In Genesis One we see that the fish, the birds, the creeping things, the cattle, the beasts of the field, and the beasts of the earth were all created "after their kinds." But when God created man, He created him "after His own image." reflects God's nature in a way that the animals don't share.

God created man with the wonderful ability to reason and comprehend abstract thoughts. He alone can speak in a language which communicates his inner yearnings. Most importantly, man can truly love and respond to love, most particularly the love of God. He can recognize his own sinfulness, repent of it, and appreciate God's gracious solution to his sin problem. He can respond to God's love by choosing a life pleasing to Him. Animals, regardless of their cranial capacity, know nothing of this.

Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways. But he is also quantitatively distinct from all animals.

No, man is not a higher animal. Man is not an animal at all. He is the very image of God, and nothing less.
God is a red blooded white southern male that wears a DAWG hat and T shirt.
Everyone knows God is a Georgia Bull Dog fan.
God eats pussy.
GISMYS MUST BE a Florida Gator fan.
lol!!! Humans were created in god's image not animals!!!! Duh!! No wonder you want to degrade yourself and live like animals you think you are an animal!!! God gave mankind rule over all animals we even eat them!!!

so, you really are saying that humans are not animals?

C'mon gismo, just once, man up and make a declarative sentence.

Are humans animals?
Some humans are silly bimbo barflys but humans are not animals. Humans are created in God's image,do you think God is an animal too???????????


Humans are animals, sorry GISMYS.

God reflects this as we are created in HIS or HER image.
BELIEVE GOD'S WORD!!! In Genesis One we see that the fish, the birds, the creeping things, the cattle, the beasts of the field, and the beasts of the earth were all created "after their kinds." But when God created man, He created him "after His own image." reflects God's nature in a way that the animals don't share.

God created man with the wonderful ability to reason and comprehend abstract thoughts. He alone can speak in a language which communicates his inner yearnings. Most importantly, man can truly love and respond to love, most particularly the love of God. He can recognize his own sinfulness, repent of it, and appreciate God's gracious solution to his sin problem. He can respond to God's love by choosing a life pleasing to Him. Animals, regardless of their cranial capacity, know nothing of this.

Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways. But he is also quantitatively distinct from all animals.

No, man is not a higher animal. Man is not an animal at all. He is the very image of God, and nothing less.
In Genesis One we see that the fish, the birds, the creeping things, the cattle, the beasts of the field, and the beasts of the earth were all created "after their kinds." But when God created man, He created him "after His own image." reflects God's nature in a way that the animals don't share.

God created man with the wonderful ability to reason and comprehend abstract thoughts. He alone can speak in a language which communicates his inner yearnings. Most importantly, man can truly love and respond to love, most particularly the love of God. He can recognize his own sinfulness, repent of it, and appreciate God's gracious solution to his sin problem. He can respond to God's love by choosing a life pleasing to Him. Animals, regardless of their cranial capacity, know nothing of this.

Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways. But he is also quantitatively distinct from all animals.

No, man is not a higher animal. Man is not an animal at all. He is the very image of God, and nothing less.

"Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways."

Ripley: You don't see aliens fucking each other over for a percentage.


Humans are qualitatively INFERIOR to bonobo chimpanzees who are one of a very few animals which are accurately described as pacifists. Why? Because in bonobo society, everyone has sex with everyone else in every conceivable way. When conflict is avoided with pleasure you get along a lot better. Contrasted with humans who haven't known a single year of global peace yet. Always a war going on some where. And even on the same side we murder one another.

Sooner humans wipe ourselves out the better. Maybe the bonobos will evolve and develop technology and carry a peaceful primate species out into the stars. Instead of this fucked up one going on now.
In Genesis One we see that the fish, the birds, the creeping things, the cattle, the beasts of the field, and the beasts of the earth were all created "after their kinds." But when God created man, He created him "after His own image." reflects God's nature in a way that the animals don't share.

God created man with the wonderful ability to reason and comprehend abstract thoughts. He alone can speak in a language which communicates his inner yearnings. Most importantly, man can truly love and respond to love, most particularly the love of God. He can recognize his own sinfulness, repent of it, and appreciate God's gracious solution to his sin problem. He can respond to God's love by choosing a life pleasing to Him. Animals, regardless of their cranial capacity, know nothing of this.

Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways. But he is also quantitatively distinct from all animals.

No, man is not a higher animal. Man is not an animal at all. He is the very image of God, and nothing less.

"Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways."

Ripley: You don't see aliens fucking each other over for a percentage.


Humans are qualitatively INFERIOR to bonobo chimpanzees who are one of a very few animals which are accurately described as pacifists. Why? Because in bonobo society, everyone has sex with everyone else in every conceivable way. When conflict is avoided with pleasure you get along a lot better. Contrasted with humans who haven't known a single year of global peace yet. Always a war going on some where. And even on the same side we murder one another.

