Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

This is what you all have reduced yourselves to?

Making up shit, lies, and instigating trouble and argument out of thin air, so you can fight with who you have deep seeded ungodly hatred for....?

Or to try to compare a woman who simply suggested that people can help (civil disobedience) protesters by donating to a charity that makes bail funds available, to anyone qualifying for a bail release, if they don't have the ability to raise their bail money....Comparing that comment with Donald Trumps rebel rousing speech at the ellipse???? Sheesh!

You all are being VERY DISHONEST, and lack moral compass,
shame on you!

This is all that Kamala tweeted,

Kamala Harris
If you’re able to, chip in now to the
to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.
Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund
Your support will help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

4:34 PM · Jun 1, 2020

And it became a firestorm in dishonest right wing circles of propaganda and hatred, and your rightwing fake news.

How did this even become something to even debate and discuss....and start silly threads on?

You call her a liar, as you all make claims about her wanting violent rioters to continue their violence, that she never once mentioned or hinted or said?

And for what reason is this being brought up and made up?

Your souls have rotted...... :(
As others have noted, bail is required when what happens? Last I heard, getting arrested. And why would these people be arrested? Not for legally protesting, as is their right under the constitution. Obviously, they've broken the law during their "protest", so Cackles is not wanting donations to bail out legal protestors. I do not see her clarifying that she's talking about false arrest or anything like that.

And now for a classic waddaboudism. How would you have reacted had Mike Pence been tweeting for donations to bail out J6 protestors? You know, saying they were protesting on the ground in DC.
You can have a crack at her in the criminal law courts AFTER your Orange Baboon-God has received his own criminal trial outcomes.

Meanwhile... no pauses nor distractions in legally sidelining that modern-day Benedict Arnold.
We can walk and chew gum at the same time, you know. Yes, yes, we understand that Orange Man Bad is all-consuming and takes every last brain cycle in the usual suspects, but don't be ridiculous.
Day or night? There's a big difference. I saw everything including the cops going nuts and arresting thousands of BLM who were only protesting and then starting big fights and finally tear gas Etcetera- that was when some people looted and rioted- at night there were no cops... god knows who they were but I say and reality says they weren't BLM riots. And to tell you the truth I don't give a damn at this point, what about your party and your orange clown president complaining about election fraud they knew did not happen and setting brainwashed functional moron idiots to attack the capital. Don't Care if he said be peaceful once among an hour of speeches calling on them to fight and be strong and be tough and all the other BS. Plus he knew about the Oath keepers et cetera and told them to show up. Give me a break, you people are brainwashed functional morons and the worst voters in the world by far.... Everything you know is wrong. And Anti American divisive racist BS. What Murdoch does everywhere and why he was thrown out of Australia and the UK.... He should go to hell immediately along with the Orange Dingbat. Who I found amusing until this baloney....
Woot! You did it! You remembered to rant about Murdoch in a totally unrelated topic. I guess you can relax this weekend.
As others have noted, bail is required when what happens? Last I heard, getting arrested. And why would these people be arrested? Not for legally protesting, as is their right under the constitution. Obviously, they've broken the law during their "protest", so Cackles is not wanting donations to bail out legal protestors. I do not see her clarifying that she's talking about false arrest or anything like that.

And now for a classic waddaboudism. How would you have reacted had Mike Pence been tweeting for donations to bail out J6 protestors? You know, saying they were protesting on the ground in DC.
1. I don't give a shit what causes Pence donates to.

2. Who's fault is it that all the conservative minded prosecutors are pussies? If you can't find a prosecutor to bring charges against Kamala who's fault is that?
Day or night? There's a big difference. I saw everything including the cops going nuts and arresting thousands of BLM who were only protesting and then starting big fights and finally tear gas Etcetera- that was when some people looted and rioted- at night there were no cops... god knows who they were but I say and reality says they weren't BLM riots. And to tell you the truth I don't give a damn at this point, what about your party and your orange clown president complaining about election fraud they knew did not happen and setting brainwashed functional moron idiots to attack the capital. Don't Care if he said be peaceful once among an hour of speeches calling on them to fight and be strong and be tough and all the other BS. Plus he knew about the Oath keepers et cetera and told them to show up. Give me a break, you people are brainwashed functional morons and the worst voters in the world by far.... Everything you know is wrong. And Anti American divisive racist BS. What Murdoch does everywhere and why he was thrown out of Australia and the UK.... He should go to hell immediately along with the Orange Dingbat. Who I found amusing until this baloney....

