
Should shunning be allowed?

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Should the social practice of shunning, or otherwise discriminating against people or groups for various reasons, be allowed?
If the people on this forum who claim to be religious had their way, they would have us all torn apart and separated.

Which is the way Jesus wanted it, amiright? God is Hate, amiright?
Should the social practice of shunning, or otherwise discriminating against people or groups for various reasons, be allowed?

Oh please ... Whether or not it is allowed
is only an attempt to regulate thoughts and enforce imaginary rules by leveraging popular opinion.

Not to mention that it could not be enforced equally ...
Because it all depends on how well the person shunning another can articulate their reasoning and grounds for shunning ...
And to an arbitrary or ambiguous degree.

Lead by Example doesn't require Virtue Signally or Common Consensus.

I actually don't want you to fight. I think it would just be hilarious if you cosplayers march around in your adorable costumes doing absolutely nothing but posing for selfies as the replacement happens around you.

Actually, 90% of your posts are designed to incite violence.

We just don't take the bait. What you want is to start a race war.
Actually, 90% of your posts are designed to incite violence.

We just don't take the bait. What you want is to start a race war.
That just seems like projection. Do my posts make you angry? 😄

I don't think for a second you hilarious cosplayers have violence in you. Maybe soft Americans were appalled by what they saw on Jan 6th but I was fairly amused. That's about the level of insurrection I've come to expect from your sad lot of LARPers and weekend warriors.
That just seems like projection. Do my posts make you angry? 😄
Case in point, another fruitless troll to try and incite anger and violence.

I don't think for a second you hilarious cosplayers have violence in you. Maybe soft Americans were appalled by what they saw on Jan 6th but I was fairly amused. That's about the level of insurrection I've come to expect from your sad lot of LARPers and weekend warriors.

And again with "cosplay."

Are you a furry like Beta?

I'd guess you are.
That just seems like projection. Do my posts make you angry? 😄

I don't think for a second you hilarious cosplayers have violence in you. Maybe soft Americans were appalled by what they saw on Jan 6th but I was fairly amused. That's about the level of insurrection I've come to expect from your sad lot of LARPers and weekend warriors.
The founding fathers told us about this. Most people are not these ten feet tall giant protectors. In fact, many screw with others and then have gotten low when the spotlight shows up on them. Their real crime is their messing with men who could be their allies. And we are in trouble today because of that.
Case in point, another fruitless troll to try and incite anger and violence.
Why would asking you a simple question excite you to anger.... 😄

Jesus christ my guy do you proof read these things before you hit send?
And again with "cosplay."

Are you a furry like Beta?

I'd guess you are.
I do have a red Bull onesie I got one Christmas way back so I could pull it off but that sucker is hot. I'm not sure how people fuck in those things but they all have got to weigh 100 pounds because you'll sweat your sack off in one those things. That being said sounds like a helleva lot more of a good time than LARPing around the park with a bunch of Sad Boys.
The founding fathers told us about this. Most people are not these ten feet tall giant protectors. In fact, many screw with others and then have gotten low when the spotlight shows up on them. Their real crime is their messing with men who could be their allies. And we are in trouble today because of that.
The slavers you ideolize told you that did they? Did Washington use a burning bush or a burning cross when he spoke to you? 😄
Why would asking you a simple question excite you to anger.... 😄

Dudette, do you read your own posts?

It wasn't I who brought the "anger" aspect.

Jesus christ my guy do you proof read these things before you hit send?

I do have a red Bull onesie I got one Christmas way back so I could pull it off but that sucker is hot. I'm not sure how people fuck in those things but they all have got to weigh 100 pounds because you'll sweat your sack off in one those things. That being said sounds like a helleva lot more of a good time than LARPing around the park with a bunch of Sad Boys.

Keep your fantasy to yourself, I'm not interested.
Dudette, do you read your own posts?

It wasn't I who brought the "anger" aspect.
I read just fine. 😄

He does say that, I just don't believe him.

His game is to try and incite racial violence.

That's you projecting your belief that I'm here to incite anger and violence in you when the reality I'm here to laugh about how the fantasizing of violence you clowns engage in is juxtaposed against the reality of your Simp like natures.
Uncensored2008 said:
Keep your fantasy to yourself, I'm not interested.
Your hilarious fantasies are just a side show. I'm more curious about what you're actually going to do when you realize you can't keep your country. Clearly it's not going to be violence. Will you pivot and pretend like you were for demographic change all along like you clowns did with Civil Rights? Or will you find a new level of deplorable to descend to? And will any of the conservative mainstream follow or will they attempt to permanently severe themselves from you at that point? It's all a wonderful mystery. 😁

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