Shutdown is threatening food stamps

so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.
you are, of course, correct

it is obvious to me that Trump waited for the Dems to win the House before doing this so that he could have a foil

and it is also obvious that the Dems are being incredibly unreasonable

this really seems like a no-brainer

$2.53 B for a wall & DACA protections and call it a day

Trump feels cannot afford to cave because if he does, he will lose his base

Dems feel that they can't let Trump have a win because it increases hios chances to win re-election

they are both correct in their assessment

my guess is that Nancy will have a vote within the Dem caucus on whether or not to allow a vote; she & other Dem leaders will oppose, but it will pass, thereby giving her political cover

and then a compromise measure will pass overwhelmingly in the lower chamber
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Today or tomorrow is the last food stamps for a while unless Trump extends it.
Ever go to someone's house who is on Food Stamps. Freezer is packed so full you can barely get anything in there. Same with the Fridge and Cupboards.

Then go to someone's house who works for a living.

When I go to people's homes I don't look in their freezer, their fridge, or their pantry.

Wouldn't be any of my business.

Tree does, probably also goes into the dirty laundry looking for used underwear.
I've noticed an uptick in numbers for our food bank and for another place I volunteer often.

A lot of food banks around where I live are seeing an increase from coast guard and furloughed workers.
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so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.
you are, of course, correct

it is obvious to me that Trump waited for the Dems to win the House before doing this so that he could have a foil

and it is also obvious that the Dems are being incredibly unreasonable

this really seems like a no-brainer

$2.53 B for a wall & DACA protections and call it a day

Trump feels cannot afford to cave because if he does, he will lose his base

Dems feel that they can't let Trump have a win because it increases hios chances to win re-election

they are both correct in their assessment

my guess is that Nancy will have a vote within the Dem caucus on whether or not to allow a vote; she & other Dem leaders will oppose, but it will pass, thereby giving her political cover

and then a compromise measure will pass overwhelmingly in the lower chamber

Even though the DACA extension is only for 3 years they should take it unless they think he's going to win another term. If he doesn't everything up for re-negotiation.
These food banks are such a joke and a ripoff. First big companies actually get paid for rotting stuff or excess supply. Then so-called starving seniors go out, load up the car and then go home and pass out all the stuff they won’t eat to the family or neighbors. I see it first hand in our community, but for heaven's sake don’t let the truth get in the way of your bleeding hearts.
Lies. Foodbanks do not get rotting food neither do they give out rotting food. They have some food that is labeled Best by ...and that food is still good to eat. AND people do take food and pass it on to family and friends. At least it gets eaten and not thrown in the trash. Stores throw away too much good food that food banks could use also. Supermarkets throw away 43 billion pounds of food every year because they are not allowed to sell outdated food. There is no reason why anyone in this country to go hungry. Starving seniors are either drunks or gamblers.
You are right that no one is going to starve but you are incorrect about the food. I have seen them hand out rotten cantaloupes. On food bank days the cars are lined up, cars mind you not people on foot. They pack their cars full with whatever they can get. Then they go around and see who wants any of the stuff. Some is just unwanted, like quarts of lemonade. I am sorry if you must disbelieve my first hand accounts.
Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.
you are, of course, correct

it is obvious to me that Trump waited for the Dems to win the House before doing this so that he could have a foil

and it is also obvious that the Dems are being incredibly unreasonable

this really seems like a no-brainer

$2.53 B for a wall & DACA protections and call it a day

Trump feels cannot afford to cave because if he does, he will lose his base

Dems feel that they can't let Trump have a win because it increases hios chances to win re-election

they are both correct in their assessment

my guess is that Nancy will have a vote within the Dem caucus on whether or not to allow a vote; she & other Dem leaders will oppose, but it will pass, thereby giving her political cover

and then a compromise measure will pass overwhelmingly in the lower chamber

Even though the DACA extension is only for 3 years they should take it unless they think he's going to win another term. If he doesn't everything up for re-negotiation.

I'm beginning to think the Democrats believe Trump may win again, that is the only reason for them to turn down his compromise.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

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so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

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More proof that this is politics over country, however I also hold Trump and the Republicans as they also could have started working on this well before the October 1st deadline.
Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More proof that this is politics over country, however I also hold Trump and the Republicans as they also could have started working on this well before the October 1st deadline.

Trump & the GOP Congress could have done this wall crap 18 to 24 months ago; period.

Trump waited to a time frame that he chose & he also stated he would be proud to own the shutdown.

Well, Trump does own it but only folks with a brain will understand that.
Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More proof that this is politics over country, however I also hold Trump and the Republicans as they also could have started working on this well before the October 1st deadline.

Trump & the GOP Congress could have done this wall crap 18 to 24 months ago; period.

Trump waited to a time frame that he chose & he also stated he would be proud to own the shutdown.

Well, Trump does own it but only folks with a brain will understand that.

