Sick and tired of US debate on raising the min. wage.

What??? No, I have no problem at all with volunteering. You're delusional. Are you even reading my posts?
Unfortunately, yes. Perhaps you should once in a while.
If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below @rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
What? Why would we legalize slavery? We fought a war over that shit.
The minimum wage has been raised many times. MANY times. It has never alleviated. Any of the problems it was supposed to help. In some cases it made financial difficulties even worse.

In other countries, I think Australia is one. They use a class minimum wage. Some classifications are very low to accommodate those just entering the workforce. The problem in this country is that we have tens of thousands of illegal aliens taking jobs meant for unskilled workers and trying to support a family of six with one on the way.
If customers would pay higher prices for all their products and services, employers could pay workers more.

When we gave business a 40 percent cut in taxes...
I, as a customer, did not see a corresponding decrease in the price they were charging me.
They just kept the money

Not all profits get passed to the customer neither do all increases in costs

Not all profits get passed to the customer

That's terrible!!!

Where do all the profits go?

Lets see...
Businesses saw a 40 percent decline in taxes, where did the money go?

Did they pass it down to their employees? No
Did they cut prices? No
Did they expand? No

They kept the extra profit
They kept the extra profit

Kept it where?
Someone posted earlier that 60 percent of the workforce makes $20 per hour or this true. It can't be that means 60 percent are not in the middle class.
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Sucks being a businessman because.....Shit happens
That shit may include:
Increased rent
Increased cost of supplies
Increased taxes
Competition from other businesses

It may even include having to pay your employees more

Businesses adapt to “Shit happening”
If they can’t, they fail
Yes. And they respond by cutting hours ,outsourcing ,and raising PRICES. So who gets the shaft in the end ,shit for brains? Try reading a book on economics.---But here is a simple equation for your simple mind. PRICE minus COST equals PROFIT. Labor and TAX are COSTS. Ponder that for a while,LIB.

If you run a burger shack and the price of ground beef doubles (it did) do outsource or Cut hours?
No you raise prices
Right. Inflation. But, because you'll likely lose business - at first a least - you'll also look for ways to cut costs, payroll being a likely target. You could also file for bankruptcy.
We still got a lot of burger joints. Even though the price of a burger nearly doubled
You seem to be missing the point (on purpose, I'm sure) - minimum wage does real harm.
If nobody applied for minimum wage jobs then that would be funny. But then morons would complain that peoe are lazy which is untrue.
If nobody applied for minimum wage jobs then that would be funny. But then morons would complain that peoe are lazy which is untrue.
That's more or less what's happened. That's why most business pay more than the minimum wage already.
If customers would pay higher prices for all their products and services, employers could pay workers more.

When we gave business a 40 percent cut in taxes...
I, as a customer, did not see a corresponding decrease in the price they were charging me.
They just kept the money

Not all profits get passed to the customer neither do all increases in costs

The public does though. All profits do in fact go back into the economy. And all taxes come out of the economy.

I'm not sure why you would expect to see a decrease in prices. The corporate tax, is a tax on profits. The company will of course run the exact same way that it did before. It just is allowed to keep more of the profits that it rightfully earned.

But just because you don't see that profit in lower prices, doesn't mean you don't see it. You may not recognize it, but it still filters down to the public either way.

For example, lower Corporate tax, means there are more profits to spend on R&D, and that R&D might result in the computer you buy tomorrow, or the development of a new drug, that might not come out for 10 years.

Walmart might open a new store, or renovate an existing store. Or another thing that can happen, if you are smart person who has investments for your retirement like I do, you see the value of the stock go up.... likely in part because of stock buy back program.

Regardless of exactly what they do with the money, it does eventually filter into the economy somewhere, and stimulate economic growth.

And no matter what they do with the money, it is still better than Obama giving it to the Unions or Solyndra, where it is consumed and gone.
If nobody applied for minimum wage jobs then that would be funny. But then morons would complain that peoe are lazy which is untrue.

No we wouldn't, unless they are living off the government. Living off the hard work of others, is lazy.

