Shut it all down

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
I think that in the event of a funding lapse like we have, the entire government needs to shut down except the 536 people responsible for dealing with the funding.

No government air traffic controllers, no mail, no meat safety inspections, nobody patrolling the border, the military stand down and drinks beer till they start getting paid again.

Let the whole country feel the pain and then see how fast the idiots in DC can figure out how to do their job.
"1964: Democrats fight the Civil Rights Act in support of the KKK

2018: Democrats shut down the government in support of illegal aliens"
The post office is not in the federal budget.

The Postal Service receives NO tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

Top 10 Things You Should Know About USPS - Postal Facts

The last thing Democrats want is for there to be real consequences to their show.

It is still an agency of the US Fed Govt, so shut that fucker down.

Neither party wants anyone to feel any pain, that is the problem. The whole country needs to feel the pain then the outcry would force them to do their jobs.
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: "I found out for the first time last night that the person who technically shuts the government down is me, which is kind of cool."
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: "I found out for the first time last night that the person who technically shuts the government down is me, which is kind of cool."

Figures he would fuck it up. He is working too hard to make it painless. But what else can you expect from a guy that was part of the morons that shut down the government last time.
I think that in the event of a funding lapse like we have, the entire government needs to shut down except the 536 people responsible for dealing with the funding.

No government air traffic controllers, no mail, no meat safety inspections, nobody patrolling the border, the military stand down and drinks beer till they start getting paid again.

Let the whole country feel the pain and then see how fast the idiots in DC can figure out how to do their job.

Half of them do know how to do their job. The other half wants this shutdown because they believe it will politically benefit them.
I think that in the event of a funding lapse like we have, the entire government needs to shut down except the 536 people responsible for dealing with the funding.

No government air traffic controllers, no mail, no meat safety inspections, nobody patrolling the border, the military stand down and drinks beer till they start getting paid again.

Let the whole country feel the pain and then see how fast the idiots in DC can figure out how to do their job.

Half of them do know how to do their job. The other half wants this shutdown because they believe it will politically benefit them.

If they knew how to do their job there would never need to be a Continuing resolution.

That aside, what do you think of my plan? Even if you think it is all the Dems fault, you have to admit that this would make them figure it out pretty darn quick.
“Senate Democrats shut down this government, and now Senate Democrats need to open this government back up,” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a midday speech.

Looks like the Democrats need to bring something good to the table. Oh Noes!
Just let me know when to give a fuck. I will be busy.

Shut it down for motherfucking EVER!!

No more taxes either. Cut that shit off RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!
Takers like you don't pay taxes anyhow, so why do you care?

They need to cut the spending to knock you suckers off the taxpayers tit! There is no tax cut without spending cuts, because they just print the money taxing workers harder with inflation that makes the rich richer!
It's so easy to just say "shut it all down" when you think the government is just some faceless monster, but it's actually a bunch of people who have jobs and a significant portion of the economy. Last time this happened it blew a year-long hole in economic growth, this could very well trigger another recession. To someone who just wants to see the world burn none of this matters but there is seriously nothing positive to be gained from this bullshit, nothing.
That aside, what do you think of my plan? Even if you think it is all the Dems fault, you have to admit that this would make them figure it out pretty darn quick.
I don't disagree theoretically, but practically we cannot risk the safety of the nation

In all seriousness I would shut down social services that are taxpayer funded and keep military paychecks going

I would also suspend congressional pay and not pay them back the difference

The shutdown is really a sham
Working class fighting amongst themselves while the wealthiest people and corporations in America are the ones that hit the jackpot. The republican tax cuts guarantee that the imbalance of wealth between the big guy and the little guy will keep on widening. But yeah, republican good, democrat bad. Or maybe four legs good, two legs better?
It's so easy to just say "shut it all down" when you think the government is just some faceless monster, but it's actually a bunch of people who have jobs and a significant portion of the economy. Last time this happened it blew a year-long hole in economic growth, this could very well trigger another recession. To someone who just wants to see the world burn none of this matters but there is seriously nothing positive to be gained from this bullshit, nothing.

I agree 100%, too many people are like "well, I didn't even notice last time". We need to make sure everyone notices. The vast majority of the people being screwed by this are just average joes who want nothing more than to do their job and provide for their families.
It's so easy to just say "shut it all down" when you think the government is just some faceless monster, but it's actually a bunch of people who have jobs and a significant portion of the economy. Last time this happened it blew a year-long hole in economic growth, this could very well trigger another recession. To someone who just wants to see the world burn none of this matters but there is seriously nothing positive to be gained from this bullshit, nothing.
Over 99% of Americans will feel no affect from a government shutdown dumbass

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