Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS told they won't be deployed if they refuse COVID vaccine

I'm 100% certain The Pentagon needs The SEALS a lot more than SEALS need The Pentagon.
Beijing Biden has no use for seals or seal teams. Those are only for countries with strong military. Seals are not needed for surrender.
And you can document this how?

Notice that the FDA recently refused to approve boosters that the Admin desperately wants.
You compare the details and thoroughness of testing and trials of past vaccines and compare it to the Covid. Not too difficult, even for a left-wing nut job.
Yup and if the shit hits the fan and they need those SEALS you can bet they won't give a rats ass if they have the vaccine or not.

I'd say this is all Bidung. Not the pentagon.
Definitely, but not about Covid or vaccines.

My bosses son would beg to differ. His son was a corpsman in the seals and is now a flight medic/surgeon. And is going to a MD when he gets out.

From what he has talked to his son about they very well might get sidelined and if they force the choice on him he said he would take the discharge and become a physicians assistant.
Sorry but the military can't afford to have people that refuse to follow orders.

It just don't work that way
My bosses son would beg to differ. His son was a corpsman in the seals and is now a flight medic/surgeon. And is going to a MD when he gets out.

From what he has talked to his son about they very well might get sidelined and if they force the choice on him he said he would take the discharge and become a physicians assistant.
Good plan. Glad he has options, if he no longer wishes to comply with regulations.
I just hope everyone is good with the degradation of national security so that a group of people who this virus poses little to no threat to gets a vaccine that would lose most of it's effectiveness during the course of a single deployment...... Seems smart to me.
It's going to get to the point where the Joint Chiefs will have to address the profound lack of readiness we'll suffer because of involuntary separations.

If you kick out a Seal, you just don't sign up another Seal...
Several hundred elite Navy SEALs are in danger of being blocked from deploying with their special operator teams by the Pentagon after failing to get a mandatory COVID vaccine, according to a lawyer and pastor counseling them.

The number involved in the dispute with the Pentagon amounts to as many as a quarter or more of all active duty SEALs, a loss that could impact military readiness since SEAL teams play an outsized role in modern military operations, their advocates told Just the News. Some SEALS were given a deadline this week for the vaccine and have sought a religious exemption.

"My clients include several Navy SEALs who are a small part of a large group of SEALs and other military members who are being asked to choose between their faith and their ability to serve our nation," said R. Davis Younts, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves and a JAG lawyer who is representing several of the special operators as a private lawyer. "They have been told that if they seek a religious accommodation, they likely will no longer be able to serve our country as Navy SEALs and been given an arbitrary deadline to comply with the vaccine mandate.

If true it's not good.
If it's true then it's hugely damaging to America's armed forces. The riffraff ranks will be energized, from top to bottom.

Hopefully the damage can be contained within the US military and there won't be repercussions on the foreign front in desperation.

Still more likely that it will be nipped in the bud by peer pressure within.
They can't refuse the vaccine.

They're in the military.

I guess they could go to prison instead.
They could sue our corrupt government and hold our corrupt politicians who exempted themselves personally responsible.

It's not in the crooked pols best interest to force alot of military guys out who are trained to take the bad guys.
The officers calls the shots, not the political figures. Because without the officers the politicians has no one to hide behind.

And you can document this how?

Notice that the FDA recently refused to approve boosters that the Admin desperately wants.

Actually, The UCMJ specifies that military members can't refuse a LAWFUL order.

Ordering someone to submit to an experimental medical procedure isn't exactly lawful, in OUR military.

Well. Not really. What is an approved or authorized procedure is determined by the competent commands. For the military regarding infectious disease. It would be USAMRIID at Fort Meade. I think it’s Fort Meade. Anyway. The United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease. If they approved the vaccine. It is approved through the entire Military.

But beyond them would be the Surgeon General and FDA. Pretty much everyone has approved the vaccine.

Now speaking for myself. I don’t want the CT folks to take the vaccine. That includes the SEAL’s.


I’d rather those who are opposed be prohibited for the rest of their lives. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to get the vaccine. Ever.

If they die. Or end up as near invalids as that fellow, so be it. They wanted to believe CT nonsense instead of their Doctors and the experts. Fine with me. But you make your choice. Live with it. And die with it.

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