Wanna now how I know you're an idiot? I am neither a Pub or a Dem. There is NO excuse for rioting, burning and looting. NONE.
Are you a sock for the other poster?

I know it's not mine. Did you have a hand in it?
A hand in what exactly? Go ahead and detail the conspiracy that has to exist for Kamala to escape justice for her grave crimes. 😄
A hand in what exactly? Go ahead and detail the conspiracy that has to exist for Kamala to escape justice for her grave crimes. 😄
You tell me. You asked whose fault it was. I just said it wasn't mine and asked if you did it.
1. I don't give a shit what causes Pence donates to.

2. Who's fault is it that all the conservative minded prosecutors are pussies? If you can't find a prosecutor to bring charges against Kamala who's fault is that?
Why do Progs move from their cities? Why do they not move into ghettos instead of virginal red areas and destroy them? When neighborhoods change in Prog voting areas that are white, they leave quickly while promoting their defenders of the realm of total equality crap. We all throw the bullshit. It is to degree and the costs are massive.
You tell me. You asked whose fault it was. I just said it wasn't mine and asked if you did it.
Yes, I asked who's fault is that Kamala isn't being arrested like you think she should be. Or were you not trying to compare her actions to same actions Trump has been indicted for?
Why do Progs move from their cities? Why do they not move into ghettos instead of virginal red areas and destroy them? When neighborhoods change in Prog voting areas that are white, they leave quickly while promoting their defenders of the realm of total equality crap. We all throw the bullshit. It is to degree and the costs are massive.
Why are you so stupid? 😄 People with money leave cities to take their city money and gentrify your po dunk, back water towns. You think that's something they just do to black and brown people? 😄
That's insane. Words like this?

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated.”

Trumpybear and his New Republican lackeys are okay with subverting the elections because they see nothing wrong with what he said and was trying to do.

Or how about the 9-11 plot. If we could have caught those fuckers talking about their plan to use jetliners to attack us, would those words be enough to investigate and prosecute?
So…when Al Gore wanted to audit FL counties to find votes that should have gone to him. Should he have been prosecuted?
Why do Progs move from their cities? Why do they not move into ghettos instead of virginal red areas and destroy them? When neighborhoods change in Prog voting areas that are white, they leave quickly while promoting their defenders of the realm of total equality crap. We all throw the bullshit. It is to degree and the costs are massive.
Yeah, it’s what happened in Northern Virginia. When I moved here right out of college (40-some years ago), the politics were normal. Our district had a Republican representative. Our Governor was Republican.

And the crazy leftists were across the River in Maryland.

But over the years, they’ve moved away from the problems caused by liberal policies, and because most are government workers, they settled in close-in NoVa. And they took their idiotic policies with them.
Yes, I asked who's fault is that Kamala isn't being arrested like you think she should be. Or were you not trying to compare her actions to same actions Trump has been indicted for?
Where did I say she should be arrested? Methinks you doth protest too much.
Where did I say she should be arrested? Methinks you doth protest too much.
Who's protesting? I'm seeking clarification. 😄 If I was confused about the point you were making about Kamala bailing out protesters feel free to set the record straight.
Who's protesting? I'm seeking clarification. 😄 If I was confused about the point you were making about Kamala bailing out protesters feel free to set the record straight.
To bail someone out, they have to first get arrested. That means they did more than just protest.
And it's disingenuous to claim that she's bailing out "protestors" and not "rioters".
So your feelings were hurt? You know when people used to protest doing sit ins they'd get arrested too. For trespassing. Peaceful protesters like MLK Jr. racked up charge after charge for civil disobedience, which is basically not following a police officers orders to clear the streets fast enough. Big whoop. Not every protester arrested is a violent protester and quite a few of those protesters went on to have their charges dropped or be handed a settlement for wrongful arrest.

New York City agrees to pay $13 million to 2020 racial injustice protesters in historic class action

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