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shouldnt health care be free to all of us

you won't its like anything else like highways its part of uor taxes, like i said before it works in hawii. why not the whole country?
Originally posted by alan1234567890
you won't its like anything else like highways its part of uor taxes, like i said before it works in hawii. why not the whole country?

And where does this tax money come from? Do we tax an equal amount across the board, or are you suggesting the richer pay more taxes to support the poor?
like everything else. i think were taxed to death . but we dont get basic things like health care or even desent schools for our kids. what a crock. we can build. baseball and football stadiums but not schools that is just bs to me. we send 3 billion in aid to a bunch of different countries. but deny our own people
I'm noticing a trend from many of the liberals on this board. When they get backed into a corner and have facts thrown in their face - they just disappear. This is the 3rd time today one of these pukes disappeared on me when the heat came on. How sad.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
I respectfully disagree, choosing health care as a right and choosing the right to bear arms is identical. It is a social contract that was was popularly made quite some time ago, as such it cannot be stealing. If someone does not agree with the contract, they are free to leave.

Consider this example. Say a person in your country does not agree with the Iraq war. They still must still fund the military who's actions they do not support with their taxes. However, that does not mean that they can or should revoke their taxes. As a citizen of your country they bought into the premise, or contract, that the ruling government would provide security as they deemed fit. In this case, the Iraq war. If they do not like it, they can either vote for a new government or leave.

We can popularly overturn universal healthcare at any junction we would like, but until then it is a social right. In fact the Health Canada Act has the same legislative stature as the Canadian Bill of Rights. I'm not suggesting by any means the US adopt our system as I don't think it would work in your country. Universal healthcare is a socialistic institution for sure, but it is certainly not shoved down our throats. I could throw some statistics in if you wish, but Canadians are generally satisfied with their system.

Okay i guess I agree with most of what you said, except for the right to guns and healthcare being alike. Basically on the same grounds as rtwng's reponse to your response to my response. It's a right that requires taking property from someone and giving it to somene else debt free. A little different than having the right to own a gun. Maybe RIGHT is the wrong word for it. How about democratically agreed upon policy?

I agree that free health care won't work in the U.S., but completely understand why it has a better chance of working in Canada.
Originally posted by Bern80
Okay i guess I agree with most of what you said, except for the right to guns and healthcare being alike. Basically on the same grounds as rtwng's reponse to your response to my response. It's a right that requires taking property from someone and giving it to somene else debt free. A little different than having the right to own a gun. Maybe RIGHT is the wrong word for it. How about democratically agreed upon policy?

I agree that free health care won't work in the U.S., but completely understand why it has a better chance of working in Canada.

Fair enough. I can accept that. Perhaps, right is the incorrect term. You wording is indeed better.
Most people already have health care, and those who for some reason dont already get covered by the government. Why on earth do we want to make the government pay for some rich guys health care if he can do it himself and better? Why do we need to pay for Rush Limbaugh and Bill Gates medical coverage?
Originally posted by insein
And England has about 1/6 the population of the US. Imagine the hysteria if the US tried "Free Health Care". People would die on the waiting list for a Freaking Flu vaccination.

I was thinking of a Canadian couple that had to take their son to a hospital in the USA because the waiting list was so long their child would have died...and before it's asked...they paid for it..it was their son.

I cannot imagine having an emergency and relying on the government to help me. It all sounds good to think that someone else will pay for your expenses but it doesnt work as well as it sounds. When, living in England, I was fine with the notion...because I was healthy and did not require anything...but when friends and relatives became ill for one reason or another I realized, what is free? A friends mother needed a heart operation and was told to wait three months because of the waiting list for people under government care. She was also told she needed to have the surgery imm. as further delay would result in further damage or death. She went privite.

So although, it all sounds good and well...its one of those things I would say - be carefull what you wish for, it might just come true.
Originally posted by jimnyc
I'm noticing a trend from many of the liberals on this board. When they get backed into a corner and have facts thrown in their face - they just disappear. This is the 3rd time today one of these pukes disappeared on me when the heat came on. How sad.

Youve been here longer, but ive said this about 3 times in the last 3 days, lol.
Currently from Canada 2 cents:

'free' healthcare (ha!) doesn't lead to abuse automatically. I have hurt myself many, many times and only been to the hospital when i needed stiches or a problem seemed serious (I got punched in the heart, had my eye burned, numerous head injuries, and chopped my hand up) in fact most people i know don't bother unless its serious. EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FREE TO GO WHENEVER THE HELL THEY WANT TO. For yet another example, I broke my toe and only asked my doctor 6 months after when I was seeing him for something else. And yes, I did break it turns out, but I didn't bother going the hospital because it wasn't really a big deal. EVEN THOUGH ITS FREE.

