Sick and tired of US debate on raising the min. wage.

Tiger says raising the minimum wage to 15 an hour will help businesses grow :lol:
In eleven years they have been able to grow unhindered now it is time for labor to grow.

President Obama had both House of Congress at one point, and did nothing to increase the minimum wage.
Let's you know how serious they were about screwing the rich and biting the hand that feeds them.


See this again, is the strange concept. "screwing the rich"? You are implying that somehow the minimum wage will screw the rich.

The minimum wage does nothing to the rich. Rich people, are rich, because they invest in things that make a profit.

If you make it so that hiring low-skill people is unprofitable..... they are not going to just lose all their money on a bad investment.... they will simply lay those people off, and invest in something else that is profitable.

You will never screw the rich. Never. Can't happen. If you make it so that the rich can't make huge profits in the US at all... they will simply leave, and invest elsewhere.

Remember when the French tried a wealth tax? All the wealthy didn't just sit there and say "Oh we're getting screwed so I guess we'll just be poor now"? Did that happen? No, they left the country.

You will never "screw the rich". You might screw yourself, but the rich can leave. They pack up their jobs, and businesses, and their wealthy, and go somewhere else.
See this again, is the strange concept. "screwing the rich"? You are implying that somehow the minimum wage will screw the rich.

The minimum wage does nothing to the rich. Rich people, are rich, because they invest in things that make a profit.

If you make it so that hiring low-skill people is unprofitable..... they are not going to just lose all their money on a bad investment.... they will simply lay those people off, and invest in something else that is profitable.

You will never screw the rich. Never. Can't happen. If you make it so that the rich can't make huge profits in the US at all... they will simply leave, and invest elsewhere.

Remember when the French tried a wealth tax? All the wealthy didn't just sit there and say "Oh we're getting screwed so I guess we'll just be poor now"? Did that happen? No, they left the country.

You will never "screw the rich". You might screw yourself, but the rich can leave. They pack up their jobs, and businesses, and their wealthy, and go somewhere else.

Oh, no doubt ... The rich have the resources necessary to go where their money works for them.
I was referring to people who want to think they are screwing the rich, or ever will be able to.

Such as ... People who try to compare investment returns in regards to those at the top. and those at the bottom.

In my opinion, the minimum wage should be high enough so Labor does not need Big Government nanny-Statism ...
Labor does not need Big Government nanny-Statism. No one does.
Yet, corporate welfare is alive and well and has even paid multimillion dollar bonuses. Why is it that right wingers only complain about welfare for the Poor but not the Rich?
Beats me. I complain about both.
I‘m in my 60s and have heard that same “if we raise minimum wage, people will lose their job “ every time they raised the wage. didn’t happen

You're lying. Every time they raise the minimum wage, some minimum wage workers lose their jobs.

And Congress has known that - which is why they've never raised it a significant amount.

But still - that misses the point. It's obvious to anyone with a basic grasp of economics that price and wage controls harm the economy. But I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
Go baby! Race to the bottom!

Yep. And if someone else wants to "race to the bottom", where do you get off bullying them???

That's really what this is all about. It has absolutely nothing to do with helping the poor. In fact, it fucks the poorest of the poor by taking away their ability to compete. Minimum wage is a union inspired attempt to thwart competition in the labor market.
So first cut the "mythical creature" out then double down on it, why don't ya? Here's a clue, genius.. Pay and take cash then like everyone else. Doh! What a maroon!
Can you rephrase that in English? I have no idea what you're rambling about.
Go baby! Race to the bottom!

Yep. And if someone else wants to "race to the bottom", where do you get off bullying them???

That's really what this is all about. It has absolutely nothing to do with helping the poor. In fact, it fucks the poorest of the poor by taking away their ability to compete. Minimum wage is a union inspired attempt to thwart competition in the labor market.
Because it means Big Government nanny-Statism will cost more and y'all will complain about taxes more.

You really like using the "nanny-state" as an excuse, dontcha? Sounds like you agree the nanny state is bullshit and we should get rid of it. I'm right there with you.
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Not an excuse after you have frozen it for 12 years.

