Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Context ALWAYS matters and it is the first thing people strip away to make false comparisons or distort what someone says. It happens with Trump as well (the very fine people statement).

In the interview Colbert was asking her about the her participation in the DC protest, her advocacy for police reform and the criminal justice system. No discussion of riots. The statement you claim is a call for violence came at tbe end of the interview. you watched the clip, you would realize that. Not only that, she had on at least two prior occasions specifically condemned the riots.

Compare that with the context of Trump’s rally. It was an hour long speech, preceded by months of planning, inflammatory rhetoric, the airing of grievance and claims of injustice on his supporters, reiterations of how the election was being stolen from THEM, and then the was rally itself. There was no attempt to calm the crowd of thousands of supporters and it’s finale was a March on the Capitol. Where was Trump’s condemnation of violence…? Not until hours later, and he had been watching it unfold on television!

So how is that comparable?

"You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore."

"You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen."

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

Now here is the context.

Trump was speaking to a crowd of passionate supporters he had been whipping up for weeks. “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

Harris was talking in an interview with Colbert about the Floyd protests.

Exactly my point. That is one example where his statement was snipped out of a larger context and unfairly distorted. Now apply that to Harris.

Or…apply that to Trump’s J6 rally where you pick the one reference to “peaceful” from the larger context that is whipping up supporters.

Yes! Again, I have made that point. Like the Floyd protests, the vast majority of those at the J6 rally stopped short of the Capitol, turned back, went home.

Did Trump say or do anything to stop the others?

What did Trump FIBALLY tell those who ransacked the Capitol? That they were special, he loved them, go home. Hours later.

The first part of accountability is honesty…yes people are accountable for their own actions, but that doesn’t absolve those who deliberately sought to rile them up and then aim them at a target.

Words have power in certain situations. Trump knows this.

In the interview Colbert was asking her about the her participation in the DC protest, her advocacy for police reform and the criminal justice system. No discussion of riots. The statement you claim is a call for violence came at tbe end of the interview. you watched the clip, you would realize that. Not only that, she had on at least two prior occasions specifically condemned the riots.

And I recognized that. However, I said due to the timing and the fact that violent and destructive riots were going on, her statement should have been a bit more clear, especially when the left had been labeling those riots as “peaceful protests”, combined with the rhetoric that had been coming from some on the left at that time.

Where was Trump’s condemnation of violence…? Not until hours later, and he had been watching it unfold on television!

Well, he issues 2 tweets. One about 50 minutes after the riot started and one about 40 minutes after that. I’ve said that I feel he should have made those tweets much quicker, and it was a shitty thing to do to sit there and watch it on tv and not be out there trying to stop it, but, that doesn’t mean he intended for it to happen.

You say context matters, you claim there had been planning for months…I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean to say trump had planned, for months, to get those people to attack the capitol? If so, I’d like to see that evidence. Or do you mean that over a few months he was just claiming that the election had been stolen.

You see, the left apparently wants to claim that trump had this diabolical plan to get people riled up so much to the point that, without even saying it, they would just run off and attack the capitol building, even thought he said to be peaceful. If you have that evidence, that that was his plan, show it.

Now, you will claim that that is how it all happened, but then dismiss all the rhetoric around the roe decision that led up to an assassination attempt on kavanaugh. I know that Schumer wasn’t actually threatening violence on kavanaugh, I understand he meant politically, yet, what he said was completely wrong. Even in the political sense, it’s wrong for a member of congress to be making any kind of threat toward a justice, trying to influence their decision, but I know it wasn’t a physical threat. Still, that doesn’t mean his rhetoric, and that of many on the left didn’t lead up to the kavanaugh incident. That doesn’t mean that Schumer meant for someone to go and try to assassinate kavanaugh, that person made a decision, and they made it alone.

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

There’s that context thing again. You know he didn’t mean “fight” in the literal sense. I mean, really, how many other politicians have used that word in the context of a struggle to achieve a goal, but for trump, when he says it, he’s suddenly telling people to be violent.

Or…apply that to Trump’s J6 rally where you pick the one reference to “peaceful” from the larger context that is whipping up supporters.

Yeah, he was whipping up his supporters, that’s what politicians do. Have you ever paid attention to how a politician speaks when they are giving a speech? The cadence, and when they are coming to their big point, and the crowd starts cheering, the speaker starts raising their voice, they usually put their fist in the air and end basically shouting their final words. That’s called “whipping” up the crowd.

Now, it doesn’t mean they want them to go and be violent, it just means they want them to be energized and empassioned, in the case of the trump speech, he wanted them to be energized to go protest at the capitol. I’ve said it over and over, she me where trump ills intent that day was to get people to start rioting and I’ll condemn him with you.

What he did was energize his crowd, then finished it off by saying “now let’s go and PEACEFULLY make your VOICES heard, and CHEER on our brave senators. That was his command that was his intent, until I see otherwise.
That’s been done. The video is posted in this thread. She clearly encouraged the rioters to continue. But you’re a partisan hack who doesn’t respect the facts.

