Sidney powell

OK, but first, let's audit the entire country over the 2016 election.
If there were fraudulent attempt by Democrats to steal the election in 2016, they failed. Though I wouldn't be opposed to their fraud being exposed.
Translation: "Thank you FFI for correcting my error."

You're welcome. Are you mad that Flynn plead guilty twice and then admitted guilt a 3rd time, considering you think he did nothing wrong? You should email him and give him a piece of your mind.
No. That’s a really bad translation. Like, you had to do mental gymnastics to get that translation. The whole premise of “he plead guilty” is based on if there was an underlying crime, which there wasn’t. That’s point numero uno. Which you have no good retort too, because there wasn’t any underlying crime, which is why the case was dismissed. But let’s take your faulty premise of “he lied to the FBI”. What did he lie about? Just give me answer to that and my entire argument falls apart (not legally because legally the FBI had no standing) but we’ll grant you morally, what was the immoral lie he told to the FBI? Its kind of hard to even make the case he did lie (like coney admitted too) when he said “idk, y’all would know more than me because y’all have the actual transcripts”. Is there something objectionable he said in the phone call? Is there something he’d want to hide and lie about in that phone call? I’ve ceded a lot of unnecessary ground here, can y’all even make the case on that?
No. That’s a really bad translation. Like, you had to do mental gymnastics to get that translation. The whole premise of “he plead guilty” is based on if there was an underlying crime, which there wasn’t. That’s point numero uno. Which you have no good retort too, because there wasn’t any underlying crime, which is why the case was dismissed. But let’s take your faulty premise of “he lied to the FBI”. What did he lie about? Just give me answer to that and my entire argument falls apart (not legally because legally the FBI had no standing) but we’ll grant you morally, what was the immoral lie he told to the FBI? Its kind of hard to even make the case he did lie (like coney admitted too) when he said “idk, y’all would know more than me because y’all have the actual transcripts”. Is there something objectionable he said in the phone call? Is there something he’d want to hide and lie about in that phone call? I’ve ceded a lot of unnecessary ground here, can y’all even make the case on that?

Ignoramus, it's illegal to lie to investigators, for ANY reason. It's a crime in itself and a type of Obstruction of Justice.

People who DO lie, are taking that risk because they think telling the truth is worse.

Why did Flynn lie? Because he knew that discussing sanction response with Russians is possible interference with current Administration's foreign policy and is expressly prohibited by the Logan act.
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Why are we still talking about Flynn? He was exonerated. The story is over.
He was pardoned, which is given with ACCEPTANCE OF GUILT.

Pardoned by a corrupt President who abused his pardon powers to give out get out of jail free cards to his associates so they wouldn't cooperate with investigators.

That is the exact opposite of exoneration.
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Ignoramus, it's illegal to lie to investigators, for ANY reason. It's a crime in itself and a type of Obstruction of Justice.

People who DO lie, are taking that risk because they think telling the truth is worse.

Why did Flynn lie? Because he knew that discussing sanction response with Russians is possible interference with current Administration's foreign policy and is expressly prohibited by the Logan act.
Oh dear god. The Logan act. Even the FBI ran from that claim. If that’s your standard than every single presidential transition team is guilty of violating the Logan act. The presidential transition team is an official governmental body, so that blows up that argument there. As well as what was discussed in the phone call was Flynn asked the Russians to not retaliate. So, was the Obama administrations official stance that they wanted Russia to escalate? Ya gonna go with that? Good luck.

And 100% wrong about “any lie” to investigators. There it HAS to be an official investigation of an underlying crime, of which there was none...which is why the DOJ dropped the case. Care to explain to me why they were monitoring Flynn when there was no underlying crime? Or why they even chose to go after Flynn if it wasn’t political? Or why Flynn would knowingly try to lie to the FBI about a phone call in which he acknowledged he knew they had the transcripts to the call, and why he chose not to have a lawyer in the meeting knowing he was going to lie? Does any of that make sense?
on if there was an underlying crime, which there wasn’t
Hahahah oh man.

Talk about mental gymnastics. Yes, thats what pleading guilty is. And admissionof the crime while under oath. Good people will just slide right into alternate realities to cling to the most pedantic of false talking points. No standards whatsoever.

