Shut down the EPA already. What a racket.

Where was the EPA on the BP oil spill? Nowhere. Where was the EPA after the Fuchishima disaster and our government lowering the risk level bar to the West Coast? Nowhere. If they are not protecting the environment after the two greatest disasters in recent history then what good are they? Shut them down.

Why do you think scientists, doctors are now taking news directly to media instead of putting it on their web sites?

Why are Trump, Republicans, GOP, 1% so afraid of you having access to the facts?
Because they're actively participating in a propaganda war.

It's not news, it's propaganda.


Not surprised that you're so happy handing over those decisions to the very people who caused most of our problems.

Why is the right so afraid to think for themselves? Or are they just unable to?

Total hogwash.

You say that like the EPA has FIXED things, instead of just making different, and worse, problems...while at the same time flogging everybody outside the cities into penury.

You're not only a fool and ignorant, you're a damn liar.
Where was the EPA on the BP oil spill? Nowhere. Where was the EPA after the Fuchishima disaster and our government lowering the risk level bar to the West Coast? Nowhere. If they are not protecting the environment after the two greatest disasters in recent history then what good are they? Shut them down.

Why do you think scientists, doctors are now taking news directly to media instead of putting it on their web sites?

Why are Trump, Republicans, GOP, 1% so afraid of you having access to the facts?
Because they're actively participating in a propaganda war.

It's not news, it's propaganda.


Not surprised that you're so happy handing over those decisions to the very people who caused most of our problems.

Why is the right so afraid to think for themselves? Or are they just unable to?

Total hogwash.

You say that like the EPA has FIXED things, instead of just making different, and worse, problems...while at the same time flogging everybody outside the cities into penury.

LA used the be covered in smog . You wouldn't be caught dead swimming or fishing in our city harbors or rivers . The bald eagle was nearly extinct.

Years later the EPA has undone so much damage .
Who needs the freak'n EPA?

I'm an American, I should be able to dump anything I want to anywhere I want to. Burn anything I like

Just leave me the hell alone

freak'n Nanny State

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