BTW: I am not a stuntman, I just have awesome luck.

Healthcare isn't about stealing from anyone necessarily, I mean it's YOU paying into a pool that YOU have a right to. You pay the taxes, YOU get the healthcare. If you are so damn poor that you don't pay taxes, you have enough problems, and I love helping you out! Plus the US already has socialist systems like that in place. Or are the fire dept and the police private?

Hey, who here thinks they SHOULD be private? Anyone?

And Jim, we don't all LIVE on this board, sometimes it takes a bit before we can come back...
Originally posted by Scourge
Currently from Canada 2 cents:

....Healthcare isn't about stealing from anyone necessarily, I mean it's YOU paying into a pool that YOU have a right to. You pay the taxes, YOU get the healthcare. If you are so damn poor that you don't pay taxes, you have enough problems, and I love helping you out! Plus the US already has socialist systems like that in place. Or are the fire dept and the police private?

Hey, who here thinks they SHOULD be private? Anyone?

And Jim, we don't all LIVE on this board, sometimes it takes a bit before we can come back...

I'm not as up on the whole health care issue as I probably should be. But my father is a doctor, and I currently have no insurance, so I certainly have some insight/involvement in the issue. As best I can figure, one way in which Canada and Europe are ahead of the US governmentally is the fact that they offer health care to everyone.

I haven't had health care for the last three years simply because I don't feeling like shelling out $4000 per annum for it. It's bad enough what I pay for auto insurance but that is REQUIRED by law. I wish it were required by law that I be treated at a local hospital if need be. I'm just lucky I'm only 28 and not at serious health risk yet (obviously if I were 60 y.o. with no insurance it would be a different story).

Last time I visited Spain, I got an ear infection I went to the hospital and got free treatment eventhough I'm not a EU citizen. Now that was cool.

My father is a shrink and I often kid him that he's been reduced to pedaling drugs for the pharm. industry. He hates it when I do that but he knows I'm half right.

Well, that's where I stand. The state of health care inour country and who can afford it is REAL FUCKED UP. THAT, I know.
Plus, liberals will have nothing but incessant negativism about america until it is defeated.
Another idiotic comment from someone incapable of making anything other than blanket/general statements about his arch enemy--the liberal.

I'll speak for myself and be specific (so as to differentiate between myself and what I criticized you for):

If I don't criticize my government (on occasion) how will it get better? I suppose you mean to tell me that I cannot be American and support my government while at the same time trying to change it(is this what you mean by incessant negativism?)

Well, I'm tired of trying to decipher your generic comments.
Since you put no effort into intellectual conversation...
Originally posted by nycflasher
Another idiotic comment from someone incapable of making anything other than blanket/general statements about his arch enemy--the liberal.

I'll speak for myself and be specific (so as to differentiate between myself and what I criticized you for):

If I don't criticize my government (on occasion) how will it get better? I suppose you mean to tell me that I cannot be American and support my government while at the same time trying to change it(is this what you mean by incessant negativism?)

Well, I'm tired of trying to decipher your generic comments.
Since you put no effort into intellectual conversation...

You have the right to criticize your government. we have a right to poke holes in your criticism. Liberals ARE constantly negative about america. Too greedy, too selfish, too white, too rich, too free. It's like, an upside down world view, man!
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You have the right to criticize your government. we have a right to poke holes in your criticism. Liberals ARE constantly negative about america. Too greedy, too selfish, too white, too rich, too free. It's like, an upside down world view, man!

I have yet to see you "poke holes" in any criticism I've made. And I don't consideral myself liberal as much as I do not conservative. In fact, I try to stick to issues not the different/typical political parties and views associated with them.

Think what you want of liberals, but I think the two-party system we have in our country is far from perfect. Partly because people like you get off on blaming a group rather than addressing the issue. As long as there are only two parties significantly involved in th4e electoral proccess, ALL Americans will not be rerpresented. But I'm digressing.
Originally posted by Scourge
And Jim, we don't all LIVE on this board, sometimes it takes a bit before we can come back...

Fuck off, loser. And take as long as you like to return, nobody is going to miss your sorry ass.

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