Show Your American Patriotism: Pearl Harbor Day Should Be A Reminder To Buy American


May 29, 2010
That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.



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That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.

sick, racist fuck.
Hmmmmmmmm made in murka ??? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Can you link me to a place that sells land mines and bongs ? How about crack pipes and anal glow for my brown girlfriends bean hole ?
I was searching for murkin made electronics but the only thing I could find was the electric chair and tazers ( assembled in the US).
OH WAIT ! Hondas are made in Tennessee !
That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.

sick, racist fuck.
No, I am being a Patriot.
That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.

sick, racist fuck.
No, I am being a Patriot.

No, you are being a racist schmuck. Period. But just for shits and giggles, what car do you own/drive?
That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.

sick, racist fuck.
No, I am being a Patriot.

no, your being a sick racist fuck.
Commemorating a date (as Roosevelt said, not day, USAR) we were attacked has nothing to do with buying American IMO.
That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.



Scale you would be able to tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese (our allies in that war).
That's right. December 7th, 'A Day Which Will Live In Infamy' should be a reminder for 'ALL' Americans to buy nothing but American goods and products. It would be a sign of you showing the spirit that should embody all Americans, Pride and Patriotism. My father fought the treacherous Japs during WW2 while he was in the 25th Infantry Island hopping and got wounded twice. He instilled in us to buy nothing but American and we have honored his words to this day. There is still today a lot of non forgiveness for what the Japs did on that Sunday morning as our Armed forces were still asleep or getting ready for church services. When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them, no matter how many years pass by. I don't and that's why I buy American. If you honor all those U.S. soldiers that have fallen and been maimed at the hands of Jap treachery, then you should buy American too. You would be doing a honor and service to your country, the United States Of America.

I am so grateful not to be racist and so full of hate like you are.
Yes, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, we bombed's over! Yes, we should commemorate the day, think of the lost and honor all the soldiers and civilians that were killed. But this comment:

When you see a Japanese walking around, you should stop and think of what their type did and it should be a reminder to never put trust into a people like them

is just plain assinine! The Japanese people walking the streets in America now had NOTHING to do with that attack. There has been no problems with Japan since the war people need to get over it and go on with their lives!

What always kinda got my attention though is the fact that after the war was over, the Japanese moved into the Hawaiian islands in record numbers. When i lived there in the 1970's i think there were more Japanese than there were Hawaiians or Mainland americans! Which did surprise me because there were still alot of people living there that had gone through the attack and still had some hard feelings. I remember listening to the radio on Dec. 7th, 1978, and there were ALOT of very hateful phone calls to the radio station from people still very angry.
I remember listening to the radio on Dec. 7th, 1978, and there were ALOT of very hateful phone calls to the radio station from people still very angry.
Those people were true Patriots. On 'Hiroshima Day', I will commemorate that day by eating 'Fried Rice'.
Show Your American Patriotism: Pearl Harbor Day Should Be A Reminder To Buy American

Actually, Pearl Harbor Day Should Be A Reminder that federal politicians are corrupt , to their core.


Exactly, it was the government that allowed businesses to sell scrap metal to the Japanese in the 30s that they converted to weaponry they used on the Chinese (we didn't care) and us (suddenly we cared).
Show Your American Patriotism: Pearl Harbor Day Should Be A Reminder To Buy American

Actually, Pearl Harbor Day Should Be A Reminder that federal politicians are corrupt , to their core.


Exactly, it was the government that allowed businesses to sell scrap metal to the Japanese in the 30s that they converted to weaponry they used on the Chinese (we didn't care) and us (suddenly we cared).

Yes we did care about the Chinese being slaughtered by the Japs prior to Pearl's sneak attack. We sent General Chennault and the Flying Tigers over there to whip their ass and try to stop the aggression.

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