Shumer and 5 other dems to irs Investigate the tea party or we'll kick your ass

Doesn't Schumer and these other Democrats know that it is Congress's job to pass legislation and the President has to sign it into law?

The IRS doesn't have the Constitutional authority to make law?

Senate Democrats are asking the Internal Revenue Service to restrict the amount of money a tax-exempt organization can spend on political activities, warning that they will introduce legislation doing so if the tax enforcement agency fails to act soon.

At issue are groups that claim 501(c)4 tax-exempt status by saying they engage exclusively in “social welfare” activities but spend a considerable amount of time and money on political advertising and advocacy. Such groups, including Crossroads GPS and Priorities USA are bankrolling multimillion dollar advertising campaigns designed to provide additional firepower for Republican and Democratic candidates.

In a letter sent Monday to IRS Commissioner Douglas H. Shulman, seven Democratic senators ask the agency to establish “a bright line test” to determine the primary purpose of such groups and urges the IRS more clearly define how much time and money can be spent on political activities versus general political matters.

“We urge the IRS to take these steps immediately to prevent abuse of the tax code by political groups focused on federal election activities,” the senators wrote in their letter, adding that “if the IRS is unable to issue administrative guidance in this area then we plan to introduce legislation to accomplish these important changes.”

The letter was cosigned by Sens. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Al Franken (D-Minn.). Of the seven, only Whitehouse faces reelection this year, meaning the others are unlikely to face advertising or outreach efforts organized by Super PACs.

Perhaps they are afraid that such a bill would never pass the Congress?

Jesus, read the article BEFORE posting...

At issue are groups that claim 501(c)4 tax-exempt status by saying they engage exclusively in “social welfare” activities but spend a considerable amount of time and money on political advertising and advocacy. Such groups, including Crossroads GPS and Priorities USA are bankrolling multimillion dollar advertising campaigns designed to provide additional firepower for Republican and Democratic candidates.

Maybe you wouldn't look like such an idiot.
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When a Republican does it, it's the crime of the century.

When a Democrat does it, the media says, "Oh well, politicians will be politicians."

And the Dems are fine with lying and abusing power as long as the victims are the other party.

Republicans and their victim mentality... :cool:

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