Zone1 Shun your neighbors


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Yeh, at first glance, that appears to be un-Christian but what if your neighbors are "part of the problem" in society?

What if they practice homosexuality?
What if they support a political party that says its OK to murder helpless children in the womb?

I'm not saying be rude to them. I'm saying just dont have ANYTHING to do with them (that you don't have to).

If he or she wants to borrow a rake or something, maybe that's OK, although .. me? I wouldn't even answer the door to these kinds of people (but then maybe that's rude when they know you are home.. well, whatever). You will have to figure out how to shun these people without appearing to be rude. I suggest you may have to do this kind of thing because the left are vile people who will take revenge on you if you are not sufficiently polite.

But I've heard people here say they have liberal friends.. God knows what they meant by that.. but no way in Hell would I myself be close friends with a homosexual, someone who promotes abortion or someone who despises Trump
Yeh, at first glance, that appears to be un-Christian but what if your neighbors are "part of the problem" in society?

What if they practice homosexuality?
What if they support a political party that says its OK to murder helpless children in the womb?

I'm not saying be rude to them. I'm saying just dont have ANYTHING to do with them (that you don't have to).

If he or she wants to borrow a rake or something, maybe that's OK, although .. me? I wouldn't even answer the door to these kinds of people (but then maybe that's rude when they know you are home.. well, whatever). You will have to figure out how to shun these people without appearing to be rude. I suggest you may have to do this kind of thing because the left are vile people who will take revenge on you if you are not sufficiently polite.

But I've heard people here say they have liberal friends.. God knows what they meant by that.. but no way in Hell would I myself be close friends with a homosexual, someone who promotes abortion or someone who despises Trump

I don't think "Love thy neighbor" has to necessarily mean "Hang out with thy neighbor". Sure, I have neighbors I choose to not socialize with, but they are fine with that, so it's hunky-dory on our block.


I don't think "Love thy neighbor" has to necessarily mean "Hang out with thy neighbor". Sure, I have neighbors I choose to not socialize with, but they are fine with that, so it's hunky-dory on our block.

lucky you.. Everyone doesn't have such great neighbors.

I don't know if I've ever had a great neighbor.. trying to remember back..
In Paul's second letter to Timothy

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
In Paul's second letter to Timothy

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Thank you. I should have looked up that psg, which I've read numerous times but somehow didn't think about. Then there is 1 (or 2nd?) Cor. 6:14 that says not to be unequally yoked w/ unbelievers.. (if I recall this psg but there is a psg that says that and I believe it is 1 or 2 Cor 6:14)

Anyway, thanks again.. always good to read the Truths in the Word.. esp right after dealing with the world, theflesh and the literally GD devil.
Yeh, at first glance, that appears to be un-Christian but what if your neighbors are "part of the problem" in society?

What if they practice homosexuality?
What if they support a political party that says its OK to murder helpless children in the womb?

I'm not saying be rude to them. I'm saying just dont have ANYTHING to do with them (that you don't have to).

If he or she wants to borrow a rake or something, maybe that's OK, although .. me? I wouldn't even answer the door to these kinds of people (but then maybe that's rude when they know you are home.. well, whatever). You will have to figure out how to shun these people without appearing to be rude. I suggest you may have to do this kind of thing because the left are vile people who will take revenge on you if you are not sufficiently polite.

But I've heard people here say they have liberal friends.. God knows what they meant by that.. but no way in Hell would I myself be close friends with a homosexual, someone who promotes abortion or someone who despises Trump
Wow. Just wow. You couldn't be anymore un-Christ-like.
Wow. Just wow. You couldn't be anymore un-Christ-like.


Another one bites the Ignore option

enjoy cat pic

A case of hate the sin AND hate the sinner.
What do you mean? You mean Ding does that?

Ha ha.. he only sees the flaws (or "flaws") of others, not his own, apparently.

hope he liked the cat pic. I like all of them. Cats are nifty

They never say dumb stuff :)
What do you mean? You mean Ding does that?

Ha ha.. he only sees the flaws (or "flaws") of others, not his own, apparently.

hope he liked the cat pic. I like all of them. Cats are nifty

They never say dumb stuff :)
Whatever negatives you want to say about ding, and I've said plenty of them, he is a good Christian. You could learn much from Ding.
A case of hate the sin AND hate the sinner.
Yeah, I'm ashamed he converted to Catholicism. And I'm ashamed he considers himself a conservative. He is not representative of the conservative or Catholics I know.

Sometimes I wonder if he's doing this intentionally to make conservatives and Catholics look bad, but sadly as much as I would like that to be the case I don't believe it is the case.
What do you mean? You mean Ding does that?

Ha ha.. he only sees the flaws (or "flaws") of others, not his own, apparently.

hope he liked the cat pic. I like all of them. Cats are nifty

They never say dumb stuff :)
Oh I see mine very clearly. It takes a good man to know just how bad he is. A bad man has no clue. That's C.S. Lewis shit, right there. So fuck you for making me quote a Protestant :)
I wandered into this thread thinking it was a discussion. I don't know everybody and your past discussions. I see that is coloring things in ways I am not privy to.

Anyway, for what it's worth these were some musings l typed before I saw ding's remarks.

Jesus told us to love our neighbor and do good to those who hate us. Does that mean you must answer the door when your neighbor comes over to borrow something? Well, Jesus doesn't say celebrate your neighbor's sinful ways but he does say to loan when asked.

Attention to context is often necessary when reading the Bible. Discernment can be difficult. It's often helpful to talk about it with others. It seems like some people here use the dismissing each other shortcut.
Whatever negatives you want to say about ding, and I've said plenty of them, he is a good Christian. You could learn much from Ding.
I don't see it that way.. not one bit.

But hey, it's a free country (or maybe not? but anyhow-- )
Yeh, at first glance, that appears to be un-Christian but what if your neighbors are "part of the problem" in society?

What if they practice homosexuality?
What if they support a political party that says its OK to murder helpless children in the womb?

I'm not saying be rude to them. I'm saying just dont have ANYTHING to do with them (that you don't have to).

If he or she wants to borrow a rake or something, maybe that's OK, although .. me? I wouldn't even answer the door to these kinds of people (but then maybe that's rude when they know you are home.. well, whatever). You will have to figure out how to shun these people without appearing to be rude. I suggest you may have to do this kind of thing because the left are vile people who will take revenge on you if you are not sufficiently polite.

But I've heard people here say they have liberal friends.. God knows what they meant by that.. but no way in Hell would I myself be close friends with a homosexual, someone who promotes abortion or someone who despises Trump
Why is it you want to be in their bedroom?

In regards to homosexuality, why should I be mad about it?

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