But I would personally LOVE IT, if everyone got skills and talents that allowed them to apply for better higher paying jobs.

That's actually what I did, and I have no skills, talents or degrees.

And that's really the problem I have with your position. Your position dooms people to poverty for life.

My position is.... get a skill... get a degree... get a talent... do something of higher value. Honestly no one anywhere in this country should be working longer than at the very most.... 1 year at minimum wage. UNLESS... you are like me an you got multiple jobs. I worked THREE jobs when I was in college. And it sucked, but I paid off my bills.

The left-wing position is.... stay on minimum wage, stay poor, accept that you are helpless and incapable of moving up yourself... and wait on the benevolent Democrats to pass laws to fix your life.

And that's why 70 years after the "war on poverty" we still have tens of millions staying poor, still waiting for some dumb democrat to fix their lives.
I've never seen a compelling argument for increasing minimum wage.

Anyone who tries to support a family on a minimum wage income is simply a failure at life. It's just that fuckin' simple. Anyone who believes that someone should be able to support a family on a minimum wage income is a fucking idiot.

I haven't had a minimum wage job in over 40 years. But that job garnered some very positive results:

1 - It taught me how to create a budget.
2 - It taught me how to manage money; that whopping $80 a week I'd make, pre-tax.
3 - It taught me that, after taxes, minimum wage jobs completely suck, and aren't too great before taxes, either.
4 - It taught me that, if I wanted to support myself and a family that I SHOULDN'T have a minimum wage job.

I own two relatively successful businesses. Many of the people who work for me make far more than minimum wage, simply because the work they do merits the higher pay. But the guy who cleans the restrooms isn't exactly doing high-level work, so he gets minimum wage.

One such employee, a 19 year old white kid (don't ever try to convince me Americans won't take these jobs) took that job because he just wanted a foot in the door. He's now my building manager, and he makes $28.50 an hour. He's 22 years old. With overtime, he's clearing a grand a week and good for him. But the guy who now cleans the restrooms (and, yes, other areas, as well) for $8.65 an hour will be let go on September 1 of 2023, when minimum wage hits $12 an hour, since it just doesn't make sense to pay someone that much to clean a bathroom when I can contract it out with a commercial cleaning company for less.

That's a simple example of how an increase in minimum wage is guaranteeing that someone is going to lose his job. It's a shame, too, because he's a nice guy. But being a nice guy isn't enough to keep him around at that pay scale. The sad part is that there are others in the same boat as him, at various levels of pay, that could easily suffer the same fate. I'm a businessman, and the health of my business is paramount. I can't afford to take the money I'm now able to reinvest into my business and use it to pay those who do what, in truth, are pretty menial jobs.

The myopia driving the raise in minimum wage is actually pretty stunning...
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Sucks being a businessman because.....Shit happens
That shit may include:
Increased rent
Increased cost of supplies
Increased taxes
Competition from other businesses

It may even include having to pay your employees more

Businesses adapt to “Shit happening”
If they can’t, they fail
Yes. And they respond by cutting hours ,outsourcing ,and raising PRICES. So who gets the shaft in the end ,shit for brains? Try reading a book on economics.---But here is a simple equation for your simple mind. PRICE minus COST equals PROFIT. Labor and TAX are COSTS. Ponder that for a while,LIB.

If you run a burger shack and the price of ground beef doubles (it did) do outsource or Cut hours?
No you raise prices

I agree. There are prices you have no choice but to pass onto consumers.
Such as labor in a service industry.

But are you suggesting that every single company are incapable of outsourcing? No, there are many companies that very well can move operations out of the country, and they do.

Again, isn't that what the left-wing has been complaining about for decades, that companies are moving operations out of the country, because the cost of labor in China or India is lower?

Now you are arguing that raising the cost of labor never has any negative effect? Which is it?

Then you tell me, explain to me why companies are outsourcing to China if the cost of labor is not the factor?

Or are you actually trying to suggest that increasing how much you pay people..... doesn't increase the cost of labor?

You explain your logic here. You tell me how that works.

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