Only a partisan idiot would think the way you do. It takes two to tango and if Pelosi would take the DECA deal this would be over. Sorry, your partisan BS is just BS.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?
People care about poverty. For it can be them. Fifty years of war on poverty and 22 trillion dollars spent(read on several posts) and it is still here at the same percentage. Only we are a high tax nation now.
But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More proof that this is politics over country, however I also hold Trump and the Republicans as they also could have started working on this well before the October 1st deadline.

Trump & the GOP Congress could have done this wall crap 18 to 24 months ago; period.

Trump waited to a time frame that he chose & he also stated he would be proud to own the shutdown.

Well, Trump does own it but only folks with a brain will understand that.

Only a partisan idiot would think the way you do. It takes two to tango and if Pelosi would take the DECA deal this would be over. Sorry, your partisan BS is just BS.

My post that you replied is completely true.

Your retort of name calling & labels (partisan idiot, partisan BS) demonstrates to everyone here that you have nothing.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?
People care about poverty. For it can be them. Fifty years of war on poverty and 22 trillion dollars spent(read on several posts) and it is still here at the same percentage. Only we are a high tax nation now.
I care about poverty & I do not want to see people in real need go without

I DO NOT want US tax dollars spent on assistance for illegals, any assistance illegals get should be from charities or churches (in fact, I think ANY religious organization should have to show where they give a significant portion of their revenues to assist the poor in order to keep tax exempt status, topic for another thread)

one big problem I have is that we KNOW that food stamp programs are being abused by people that do not really need it

as for the shutdown? both sides own responsibility. Trump waited until now because the optics would have been bad before & we REALLY would have seen a blue wave

Dems have been offered a deal and refuse to even make a counter offer (at least, that is where we stand now)
America survived all the way into the mid 1960's without the Food Stamp Program, and we'll survive is the end of it.

President Trump would like to continue it, but Chuck and Nancy refuse to send him an acceptable budget.

The ball is in their court
I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More proof that this is politics over country, however I also hold Trump and the Republicans as they also could have started working on this well before the October 1st deadline.

Trump & the GOP Congress could have done this wall crap 18 to 24 months ago; period.

Trump waited to a time frame that he chose & he also stated he would be proud to own the shutdown.

Well, Trump does own it but only folks with a brain will understand that.

Only a partisan idiot would think the way you do. It takes two to tango and if Pelosi would take the DECA deal this would be over. Sorry, your partisan BS is just BS.

My post that you replied is completely true.

Your retort of name calling & labels (partisan idiot, partisan BS) demonstrates to everyone here that you have nothing.
Trump could not get it done 18-24 months ago because there were never 60 votes in the Senate & McConnell is unwilling to employ the "nuclear option" over budget issues (a poor decision, as I expect that Democrats will not return the favor)

Trump has reached out with a compromise offer

Dems need to make some kind of counter offer that includes some wall funds, the ball is in their court right now
I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

I see Trump offering a compromise that include major programs the Dems claim they support. Apparently, they hate Trump much more rhan the love the Dreamers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More proof that this is politics over country, however I also hold Trump and the Republicans as they also could have started working on this well before the October 1st deadline.

Trump & the GOP Congress could have done this wall crap 18 to 24 months ago; period.

Trump waited to a time frame that he chose & he also stated he would be proud to own the shutdown.

Well, Trump does own it but only folks with a brain will understand that.

Only a partisan idiot would think the way you do. It takes two to tango and if Pelosi would take the DECA deal this would be over. Sorry, your partisan BS is just BS.

My post that you replied is completely true.

Your retort of name calling & labels (partisan idiot, partisan BS) demonstrates to everyone here that you have nothing.

DECA would get a three year extension, you really believe a Republican is President in three years? You are getting something you can end in three years and the wall wouldn't get started for another year and by the time a new President is in place the wall could be ended. Seriously, this is a no brainer unless you think Trump is getting re-elected, otherwise it is a win/win for the Democrats.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?
People care about poverty. For it can be them. Fifty years of war on poverty and 22 trillion dollars spent(read on several posts) and it is still here at the same percentage. Only we are a high tax nation now.
I care about poverty & I do not want to see people in real need go without

I DO NOT want US tax dollars spent on assistance for illegals, any assistance illegals get should be from charities or churches (in fact, I think ANY religious organization should have to show where they give a significant portion of their revenues to assist the poor in order to keep tax exempt status, topic for another thread)

one big problem I have is that we KNOW that food stamp programs are being abused by people that do not really need it

as for the shutdown? both sides own responsibility. Trump waited until now because the optics would have been bad before & we REALLY would have seen a blue wave

Dems have been offered a deal and refuse to even make a counter offer (at least, that is where we stand now)

As I stated earlier in the thread & also as a reply to the above bolded.

"Trump & the GOP Congress could have done this wall crap 18 to 24 months ago; period.

Trump waited to a time frame that he chose & he also stated he would be proud to own the shutdown."

I am glad to see at least you see Trump for what he is worth; not much.

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