Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

So you can identify the BLM "IMPOSTERS"? No, you can't, you're making shyte up now. Focus, we aren't talking about the election. You have never been able to prove anything you type. WE all love your line "every reliable source agrees with me " line. BLM was responsible for the destruction child, it was their "protest".
It was their protest, but it was not their riots for the billionth time, super Duper.... The BLM question is a difficult one and you have to read the lines between all the news from real journalists to figure it out. The supposedly Democratic propaganda CNN etc are actually corporate news and you'll never hear such from CNN etc. Unlike your crap, CNNABC france 24 Etcetera Etcetera are in the real world, but they are also corporate news.... They don't talk about how ridiculous our giveaway to the rich tax rates or even that Fox is a total piece of crap....

Besides this point or two, I always back up everything with respectable links unlike your crap... BLM riots my rear end, black riots for good reasons, Smartphone videos of police brutality and murders That somehow you missed l o l.... But of course we are for peaceful protests, the violence never helps... Especially with corporate news which is basically all you get from major outlets. And the worst of course is English speaking media which can't tell the difference between communism and socialism that old saw.... National socialism and Soviet socialism are not socialism and they are the worst liars in the world along with the GOP of today.
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"you have to read the lines between all the news"

In other words, make it up.

Okay super-duper.
Bud Light has dropped to 14th in America
Sound of Freedom hit 100 million at the Box Office
Try that in a small town is #1 on ITUNES
Disney has lost 900 mil on their last b8 releases
The silent majority is real

OH, I like those.
it is now the loudmouth ignoramus majority, totally full of misinformation about election fraud vaccine fraud pedophilia trans stuff just hopeless bs. you people are A worldwide joke and horror...
Damn how I love being worldwide.
Everything you know is wrong and stupid propaganda that only distracts from the fact that the GOP has been robbing you blind for 40 years, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich... The worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness is no joke... And guess what you will not hear that from corporate media in the United States like CNNABC all your favorite villains who are actually just old-style rhino GOP. They are not insane like you and your party at this point.... election vaccine pedophilia trans garbage... It is leading to all kinds of violence and violent threats from idiots like you....
Everything you know is wrong and stupid propaganda that only distracts from the fact that the GOP has been robbing you blind for 40 years, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich... The worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness is no joke... And guess what you will not hear that from corporate media in the United States like CNNABC all your favorite villains who are actually just old-style rhino GOP. They are not insane like you and your party at this point.... election vaccine pedophilia trans garbage... It is leading to all kinds of violence and violent threats from idiots like you....

If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

I see you're under the illusion that justice is equal in this country between the parties
Specifically which charge is based on his use of inciteful rhetoric? Paying off hookers? Refusing to return classified material in his possession? Pressuring Georgia election officials to change their certified totals? It's just not all about what he said to his crowd on Jan 6th. If the riot wasn't his intention, why didn't he try to call them off as soon as he heard they broke into the building?

You're conflating two very different responses to their respective losses. Didn't Hilary say that years after the election, well after the emotion of her defeat had passed for most people?. During the election she conceded early the next morning. After the election she also asked her followers to accept defeat and move on.

Pressuring Georgia election officials to change their certified totals?

I’ll push back on this. He never told anyone to change anything. He said “find me the xxxxx votes”. He never told him to fabricate or forge the votes. He very well could have meant that to recount, check for illegal ballots or things like that. Suggesting he told them to change ballots isn’t true.

If the riot wasn't his intention, why didn't he try to call them off as soon as he heard they broke into the building?

He sorta did. The riot started after noon, but the capitol wasn’t breached until 2:13pm. At 2:38 trump issued the first tweet asking them to be peaceful and support the capitol police followed by another tweet 3:13 pm, telling them to remain calm and “no violence”.

Yes, I agree he should have been quicker on that, but to suggest he didn’t make any statements at all isn’t true.

Of course it matters. If no one was incited, it wasn't as inciteful as you claim. It means people who heard it knew it wasn't a call for them to commit acts of violence. Obviously, you have no actual defense of Trump, but you want to defend him. So you throw out any red meat within your reach, which is weak whataboutisms that don't even apply.

But you did something. So here's your participation trophy.


Of course it matters. If no one was incited, it wasn't as inciteful as you claim. It means people who heard it knew it wasn't a call for them to commit acts of violence.

Hmm…so what you’re saying is, the words are only inciteful if the crowd reacts to them? So…that means it’s not the person speaking…but the crowds choice to take action. Well golly! I think I said that very thing in this thread! People are responsible for their actions. You can’t attribute the riot to trump because he spoke inciteful words…the people made a choice.

Trumps words were no more or less inciteful than bidens, the only difference is what the people chose to do with those words….something neither trump or Biden can control.

Also, the dems have said things that have caused people to act, again, if you are going to accuse trump, where is your accusation of those on the left who do it?
Sure but both sides do that all the time. It is a rather pointless argument.

It is the other shit that is the problem and it is the other shit that the indictments are for. That is where the conversation should be but it gets stuck in this asinine 'no your more violent, no your more violent' back and fourth. It achieves noting. Both sides cheer on protesters on their side and defend those protesters when they get violent.

Absolutely, but, unfortunately, you have this movement that wants to accuse trump of the very things that they themselves are guilty of. In the minds of the left, it doesn’t matter how much you try to explain it, they will never not believe that trumps incitement was responsible for J6 riots, and they will also never accept that their side also uses the same kind of incitement.

Sadly, that causes the issue to have to be debated.
Do you ever vote for democrats who advocate for sex and gender reassignment in children?
No. If you know of a Democrat who wants the government to force gender reassignment on anyone tell me who it is.

I have no business in anyone’s private medical decisions and it includes abortion and gender change medical procedures. None of my business. None of my government’s business.

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