Sooner humans wipe ourselves out the better. Maybe the bonobos will evolve and develop technology and carry a peaceful primate species out into the stars. Instead of this fucked up one going on now.

In Genesis One we see that the fish, the birds, the creeping things, the cattle, the beasts of the field, and the beasts of the earth were all created "after their kinds." But when God created man, He created him "after His own image." reflects God's nature in a way that the animals don't share.

God created man with the wonderful ability to reason and comprehend abstract thoughts. He alone can speak in a language which communicates his inner yearnings. Most importantly, man can truly love and respond to love, most particularly the love of God. He can recognize his own sinfulness, repent of it, and appreciate God's gracious solution to his sin problem. He can respond to God's love by choosing a life pleasing to Him. Animals, regardless of their cranial capacity, know nothing of this.

Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways. But he is also quantitatively distinct from all animals.

No, man is not a higher animal. Man is not an animal at all. He is the very image of God, and nothing less.

"Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways."

Ripley: You don't see aliens fucking each other over for a percentage.


Humans are qualitatively INFERIOR to bonobo chimpanzees who are one of a very few animals which are accurately described as pacifists. Why? Because in bonobo society, everyone has sex with everyone else in every conceivable way. When conflict is avoided with pleasure you get along a lot better. Contrasted with humans who haven't known a single year of global peace yet. Always a war going on some where. And even on the same side we murder one another.

Sooner humans wipe ourselves out the better. Maybe the bonobos will evolve and develop technology and carry a peaceful primate species out into the stars. Instead of this fucked up one going on now.


Because we ARE animals.

Jeeeez gismo.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
"Man is qualitatively superior to the animals in many important ways."

Ripley: You don't see aliens fucking each other over for a percentage.


Humans are qualitatively INFERIOR to bonobo chimpanzees who are one of a very few animals which are accurately described as pacifists. Why? Because in bonobo society, everyone has sex with everyone else in every conceivable way. When conflict is avoided with pleasure you get along a lot better. Contrasted with humans who haven't known a single year of global peace yet. Always a war going on some where. And even on the same side we murder one another.

Sooner humans wipe ourselves out the better. Maybe the bonobos will evolve and develop technology and carry a peaceful primate species out into the stars. Instead of this fucked up one going on now.


Because we ARE animals.

Jeeeez gismo.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

SO now we see why you live like a animal,you believe you are an animal! WOW!!! satan got you on the cheap!!!! WHY NOT BELIEVE GOD??? GOD GAVE MAN RULE OVER ALL ANIMALS!!
God invented sick, sexual perversions and put them on earth to enjoy.

As with any invention, it can be improved upon.
Donatien Alphonse managed a few innovations, but I've taken them to a whole new level.

When I was at school, South American dictatorships were all the rage.
Many political groups, amnesty international being a leading one, made great mention of their use of torture.
I, as a natural capitalist, invented the hyro-electric testicrusher, with a view to making a few quid out of the deal.
Sadly, none of these governments ever paid me for my design, but I heard it was experimented with by Pinochet.
I wonder if I can sue them for royalties.
As for direct sexual perversion, I'll do anything to anything, but I have a special interest in nuns and sheep. Nuns dressed up as sheep are especially interesting.
My latest idea involves killing a nun (dressed as a sheep) by sticking my penis in her windpipe, whilst she's being taken by a dog. I don't want to ejaculate until she's actually dead, then I'll do the dog whilst it eats her corpse.

Will I go to hell and, if so, will the foolish virgins be available for parties?
Of course, if Dante got in right, the devil will have to create an extra circle for me - none of the others are bad enough.
Dante had nine circle, Islam has only 7, but you expect Catholics to see the bad side of every fucking thing.

This is what I am wondering, Indo. What has led you to greater depths of hatred towards all things holy in recent days? Is there something a Christian or a Catholic has done to you? A Catholic nun even? I notice a difference in you in that it was not too long ago you were even lamenting over your sins and my heart was moved with compassion for you. I am wondering what happened? Do you know? I know God loves you, Indo, I just do not believe it was simply the matter of a thread, a post, a word spoken here but rather something greater must have happened. These words pouring forth from your heart tell me something is wrong. Something is terribly, terribly wrong.
This is what I am wondering, Indo. What has led you to greater depths of hatred towards all things holy in recent days? Is there something a Christian or a Catholic has done to you? A Catholic nun even? I notice a difference in you in that it was not too long ago you were even lamenting over your sins and my heart was moved with compassion for you. I am wondering what happened? Do you know? I know God loves you, Indo, I just do not believe it was simply the matter of a thread, a post, a word spoken here but rather something greater must have happened. These words pouring forth from your heart tell me something is wrong. Something is terribly, terribly wrong.

I'm busted, so I post what I just sent to you in a PM.

I believe in God, but call him, Allah.
I believe in Jesus, but call him, Isa.