Flynn the felon foreign agent who committed crimes for the orange lard and master. Who happened to appoint a foreign agent as head of national security. There's your history book. Forever. Tears won't help you.
Oh dear god. The Logan act. Even the FBI ran from that claim. If that’s your standard than every single presidential transition team is guilty of violating the Logan act. The presidential transition team is an official governmental body, so that blows up that argument there. As well as what was discussed in the phone call was Flynn asked the Russians to not retaliate. So, was the Obama administrations official stance that they wanted Russia to escalate? Ya gonna go with that? Good luck.

And 100% wrong about “any lie” to investigators. There it HAS to be an official investigation of an underlying crime, of which there was none...which is why the DOJ dropped the case. Care to explain to me why they were monitoring Flynn when there was no underlying crime? Or why they even chose to go after Flynn if it wasn’t political? Or why Flynn would knowingly try to lie to the FBI about a phone call in which he acknowledged he knew they had the transcripts to the call, and why he chose not to have a lawyer in the meeting knowing he was going to lie? Does any of that make sense?
No official investigation? Son, are you on crack?

FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation directly looked at Trump campaign's possible co-operation with Russians in 2016 election. It is obviously in direct interest to such investigation why Trump campaign member is conducting negotiations with Russians and is lying about it to FBI.

2018 IG review of this counter intelligence investigation found no evidence of political motivation.
Crazy Sydney along with Sweaty Rudy... are probably going to lose their law licenses too, lol.

You're lying again. Again, in black, is the part your edited video cut out. All they included was the part in red. If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't need to post an edited video.

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to
Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.
You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters, D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.
It's edited for brevity, dumbass.

You can also post the entire fucking Crooked Media interview. Adding additional paragraphs other that the most relevant one does not change the context nor change the fact that he bragged about having the biggest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.

It overwhelmed the system with fraudulent votes. Biden even said that is what his voter fraud organization was going to do. It worked as planned and the presidency has been usurped.
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You can also post the entire fucking Crooked Media interview. That doesn't change that fact that he bragged about having the biggest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.

It overwhelmed the system with fraudulent votes. Biden even said that is what his voter fraud organization was going to do. It worked as planned and the presidency has been usurped.

No, he didn't, ya fucking retard. That should have been obvious to you when you got caught posting an edited video.

Again, as the transcript and video I posted proves, he was promoting a hotline (833-DEM-VOTE) for people to call if they were having problems voting...

"If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters, D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone."

But just for fun, explain how a Democrat goes to vote ... is told they can't ... they call 833-DEM-VOTE for help ... how is that fraud?

No, he didn't, ya fucking retard. That should have been obvious to you when you got caught posting an edited video.

Again, as the transcript and video I posted proves, he was promoting a hotline (833-DEM-VOTE) for people to call if they were having problems voting...

"If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters, D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone."

But just for fun, explain how a Democrat goes to vote ... is told they can't ... they call 833-DEM-VOTE for help ... how is that fraud?
I never claimed that a hotline was fraud, dumbass. The hotline was totally irrelevant.
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I never claimed that a hotline was fraud, dumbass. The hotline was totally irrelevant.
Dumbfuck, when Biden spoke of, “the most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization,” he was talking about a hotline to fight voter fraud, not to commit it. He said so...

"you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this"

... that was, which is the website for 833DEMVOTE, which has been around since 2008 to help people vote, not commit fraud.

You're truly brain-dead.
No official investigation? Son, are you on crack?

FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation directly looked at Trump campaign's possible co-operation with Russians in 2016 election. It is obviously in direct interest to such investigation why Trump campaign member is conducting negotiations with Russians and is lying about it to FBI.

2018 IG review of this counter intelligence investigation found no evidence of political motivation.
Underlying crime. Thats the operative phrase genius. The FBI had filed to close the case because there was no crime, until comey ordered them to keep it open and do the perjury trap interview. What was the crime they were investigating? They filed to close the case...2 years of the mueller investigation didn’t turn up any actual crime.

See, how are justice system is supposed to work is this whole thing called habeus corpus. It’s a really crazy concept so pay attention closely. There is supposed to be a crime first. Habeus Corpus is Latin for produce the corpse, AKA show the evidence of the crime that you allege I committed. Then you investigate said crime. Unless your the AG of NY and you go on tv and say I “I’m Going to look into trump to find a crime”. We traditionally see that as a huge legal ethics big time no no.

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