Show us please where the Bible says not to associate with gays or other sinners

The burden of proof I would require wouldn't be something so nebulous as "the bible", for the Christian bible is an admixture of the Pentateuch, various writings by the Pharisee Paul, accounts of Jesus' teachings by his actual disciples, and other sources.

The proof I would require would be in the form of the red letters, which would represent more closely the path a Christian should actually take.
Are you a Christian?
Wow, still nothing. No one can show where a Bible says to discriminate against gays and sinners huh? Weird. Are you guys sure that that's part of Christianity then?
The Bible teaches us to try not to sin, and not to put ourselves in situations where we have a greater chance of sinning.

Like a Christian prone to drinking going to a bar, not a good idea.

It doesn't say to discriminate against anyone, it says to love the sinner, and hate the sin. However, that doesn't mean to revel in someone else's sin, and help them to celebrate the sin.

Why should a Christian caterer, be forced to cater a party, that the owner wants to serve alcohol at? If the caterer does not believe that people should drink?
Does anybo
Wow, still nothing. No one can show where a Bible says to discriminate against gays and sinners huh? Weird. Are you guys sure that that's part of Christianity then?
The Bible says to discriminate against a whole bunch of things. Really, if you want to know go study the Bible instead of demanding to be spoon fed.

And yet, no chapter and verse. You sure it does, or are you repeating something you heard somewhere?
Proverbs 29:27An unjust man is abominable to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is abominable to the wicked.
Wow, still nothing. No one can show where a Bible says to discriminate against gays and sinners huh? Weird. Are you guys sure that that's part of Christianity then?
It doesn't. You know that, which is why you started this baiting thread. As a matter of fact, Christians should eagerly look for opportunities to serve those they oppose. That's not what's being settled here, however. What is in play is how far a business can go in refusing to partake in activities they don't like. I find it interesting that many who want these business' shut down on the basis that "it's only a product, what's done with it shouldn't matter" have no problem simultaneously and piously proclaiming that gun manufacturers and gun shops should be liable if a gun, legally manufactured and sold, is stolen and used to kill someone.

People are saying because they're religious beliefs say or allow discrimination against gays they should be allowed to discriminate against gays. Fine. So show us where your religion's holy text (usually the Bible) says that.

Thought that was fairly simple and straight-foward. Are you saying the Bible doesn't say that?
You should know I have no problem going there Delta.

As we all know that you know the Torah.
Leviticus 20:…12If there is a man who lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have committed incest, their bloodguiltiness is upon them. 13If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them. 14If there is a man who marries a woman and her mother, it is immorality; both he and they shall be burned with fire, so that there will be no immorality in your midst.…

homosexual acts, fit right in, between incest, and having sex with members of the same family.
Doesn't say you can't associate with sinners, especially if you follow 'hate the sin but not the sinner' that most evangelicals tend to follow.

Westboro Baptist is the exception and not the rule, but some other churches preach hate as well i.e. the ones that gay-hating parents join, and end up hating and disowning their gay kids.
Associating with sinners doesn't mean joining them and committing the sin yourself.
So, you think you need to have sex if you are ghey???? Do you stay away from straight couple because they could be swingers?
Gay is nothing but about having sex.

So as a bisexual I'm not bisexual since I haven't had sex in...Well, a while? :) No celibate priest on Earth is straight since they aren't having sex?
Delta, it seems to me that you are just looking to get approval of your lifestyle, because you don't want to control your sexual appetite. You want very badly, for your lifestyle not to be a sin against your God, yet, you know it is, so you look for loopholes, so you can continue to make the choice to sin and not have to worry about it, for at least a few more years.

And yes, it is a choice.
Gay is nothing but about having sex.

So as a bisexual I'm not bisexual since I haven't had sex in...Well, a while? :) No celibate priest on Earth is straight since they aren't having sex?
Gay is a mental disorder, period.

Are you sure? Seems to me everyone in charge of the world is usually straight. And given how screwed up things are...:)
Because of satan.
The only angel to kick Gods' ass....
Where is that information from? Far as I know, satan couldn't even get a human to curse God, check out Job, and boy did satan try. If you read half as much as you write moony, you would be a smart person, instead of being a smartass, but I believe that is how you like to be perceived.
Gay is nothing but about having sex.

So as a bisexual I'm not bisexual since I haven't had sex in...Well, a while? :) No celibate priest on Earth is straight since they aren't having sex?
Gay is a mental disorder, period.

Are you sure? Seems to me everyone in charge of the world is usually straight. And given how screwed up things are...:)
Because of satan.
The only angel to kick Gods' ass....
You are retarded, God threw satan out of heaven. Satan lost.
Wow, still nothing. No one can show where a Bible says to discriminate against gays and sinners huh? Weird. Are you guys sure that that's part of Christianity then?
The Bible teaches us to try not to sin, and not to put ourselves in situations where we have a greater chance of sinning.

Like a Christian prone to drinking going to a bar, not a good idea.

It doesn't say to discriminate against anyone, it says to love the sinner, and hate the sin. However, that doesn't mean to revel in someone else's sin, and help them to celebrate the sin.

Why should a Christian caterer, be forced to cater a party, that the owner wants to serve alcohol at? If the caterer does not believe that people should drink?
The caterer should not truck in the alcohol.

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