I believe in winding up religious maniacs, but call it winding up religious maniacs.

The OP in that thread is a nut job, banned from all the Christian forums he's joined, spouting absolute crap that'll only turn people away from the truth of the existence of the almighty.

Yes, God exists, but we use different names for him.
Yes, Jesus exists, but we have different version of his biography and, rather stupidly, kill each other over it.

However, nut jobs religious extremists tend to put people off learning the truth of the existence of the Almighty, so I tend to wind them up.
Islamic radicals, Jewish Zionists, Christian nut jobs - all the same - all turning people away from the truth, commonly by violence - often by trying to push religion when it should never be pushed, only explained and suggested.
Bring people to God by showing love, not trying to force them.
For me, it doesn't really matter what you call God, just that you call him and try to live a reasonable life, embracing the basic rules that all major religions share.

The Irish chap, Phil O, Siffy suggests, "Don't live for your church, live by it".

I'll rant a little more.
Islamic nut jobs, various American governments, extremist Zionists all create their own enemies by causing death , destruction and misery.
If all that cash they spend on guns went to hospitals, schools, libraries and aid projects, no bugger would hate them.
That's where ISIS have cocked up. They could easily have spread their message, and created an Islamic state if only they've put their efforts to peace and love, but they chose the gun. Very foolish.
Zionism did the same. Everyone would have accepted a large Jewish population in Palestine if they've built hospitals, but they chose to destroy hotels.
America has massive funding - everyone would love America and Americans if they spent all their foreign defence budget on humanitarian aid, instead of military aid and wars.

No one knows the true story of God, but we do know God is with us, and we should show God's love in our actions, not killing or stuffing bible bashing at random people on forums.

This is what I am wondering, Indo. What has led you to greater depths of hatred towards all things holy in recent days? Is there something a Christian or a Catholic has done to you? A Catholic nun even? I notice a difference in you in that it was not too long ago you were even lamenting over your sins and my heart was moved with compassion for you. I am wondering what happened? Do you know? I know God loves you, Indo, I just do not believe it was simply the matter of a thread, a post, a word spoken here but rather something greater must have happened. These words pouring forth from your heart tell me something is wrong. Something is terribly, terribly wrong.

I'm busted, so I post what I just sent to you in a PM.

I believe in God, but call him, Allah.
I believe in Jesus, but call him, Isa.

I believe in winding up religious maniacs, but call it winding up religious maniacs.

The OP in that thread is a nut job, banned from all the Christian forums he's joined, spouting absolute crap that'll only turn people away from the truth of the existence of the almighty.

Yes, God exists, but we use different names for him.
Yes, Jesus exists, but we have different version of his biography and, rather stupidly, kill each other over it.

However, nut jobs religious extremists tend to put people off learning the truth of the existence of the Almighty, so I tend to wind them up.
Islamic radicals, Jewish Zionists, Christian nut jobs - all the same - all turning people away from the truth, commonly by violence - often by trying to push religion when it should never be pushed, only explained and suggested.
Bring people to God by showing love, not trying to force them.
For me, it doesn't really matter what you call God, just that you call him and try to live a reasonable life, embracing the basic rules that all major religions share.

The Irish chap, Phil O, Siffy suggests, "Don't live for your church, live by it".

I'll rant a little more.
Islamic nut jobs, various American governments, extremist Zionists all create their own enemies by causing death , destruction and misery.
If all that cash they spend on guns went to hospitals, schools, libraries and aid projects, no bugger would hate them.
That's where ISIS have cocked up. They could easily have spread their message, and created an Islamic state if only they've put their efforts to peace and love, but they chose the gun. Very foolish.
Zionism did the same. Everyone would have accepted a large Jewish population in Palestine if they've built hospitals, but they chose to destroy hotels.
America has massive funding - everyone would love America and Americans if they spent all their foreign defence budget on humanitarian aid, instead of military aid and wars.

No one knows the true story of God, but we do know God is with us, and we should show God's love in our actions, not killing or stuffing bible bashing at random people on forums.


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Jesus was a pole smoker, nothing wrong with that.

Easy for you to say.

Pole Smokers did not fare too well in Jesus' time.
Something about 25 lb. boulders slamming into their heads putting an end to poles being smoked.
IS THIS THE WORLD YOU WANT???? a "Judge in Australia says incest may no longer be a taboo and the only reason it is criminal is potential birth abnormalities, which can be solved by abortion" and contraception (Telegraph, July 10, 2014).
IS THIS THE WORLD YOU WANT???? a "Judge in Australia says incest may no longer be a taboo and the only reason it is criminal is potential birth abnormalities, which can be solved by abortion" and contraception (Telegraph, July 10, 2014).

It is not - but you spouting religion, trying to force it upon people, simply turns minds away from God.
You do far more harm than good - please stop it. :mad:

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