Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

“The innocence of Muslims”. It was a convenient scapegoat because the Administration did not want to admit it was a symbolic attack on another 9-11 under its watch so close to the ‘12 Elections.

By 2011 some ISIS had moved into Eastern Libya.. you should also know the Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for 40 years. The Arab Spring just boiled over.

During the Bush administration 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed. How many years of investigations followed.

In any case Kamala Harris wasn't around in 2011 or 2012.
Oh, that's right, it was a gun-running oppo.......

No it wasn't about guns. Libya was awash in guns .. Gaddafi had been on a 2 billion dollar spending spree. The annex was a communications program... With linguists, computer geeks and translators.

They were trying to identify Eastern tribal leaders who would support a return to the Idris constitution. That was a long shot, but Libya's best hope.
By 2011 some ISIS had moved into Eastern Libya.. you should also know the Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for 40 years. The Arab Spring just boiled over.

During the Bush administration 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed. How many years of investigations followed.

In any case Kamala Harris wasn't around in 2011 or 2012.
Kamala Harris was not around for when the Administration in 2012 initially blamed a video on Benghazi. The point is about leaders being responsible and accountable for what they say.
Kamala Harris was not around for when the Administration in 2012 initially blamed a video on Benghazi. The point is about leaders being responsible and accountable for what they say.

In the first hour of the first attack? You still don't know anything about Benghazi.
In the first hour of the first attack? You still don't know anything about Benghazi.

Looks like the the people in charge in 2012 knew nothing about Benghazi if at any point in time they blamed the attack on a YouTube video.

Stop telling us here on this thread how we know nothing about Benghazi and start showing us how the Obama Administration knew how best to handle Benghazi..
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

I'll just make it easier for ye guys and help you with a template...

Shouldn't a <Name of Democrat>
be Arrested/Indicted/Executed/other
for <anything a MAGA Trumper can dream up>

Don't be shy, evidence or facts are not needed and generally get in the way... Having some facts in it can really confuse people. e.g.

Shouldn't a Biden
be Arrested
for wearing a beige suit.
Looks like the the people in charge in 2012 knew nothing about Benghazi if at any point in time they blamed the attack on a YouTube video.

Stop telling us here on this thread how we know nothing about Benghazi and start showing us how the Obama Administration knew how best to handle Benghazi..

There was no money for embassy security. Congress vetoed any funding except for Baghdad and Kabul.

Stevens took a chance. He was in Benghazi overnight when he stayed at the rented villa.
The riot - violence - assault on the Joint Session of Congress by Trump supporters was not launched because Trump said something that incited it.

The riot - violence - assault on the Joint Session of Congress by Trump supporters was launched to achieve an objective for Trump - overturn the election thereby giving Trump the win.

Why do you disallow facts relevant to the criminal case against Trump which does not exist in any discussion of Derek Chauvin incited riots during the summer of 2020.

No looter broke windows and stole “Air Jordan’s” to give to Kamela that I heard about.

Those on the left attribute the riot to trumps rhetoric. That’s what I’m addressing. Not all the other stuff.

No looter broke windows and stole “Air Jordan’s” to give to Kamela that I heard about.

??? What are you talking about?
No one is advocating it, they are just allowing things when situations get desperate according to parents doctors psychologists psychiatrists and all kinds of smart people. You wouldn't know about it, brainwashed functional moron bigot ignoramus....

Lol, so all this about schools taking the role to start transitioning kids and not telling the parents…that’s because of desperation? All the news about people saying children should be alllowed to take hormones, that’s all desperation? Look, you can tell yourself that all you want, but it’s not desperation. I don’t see a bunch of stories of little Timmy breaking down and crying every day because he feels like a girl and wants to be a girl. Most of the time, it a teacher that noticed that little 5 year old Timmy seems to like to play with the dolls or seems to be more comfortable around the girls than the boys, so, behind the parents backs, they start calling Timmy “sally” and have him start wearing girls clothes while in school.

Why are you even trying to defend? This is a left wing thing, you should be proud of it? Or are you embarrassed if it and you feel you have to deny it?
That is why the charges are RICO charges. He did not have to tell anyone to change votes because of the other shit that they say he also did it shows that he was running a criminal enterprise to illegally change the election. In isolation you have a point, within the charges that are alleged, you don't. Of course that hinges on the prosecution's ability to prove the rest of the allegations in court but if the prosecutor has the goods here, and it looks like they do, then this looks really, really bad for Trump.

The whole Georgia case is based off that phone call to raffensperger. They used that case as the basis for all the charges. So, that basis has to be a crime. You can’t look at stuff done in other states and use that as a way to work backwards to get a crime.

So, my point is, if trump wasn’t actually telling him to commit fraud, what is her standing?

Also, I don’t know if I buy the whole “criminal enterprise” thing. It’s not like trump runs a “crime family” or a mafia. The election issue is a once in a lifetime thing. Just because several people were in on it doesn’t mean he is a “crime family”. If 10 people conspire to rob a bank, do you say they are a crime family? No, they are just 10 people who conspired to rob a bank. Same here.
It’s not like trump runs a “crime family” or a mafia
He runs you and the best part is you don’t even know it.

Unless you are on the list that sends him money however it means you are a worthless useful idiot to him and won’t be invited to drink the final Kool Aid.

If you haven’t sent the Orange Anti-Christ any money yet. Don’t! You don’t want to be on that list when our great great great grand kids grow up and study these times hopefully our beloved American democracy survives this Republican infatuation with a Trump over and above love of America.
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There was no money for embassy security. Congress vetoed any funding except for Baghdad and Kabul.

Stevens took a chance. He was in Benghazi overnight when he stayed at the rented villa.
You are all over the place to avoid why the Obama Administration even mentioned the Nakoula Basseley video at all. Funding or lack of funding for security did not cause the attack.

How much do you know about Benghazi?
Those on the left attribute the riot to trumps rhetoric. That’s what I’m addressing. Not all the other stuff.
The other stuff - stopping Biden from moving in to Don and Melania’s House was the objective of the terrorist assault on the Capitol.

Do you think 2000 of America’s most hideous fanatical right wing morons would have attacked the edifice our democracy if Trump outlined the purpose of the event was to convince Congress to investigate the 2020 election after Biden is inaugurated?

You can’t discuss the full reality because you know very well there is no whattaboutism available to you when nothing like a criminal conspiracy to overturning a presidential election the mob boss lost has ever been attempted before.
The Secretary of State herself called out the YouTube video.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on intelligence

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