- Never uses the word ‘peaceful’
- Had already tweeted support for bail fund for arrested protestors
- Does not differentiate between peaceful protestor and rioter.
- Does not condemn rioter
Dec 8, 2020
tssm.20.12.08 #209
Even I agree, I think its time for trump to pack it up. Regardless of whether or not he has a legitimate case, we are seeing that the courts are not going to rule in his favor. This latest scotus ruling seems to be a telegraph that they are not having any of it. •••• He should show everyone he can be the bigger man and go ahead and concede, for the benefit of a smooth transition. He doesn't need to be defiant til the end. When you see that things are not going to go your way, you can keep running into brick walls, or face reality and try to make it easier on yourself, and everyone else.

You a MAGA devotee saw a SCOTUS ruling on December 8 2020 against Trump as representing law and order in this country.

Trump sees himself above law and order and conducted himself practically criminally insane in public while internally conspiring with many internally to reject the will of the people that was upheld by the USSC including his three picks who wanted no part of his sore loser insanity.

Why are you defending him now with your fraudulent whataboutism against Harris?

Does MAGA as a cult have that much power over your mind? How does Trump control your mind the way he does. Are you into being saved by a messiah in your religion and politics? What is it?

nf.23.08.16 #166
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Protesters should continue their constitutional right.

Rioters, taking advantage of the protests, should stop their criminal acts!
Peaceful, lawful protestors were not arrested. Law breaking, violent protestors that engage in riots were arrested. Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund for those arrested- that is, the violent rioters.
Hey, you're the one claiming it was two different groups of people.
It was....there were 24 million peaceful protesters against Floyd's murder protesting through out cities in the Nation.

There were around 10000 arrest during the same months of both civil disobedience and of the rioters that came out at night.
Dec 8, 2020
tssm.20.12.08 #209

You a MAGA devotee saw a SCOTUS ruling on December 8 2020 against Trump as representing law and order in this country.

Trump sees himself above law and order and conducted himself practically criminally insane in public while internally conspiring with many internally to reject the will of the people that was upheld by the USSC including his three picks who wanted no part of his sore loser insanity.

Why are you defending him now with your fraudulent whataboutism against Harris?

Does MAGA as a cult have that much power over your mind? How does Trump control your mind the way he does. Are you into being saved by a messiah in your religion and politics? What is it?

Please call us MAGA again.

It illustrates so clearly how terrified you are of what's coming.

Do it again!

It was....there were 24 million peaceful protesters against Floyd's murder protesting through out cities in the Nation.

There were around 10000 arrest during the same months of both civil disobedience and of the rioters that came out at night.
They arrested all the rioters? Of course some of the protestors went home, but many stayed and rioted. Trying to act like one set went home and another set came in is foolish.
Please call us MAGA again.

It illustrates so clearly how terrified you are of what's coming.

Do it again!
You are duped, lawless, unintelligent, MAGA liars if you saw what the cult leader did and said on January 6th 2021 but continue devoting loyalty and lying for the anti-American criminal enterprise that is MAGA with 100s of criminal indictments and convictions against the entire lot of it’s criminal co-conspirators. Don’t forget the co-conspirator DumbAshley Babbitt who had to be shot dead to stop her violent criminal assault on our right to have our votes be counted and secured and under no threat of a MAGA madman and his violent thugs in organized weaponization of a mob.
She did the same thing Trump did - encourage protestors. The difference is that Trump said to be peaceful,

WHen did Trump?

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.
They arrested all the rioters? Of course some of the protestors went home, but many stayed and rioted. Trying to act like one set went home and another set came in is foolish.

She is a very dishonest, uninformed, Democrat Media Bubble Cult Member.
Facts have no effect on her.
“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.

One person's opinion, who normally you would trash as a partisan Hack - Moscow Mitch.
Of course some of the protestors went home, but many stayed and rioted.
When a protestor joins or participates in a riot they cease to be protesters - they are rioters and when they are caught they are prosecuted.

Millions of Americans are and were peaceful protestors some of then engage in civil disobedience and get arrested. They are not rioters and they hate rioters just like anybody else because violence c and looting and wanton destruction of property harms the cause that is being protested .

Trump’s protestors cause on Jan6 was to stay in power after losing the power constitutionally required to be transferred to Joe Biden.

There is no nobility of cause in MAGA’s blind servitude to Trump unless you believe fascism is noble somehow.
One person's opinion, who normally you would trash as a partisan Hack - Moscow Mitch.
He is partisan but not really a hack like the MAGA Caucus. He is the reason Trump got 3 SC nominations filled by a simple majority. Part of the Neo-GOP Court where lying is not only okay but expected.
One person's opinion, who normally you would trash as a partisan Hack - Moscow Mitch.
Where as the people who were talking about the National Popular started no shit like the Trumpybear did. No secret plots. No twisting the arms of State Legislatures. No lying for months\years about massive multi state fraud.........Nope, none of that from Hillary. She conceded in the wee hours of the next morning and urges her followers to accept defeat.
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When a protestor joins or participates in a riot they cease to be protesters - they are rioters and when they are caught they are prosecuted.

Millions of Americans are and were peaceful protestors some of then engage in civil disobedience and get arrested. They are not rioters and they hate rioters just like anybody else because violence c and looting and wanton destruction of property harms the cause that is being protested .

Trump’s protestors cause on Jan6 was to stay in power after losing the power constitutionally required to be transferred to Joe Biden.

There is no nobility of cause in MAGA’s blind servitude to Trump unless you believe fascism is noble somehow.
Same people with a different label. Listening to the usual suspects, one is led to believe they think one group left and another took their place. Tis folly.

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