to face the 'justice system' because of time , money , complication and BS . I can see with my own eyes that she sided with the Enemy and that's good enough for her to be labeled ENEMY forever more P.K..

That's fine but it's hardly earth earth shattering that some would like to see her face justice.
---------------------------------------------- And that'd be YOUR brand of PRETEND justice based on caring , emotions and BS rather than the facts that she left the USA to fight FOR Americas enemy called 'isis' P.K. .
The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
------------ I sure don't want her to face the 'justice system' because of time , money , complication and BS . I can see with my own eyes that she sided with the Enemy and that's good enough for her to be labeled ENEMY forever more P.K..

That's fine but it's hardly earth earth shattering that some would like to see her face justice.
---------------------------------------------- And that'd be YOUR brand of PRETEND justice based on caring , emotions and BS rather than the facts that she left the USA to fight FOR Americas enemy called 'isis' P.K. .

We armed and backed them in Syria.

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
------------ I sure don't want her to face the 'justice system' because of time , money , complication and BS . I can see with my own eyes that she sided with the Enemy and that's good enough for her to be labeled ENEMY forever more P.K..

That's fine but it's hardly earth earth shattering that some would like to see her face justice.
---------------------------------------------- And that'd be YOUR brand of PRETEND justice based on caring , emotions and BS rather than the facts that she left the USA to fight FOR Americas enemy called 'isis' P.K. .

We armed and backed them in Syria.
--------------------------------------- according to YOU . But that was Then and 'hoda' is today and now P.K..
They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
------------ I sure don't want her to face the 'justice system' because of time , money , complication and BS . I can see with my own eyes that she sided with the Enemy and that's good enough for her to be labeled ENEMY forever more P.K..

That's fine but it's hardly earth earth shattering that some would like to see her face justice.
---------------------------------------------- And that'd be YOUR brand of PRETEND justice based on caring , emotions and BS rather than the facts that she left the USA to fight FOR Americas enemy called 'isis' P.K. .

We armed and backed them in Syria.
--------------------------------------- according to YOU . But that was Then and 'hoda' is today and now P.K..

No clue what you are arguing.
Like I say , this 'hoda' voluntarily left the USA to travel to enemy lands for the purpose of fighting American military as an Enemy Combatant P.K,,
just arguing that it looks like your friend 'hoda' is staying in her Camp of Tents and sand and numerous anonymous inseminators P,K,,
Like I say , this 'hoda' voluntarily left the USA to travel to enemy lands for the purpose of fighting American military as an Enemy Combatant P.K,,

No one is disputing that so what is your point?
just arguing that it looks like your friend 'hoda' is staying in her Camp of Tents and sand and numerous anonymous inseminators P,K,,

I clearly argued that it appeared legal. I never argued otherwise.
ISIS is a form of Salafist Sunni Islam that was called al Qaeda in Iraq previously. It was created by Al Zarqawi in the 1990s. This was before 911 and the subsequent involvement in Iraq or Afghanistan.

To listen to some of the more puerile posters in this thread, you would almost think that we created some sort of time machine in order to go back in time to create Islam, or the very literal way in which it is being followed today. We didn't.

All the prattling of children notwithstanding, ISIS is a vicious terrorist group bent upon establishing a worldwide caliphate through murder, mayhem, intimidation and coercion. Those who join it do so with full knowledge of its asperations and the children here defending it do so with full knowledge of its intent as well.

The issue here is whether these soulless terrorists should be allowed into this country based upon who they are, what they represent, and the danger they pose to our way of life. It has nothing to with all this infantile finger pointing as to who created them, who might have armed them, who created the conditions that allowed them to thrive or who has financed them in the past. All that counts is who they are and what they represent.
Sorry, who is arguing all of that? No one is arguing that she didn't go and do all of that.
She is a terrorist. Neither her or her son will be allowed in the US and anyone who assists her is committing a felony by assisting terrorism.

She held herself up as an example, and an example she is.

The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
She has no right to the US Justice system. She has no right to renter the country. She is NOT a US citizen and neither is her child. She is allied with and committed to Jihad.

And as we learned in San Bernadino, these jihad chicks WILL shed innocent blood.
Sorry, who is arguing all of that? No one is arguing that she didn't go and do all of that.
She is a terrorist. Neither her or her son will be allowed in the US and anyone who assists her is committing a felony by assisting terrorism.

She held herself up as an example, and an example she is.

The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
She has no right to the US Justice system. She has no right to renter the country. She is NOT a US citizen and neither is her child. She is allied with and committed to Jihad.

And as we learned in San Bernadino, these jihad chicks WILL shed innocent blood.

People undergo the justice system not because they always have a right to it. Are you arguing that Ramzi Yousef should have just been deported?
She is a terrorist. Neither her or her son will be allowed in the US and anyone who assists her is committing a felony by assisting terrorism.

She held herself up as an example, and an example she is.

The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
She has no right to the US Justice system. She has no right to renter the country. She is NOT a US citizen and neither is her child. She is allied with and committed to Jihad.

And as we learned in San Bernadino, these jihad chicks WILL shed innocent blood.

People undergo the justice system not because they always have a right to it. Are you arguing that Ramzi Yousef should have just been deported?
------------------------------------------- they just can't stay on topic I guess .
The court ruled she was borne here the daughter of a diplomat. That means she isn't a citizen which means she doesn't have to be allowed back in. Who is arguing otherwise?
Doug Jones, for one.

Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones says ISIS bride Hoda Muthana should be allowed back into the US to face the criminal justice system

The Left Wing Brookings Institute: The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana
The wrong decision on Hoda Muthana

Los Angeles Times › la-na-hoda-muthana-alabama-isis-20190222-story

Trump must allow return of U.S.-born woman who joined ...

They want her to fact the justice system. That's what many condemn Bill Clinton for NOT doing with OBL. Is that really something you are going to base your position on?
She has no right to the US Justice system. She has no right to renter the country. She is NOT a US citizen and neither is her child. She is allied with and committed to Jihad.

And as we learned in San Bernadino, these jihad chicks WILL shed innocent blood.

People undergo the justice system not because they always have a right to it. Are you arguing that Ramzi Yousef should have just been deported?
------------------------------------------- they just can't stay on topic I guess .

Well, I haven't received an answer yet.

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