Congress has not done its job in maintaining the minimum wage. Time to take it away from them and give automatic cost of living adjustments like they do with Social Security

Social Security gets a 2 percent increase, min wage should increase at the same rate
Right wingers can't explain why the minimum wage stagnated for around a decade without Big Government nanny-State intervention if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful.
Only the FEDERAL MW stayed the same. Various cities and states set their own, higher ones. That's what flexibility means.
Not an excuse after you have frozen it for 12 years.

Congress has not done its job in maintaining the minimum wage. Time to take it away from them and give automatic cost of living adjustments like they do with Social Security

Social Security gets a 2 percent increase, min wage should increase at the same rate
Right wingers can't explain why the minimum wage stagnated for around a decade without Big Government nanny-State intervention if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful.
Only the FEDERAL MW stayed the same. Various cities and states set their own, higher ones. That's what flexibility means.
No stagnation here, stagnation there, there, and there. Flexibility, see?
I‘m in my 60s and have heard that same “if we raise minimum wage, people will lose their job “ every time they raised the wage. didn’t happen

You're lying. Every time they raise the minimum wage, some minimum wage workers lose their jobs.

And Congress has known that - which is why they've never raised it a significant amount.

But still - that misses the point. It's obvious to anyone with a basic grasp of economics that price and wage controls harm the economy. But I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
Go baby! Race to the bottom!

Yep. And if someone else wants to "race to the bottom", where do you get off bullying them???

That's really what this is all about. It has absolutely nothing to do with helping the poor. In fact, it fucks the poorest of the poor by taking away their ability to compete. Minimum wage is a union inspired attempt to thwart competition in the labor market.
So first cut the "mythical creature" out then double down on it, why don't ya? Here's a clue, genius.. Pay and take cash then like everyone else. Doh! What a maroon!
Can you rephrase that in English? I have no idea what you're rambling about.
I did.. because you were busy weaseling so hard it had become incoherent.
I‘m in my 60s and have heard that same “if we raise minimum wage, people will lose their job “ every time they raised the wage. didn’t happen

You're lying. Every time they raise the minimum wage, some minimum wage workers lose their jobs.

And Congress has known that - which is why they've never raised it a significant amount.

But still - that misses the point. It's obvious to anyone with a basic grasp of economics that price and wage controls harm the economy. But I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
Go baby! Race to the bottom!

Yep. And if someone else wants to "race to the bottom", where do you get off bullying them???

That's really what this is all about. It has absolutely nothing to do with helping the poor. In fact, it fucks the poorest of the poor by taking away their ability to compete. Minimum wage is a union inspired attempt to thwart competition in the labor market.
So first cut the "mythical creature" out then double down on it, why don't ya? Here's a clue, genius.. Pay and take cash then like everyone else. Doh! What a maroon!
Can you rephrase that in English? I have no idea what you're rambling about.
I did.. because you were busy weaseling so hard it had become incoherent.
Hmm... ok. Your call.
See this again, is the strange concept. "screwing the rich"? You are implying that somehow the minimum wage will screw the rich.

The minimum wage does nothing to the rich. Rich people, are rich, because they invest in things that make a profit.

If you make it so that hiring low-skill people is unprofitable..... they are not going to just lose all their money on a bad investment.... they will simply lay those people off, and invest in something else that is profitable.

You will never screw the rich. Never. Can't happen. If you make it so that the rich can't make huge profits in the US at all... they will simply leave, and invest elsewhere.

Remember when the French tried a wealth tax? All the wealthy didn't just sit there and say "Oh we're getting screwed so I guess we'll just be poor now"? Did that happen? No, they left the country.

You will never "screw the rich". You might screw yourself, but the rich can leave. They pack up their jobs, and businesses, and their wealthy, and go somewhere else.

Oh, no doubt ... The rich have the resources necessary to go where their money works for them.
I was referring to people who want to think they are screwing the rich, or ever will be able to.

Such as ... People who try to compare investment returns in regards to those at the top. and those at the bottom.
But see that's all Andy cares about. Sucking up to "the rich" like one's surely gonna put him in their will some day for being such a loyal piece of shit, he just knows it!
Joe Biden, as do most economist wants to raise the min. wage to 15.00 an hour, from the poultry 7.25 as it stands today. Most workers of course do not make 7.25 an hour as we all know, most are making btwn 8-12 an hour, with 12.00 being the standard. However, this debate has got to come to an end and real work, not words have to prevail this time.

