
Should shunning be allowed?

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Goat Curious is more troll than anything. Im2 is the most racist pile of shit on the site. Superbadbrutha who is actually Superwhitemutha is a racist trying to defame blacks by putting on a minstrel show of bad behavior by blacks as defined by the KKK

But Goat Curious is just an Arab troll. I guarantee he's never been withing a thousand miles of Jamaca.
As usual a white racist trying to tell black folks who they are and then his butt buddies cheer the fool on.
Ok - now.... follow up questions:

How many of the people who answered "yes" are not racists?

How many of you think political affiliation should be a protected class?
You really have a hang up about that don't you? 😄
It's YOU. You are so accustomed to communicating in grunts, clicks and whistles in, what is assumed to be your native subhuman language, that you use the word "cuck" to make yourself more comfortable. The more hostile you perceive the surroundings, the more you retreat into clicks, whistles and cucks. Have you never noticed this? It's you. Always has been.
It's YOU. You are so accustomed to communicating in grunts, clicks and whistles in, what is assumed to be your native subhuman language, that you use the word "cuck" to make yourself more comfortable. The more hostile you perceive the surroundings, the more you retreat into clicks, whistles and cucks. Have you never noticed this? It's you. Always has been.
You know the most South Africans can speak multiple languages right? Khoisan just being one of their many different beautiful languages. The ignorant confidence of white people... 😄
Goat Curious is more troll than anything. Im2 is the most racist pile of shit on the site. Superbadbrutha who is actually Superwhitemutha is a racist trying to defame blacks by putting on a minstrel show of bad behavior by blacks as defined by the KKK

But Goat Curious is just an Arab troll. I guarantee he's never been withing a thousand miles of Jamaca.
Have you ever known anyone who is such a serious hypochondriac that every time an illness, condition or disease is mentioned, they have it. Grandma had a heart attack, they had a heart attack a week ago. Uncle Ed broke his leg, the hypochondriac had a broken leg and a broken arm. Goatsie Cucksie is like that with ethnicities. He's Asian when someone mentions Asians. White, Jamaican, African black, Hispanic and Indian! It depends on which grouping gets mentioned. Praise be the anonymity of the internet.
You know the most South Africans can speak multiple languages right? Khoisan just being one of their many different beautiful languages. The ignorant confidence of white people... 😄
Is that your (click click whistle) precious way of (whistle whistle) telling me I'm right (CLICK)?
Is that your (click click whistle) precious way of (whistle whistle) telling me I'm right (CLICK)?
I'm actually confused. See I don't have the ignorant white perspective so this entire time I've been confused why you imagine speaking one language as opposed to most of South Africa being able to speak several (my driver when I was there last time spoke 7 different languages) is supposed to impress me. 😄
I'm actually confused. See I don't have the ignorant white perspective so this entire time I've been confused why you imagine speaking one language as opposed to most of South Africa being able to speak several (my driver when I was there last time spoke 7 different languages) is supposed to impress me. 😄
Oh please. I'm not trying to impress you. I am (whistle whistle) making fun of you. You have (click whistle click) made yourself a caricature and well deserving of mocking.
Oh please. I'm not trying to impress you. I am (whistle whistle) making fun of you. You have (click whistle click) made yourself a caricature and well deserving of mocking.
You're trying to make fun of me but only really making fun of yourself. 😄
I read just fine. 😄
Just the lack of integrity involved, huh?
That's you projecting your belief that I'm here to incite anger and violence in you when the reality I'm here to laugh about how the fantasizing of violence you clowns engage in is juxtaposed against the reality of your Simp like natures.

Nah, that's demonstrable fact.

Your whole schtick is running around telling everyone how foreigners are trying to end America.

You really do sound like a White Supremacist.

Your hilarious fantasies are just a side show. I'm more curious about what you're actually going to do when you realize you can't keep your country. Clearly it's not going to be violence. Will you pivot and pretend like you were for demographic change all along like you clowns did with Civil Rights? Or will you find a new level of deplorable to descend to? And will any of the conservative mainstream follow or will they attempt to permanently severe themselves from you at that point? It's all a wonderful mystery. 😁

Again, the threat you make to overthrow the nation is a call to arms, a call to violence.

You spend your time here trying to incite violence.

I'll clue you in though, I am more concerned with the Nazi democrats. We can secure the border once the enemy within is defeated.
Just the lack of integrity involved, huh?

Nah, that's demonstrable fact.

Your whole schtick is running around telling everyone how foreigners are trying to end America.

You really do sound like a White Supremacist.

Again, the threat you make to overthrow the nation is a call to arms, a call to violence.

You spend your time here trying to incite violence.

I'll clue you in though, I am more concerned with the Nazi democrats. We can secure the border once the enemy within is defeated.
You Dipshit, I never said foreigners are coming here to destroy the country. I said we're coming here to take it from you and it isn't shtick, it's actual reality proven out by your latest census results. 😄
Ok - now.... follow up questions:

How many of the people who answered "yes" are not racists?

How many of you think political affiliation should be a protected class?

Is the phrase and concept "white lives matter" hate speech, as the ADL says?

If so, then anyone who doesn't actively seek genocide against whites is a "racist."
You Dipshit, I never said foreigners are coming here to destroy the country.


That is the central theme to every post you make. You never engage in the actual subject of any thread, you just pimp your race hatred.

I said we're coming here to take it from you and it isn't shtick, it's actual reality proven out by your latest census results. 😄

You never said that, but here you are saying it again.

You've got mental issues, boy.

That is the central theme to every post you make. You never engage in the actual subject of any thread, you just pimp your race hatred.

You never said that, but here you are saying it again.

You've got mental issues, boy.
Taking your country isn't the same as destroying your country little snowflake. 😄

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