Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

You all just don’t get it, in todays America we have two different standards in the application of law, one for the Dimbo’s and one for the Pubs. Constitutional guarantees don’t apply to Pubs. Welcome to the world of the banana republic on steroids. Be careful the DOJ may come kicking down your door if you disagree.
New polls are in the range of 2/3 of Americans being quite confident that Trump has committed crimes and is worthy of being prosecuted. You cannot undo that by spewing QAnon style fear of deep state bullshit and fifth grade level whataboutism victimhood whatsoevers.
New polls are in the range of 2/3 of Americans being quite confident that Trump has committed crimes and is worthy of being prosecuted. You cannot undo that by spewing QAnon style fear of deep state bullshit and fifth grade level whataboutism victimhood whatsoevers.

Literally you fringe left wing lunatics are the only ones that I have seen ever mention "Q"


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Literally you fringe left wing lunatics are the only ones that I have seen ever mention "Q"
Ashley Babbitt did. Now that dumb ass mega woman is dead for Trump and Q. I’m glad they stopped her assault on ThE UNITED States of America but I don’t want to see that happen to you or anybody else.
read the indictment. It is all laid out there.

Those are the charges. You may not think he will be found guilty but that is immaterial to the thread which is comparing Harris supporting riots with Trump supporting riots.

Since you OP directly lies with "If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully" because Trump is not being indicted for encouraging his supports to do anything. He is being indicted on RICO for trying to illegally change the election.
OFS. You people are dangerous. Not only do you cheat your way to a win, you want to imprison for life the victim for fighting back against it.

In the meantime, the real threat is in the WH. He sided with China and let them get photos of our defense installations. He’s letting the Communists buy tons of land here. He’s flooding the country with illegal aliens to weaken us further. He stole classified docs out of a SCIF when he was a senator. He’s enabled his family to extort millions from enemy countries.
And yet it is the OP that directly lied about the charges.
So typical. Libs call anyone who disagrees with them a liar.

What about your demented president? Is HE is liar? He just can’t help himself. The latest was that he said he saw the NJ bridge collapse.
So typical. Libs call anyone who disagrees with them a liar.

What about your demented president? Is HE is liar? He just can’t help himself. The latest was that he said he saw the NJ bridge collapse.

FA_Q2's a Liberal? Can you kindly point out some of his Liberal positions?
OFS. You people are dangerous. Not only do you cheat your way to a win, you want to imprison for life the victim for fighting back against it.

In the meantime, the real threat is in the WH. He sided with China and let them get photos of our defense installations. He’s letting the Communists buy tons of land here. He’s flooding the country with illegal aliens to weaken us further. He stole classified docs out of a SCIF when he was a senator. He’s enabled his family to extort millions from enemy countries.

Just ignoring the outright lie.

Because you can't handle the fact you are utterly and totally ignorant on the facts. You can spew your claims out till you turn blue in the face but that will not change the utter lack of facts that support them.
FA_Q2's a Liberal? Can you kindly point out some of his Liberal positions?
lol, that is all they have. EVERYONE that does not support the outright lies they have is a 'liberal.' Like many other terms, it has become meaningless.

Just ignoring the outright lie.

Because you can't handle the fact you are utterly and totally ignorant on the facts. You can spew your claims out till you turn blue in the face but that will not change the utter lack of facts that support them.

What is the lie that you see?
So typical. Libs call anyone who disagrees with them a liar.

What about your demented president? Is HE is liar? He just can’t help himself. The latest was that he said he saw the NJ bridge collapse.
No, I did not call out a disagreement as a lie.

I pointed out the OP directly lied and that is backed up by the text of the indictment.

See, those are facts and evidence, not vapid claims like you have. Trump has not been indicted for 'encouraging riots.' That is a flat out fact and why you have never linked the indictment you claim exists.
Wanna now how I know you're an idiot? I am neither a Pub or a Dem. There is NO excuse for rioting, burning and looting. NONE.
OF COURSE NOT DUUUHHHHHH BUT. The point is it wasn't BLM riots, it was hangers on gangster wannabes and criminals, no matter how many thousands of times you hear BLM riots as the silly dupe you are.... And they had a damn good reason to be pissed off, as opposed to you morons who believe in imaginary election fraud vaccine fraud MMGW fraud etcetera Etcetera Etcetera try reality change the damn channel..... BLM was not trying to overturn an election based on total BS And treasonous disrespect for all our law enforcement judges courts prosecutors journalists because e-mail spin and Tucker and Sean. Total proven liars and scum...DUHHHHH......
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