For the last 12 years Wall Street as has Main Street retailers via online venues, all have seen profits soar to historic levels and Trump rallied and braged on how rich the rich was getting especially his last 4 years, not only with tax cuts but with market this bullshit about ppl will lose jobs...tired of hearing about it.

And waiting on a recovery from this pandemic will take another decade, if not more with so many business's, closing. However, NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY WILL MAKE A DIME, OUTSIDE OF SPECULATORS AND HEDGE FUNDERS on WALL STREET, WITHOUT CONSUMER SPENDING.

Its time Biden, congress and the senate take the effort, the vote and raise the min. wage to a level that can not only help families regroup again with a new job focus, but also help business's grow also. Amazon raised wages profits only grew. Some companies will have to fold, welcome to life!! But at least the owner can go out and find a job paying 15 bucks an hour vs 7.25.
Yeah, that $7.25 an hour is poultry chicken shit.
Liar we just had a thread on kroger shutting down two stores
Proof right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor"? They could have simply passed on some of the costs to the consumer to stay competitive in that local area.
The poor ARE poor for only 3 reasons. Stupidity ,ignorance ,or just plain SLOTH. Those who don't prepare for life will not have much life to live. Are there no Prisons? Are there no workhouses?
Hmm... ok. Your call.
Okay, once more for clarity. You say:
I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below @rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
So right off the bat you're saying rightwinger, for one, has no "business" expressing his opinion about some MW "standard." Uh, knock, knock, McFly! It's a free country, right? This is a political forum, no? None of our business? Seriously? Are you fucking crazy?

Oh, let's just let people alone with their workers. So slavery happens. Maybe your cousin gets raped by a commercial farm operator or two? So what? Why should we care?

Get a life, asshole.
Hmm... ok. Your call.
Okay, once more for clarity. You say:
I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below @rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
So right off the bat you're saying rightwinger, for one, has no "business" expressing his opinion about some MW "standard."
He has every right to express his opinion. As long as he doesn't get laws passed that lock people up if they disagree.

None of our business? Seriously?

Totally serious. Government isn't there to impose your standards on others.

Oh, let's just let people alone with their workers. So slavery happens.
What? Why would we legalize slavery? We fought a war over that shit.

Maybe your cousin gets raped by a commercial farm operator or two? So what? Why should we care?

Of course we should care. Rape should remain illegal as well. What are you smoking?
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Sucks being a businessman because.....Shit happens
That shit may include:
Increased rent
Increased cost of supplies
Increased taxes
Competition from other businesses

It may even include having to pay your employees more

Businesses adapt to “Shit happening”
If they can’t, they fail
Yes. And they respond by cutting hours ,outsourcing ,and raising PRICES. So who gets the shaft in the end ,shit for brains? Try reading a book on economics.---But here is a simple equation for your simple mind. PRICE minus COST equals PROFIT. Labor and TAX are COSTS. Ponder that for a while,LIB.
If customers would pay higher prices for all their products and services, employers could pay workers more.

When we gave business a 40 percent cut in taxes...
I, as a customer, did not see a corresponding decrease in the price they were charging me.
They just kept the money

Not all profits get passed to the customer neither do all increases in costs

Not all profits get passed to the customer

That's terrible!!!

Where do all the profits go?
If customers would pay higher prices for all their products and services, employers could pay workers more.

When we gave business a 40 percent cut in taxes...
I, as a customer, did not see a corresponding decrease in the price they were charging me.
They just kept the money

Not all profits get passed to the customer neither do all increases in costs

Not all profits get passed to the customer

That's terrible!!!

Where do all the profits go?
Down the drain if LABOR costs are too much. Not to mention TAX. Which President Bezos plans to increase.
He has every right to express his opinion. As long as he doesn't get laws passed that lock people up if they disagree.
So yes, you're out of your fucking mind.

rightwinger, what did you do to dblack to make him think you were even capable of getting "laws passed that lock people up"?
He has every right to express his opinion. As long as he doesn't get laws passed that lock people up if they disagree.
So yes, you're out of your fucking mind.

rightwinger, what did you do to dblack to make him think you were even capable of getting "laws passed that lock people up"?

The topic of the thread is minimum wage LAW.

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