Sidney powell

Well, I'm fairly OK with the nutjobbery we see on this venue....virtually all of it from Rightfield, tho not all-----stuff like 'Flynn did nothing wrong cause he's not in jail'; 'Don Trump did nothing wrong 'cause he's not in jail'; ANTIFA or BLM or Gay Oathkeepers pulled off the Capitol MAGAriot; yadda, yadda, yadda. I could go on and on.
It is, at times, a source of great humor.
Kinda like the old MAD Magazine.

More importantly, for society, it is a marker on how deep and how intransigent whackaloon nuttery is in the fringie end of Rightfield politics. The acronym 'RWNJ' has existed in American culture for a long time. With reason.
It is an acknowledgment that there is an element of uber-conservative beliefs that is seemingly immune to logic, fact, or alternative views and opinions. Melissa Carone of Rudy Guiliani fame is a great example of inhabitants of the fringie Right. There are some posters here who are also great examples.....but no need to ID any particular avatar.

And without doubt, that looniness we see here is a marker on the educational level, thoughtfulness, probity, and unwillingness to venture outside a chosen news 'silo'.

So, in the end ----Yes! better thinkers need to challenge the whackaloons. If for no other reason, than exercise. Like going to a driving range.
But, we need not lose our sense of humor about their posted beliefs. After all, they serve us all as great examples of a bad example. If we --and the mods -- can wink at the overused f-bombs from the undereducated....well then, there is some snicker-worthy stuff being offered here. For free.


Indeed, poster Cowboy, indeed.
That violation of norms by Don Trump will be a lasting indictment on his judgment.

Perhaps, the most my eyes....lack of judgement, even tho he was no longer President, was his recent comments about ID'g the Babbit shooter from the stage--- in front of thousands---- in his recent Sarasota rally (after he had teased them several days earlier with an email "Who Shot Ashley Babbit"?)

Even I, a fairly un-shockable old man, was surprised that a former President of the United States of America, a leader of such stature and responsibility, would so publicly spark animosity towards a duly authorized officer of the law.
And casually, but unquestionably, put that man's life, and his family's lives, in danger.
So he could get an applause line.

It was the height (depth?) of irresponsibility.
I have no problem with it here or on sites like this. This site doesn't really reach that many readers. But I agree with sites like Twitter and Facebook squashing conspiracy nonsense since they reach tens of millions of readers.
"But I agree with sites like Twitter and Facebook squashing conspiracy nonsense since they reach tens of millions of readers."

I agree.
With Twitter on this.
And Facebook.
And poster 'Faun'.
That shit again?

Again, if What Trump had said was so clear, he wouldn't have had the need to make three separate comments on his comments.

It was very clear when given in the context of his speech. The MSM essentially misquoted him by removing all comments previous and post this statement. Lemmings ate it up without so much as an afterthought which is why he felt compelled to explain it again and again. If Democrats didn't have the brain of elementary-aged children it wouldn't have been necessary.
But I agree with sites like Twitter and Facebook squashing conspiracy nonsense since they reach tens of millions of readers.

If they are going to selectively edit, which they absolutely and unequivocally do, then they should have their section 230 protection removed. At that point, they can edit as they please and face the consequences.
No sorry. Only a judge can dismiss a case. So it was not dismissed. In fact, he plead guilty twice. Moving on from this desperate nonsense....
Yeah, cool story about these things called checks and balances. This was indeed a federal case, in which the executive branch, as in the DOJ, you know the branch primarily charged with executing the law (ain’t that kind of funny how executive and execute are really similar?), where they are in charge of deciding to bring what charges up on who. Not judges. Have you ever heard of a case where a judge decided to be the prosecution as well? A judge decides to file charges to himself, then judge the case? Is that how this works?

Fucking geniuses on this site. Biggest fucking idiots ever.
Ummmno. it son't work that way.

You can't be pardoned unless you have been convicted.

And in accepting a pardon you accept guilt.
no. NO UNDERLYING CRIME RELATED TO THE INVESTIGATION, WHICH IS A 100% NECESSITY TO PROSECUTE. Obviously if Flynn was aware he was not actually not helping them ou as he thought, and instead was aware they were coming after him for BS, or even if he intended to lie he #1 would have kept his mouth shut #2 would’ve called up a Whitehouse attorney to go into the meeting with him. The whole “FBI caught him in a lie” story is just plain nonsense. He’s even on tape saying “y’all would know better than me, you have the transcripts”....Does that make sense that he’d try to lie anyway about? Even fucking comey was iffy on if they could attempt the case based on him “lying”, even with all the mental gymnastics help. Again this was a clear coerced guilty plea. Which Netflix has an entire series with 2 seasons about coerced guilty pleas. I mean they went after his fucking son for Christ sake. And obviously Flynn felt that it was a BS plea since he fired his guilty plea mill firm and went with Sydney Powell. The whole problem with guilty pleas and the system was an entire talking point of the left for about a decade up until Flynn. But now they’re silent....
It was very clear when given in the context of his speech. The MSM essentially misquoted him by removing all comments previous and post this statement. Lemmings ate it up without so much as an afterthought which is why he felt compelled to explain it again and again. If Democrats didn't have the brain of elementary-aged children it wouldn't have been necessary.

If it was "very clear," Trump wouldn't have kept coming out, trying to make it clear.
If they are going to selectively edit, which they absolutely and unequivocally do, then they should have their section 230 protection removed. At that point, they can edit as they please and face the consequences.
Keep hope alive for that.
no. NO UNDERLYING CRIME RELATED TO THE INVESTIGATION, WHICH IS A 100% NECESSITY TO PROSECUTE. Obviously if Flynn was aware he was not actually not helping them ou as he thought, and instead was aware they were coming after him for BS, or even if he intended to lie he #1 would have kept his mouth shut #2 would’ve called up a Whitehouse attorney to go into the meeting with him. The whole “FBI caught him in a lie” story is just plain nonsense. He’s even on tape saying “y’all would know better than me, you have the transcripts”....Does that make sense that he’d try to lie anyway about? Even fucking comey was iffy on if they could attempt the case based on him “lying”, even with all the mental gymnastics help. Again this was a clear coerced guilty plea. Which Netflix has an entire series with 2 seasons about coerced guilty pleas. I mean they went after his fucking son for Christ sake. And obviously Flynn felt that it was a BS plea since he fired his guilty plea mill firm and went with Sydney Powell. The whole problem with guilty pleas and the system was an entire talking point of the left for about a decade up until Flynn. But now they’re silent....
That’s a whole lotta bullshit that means…nothing
"If they are going to selectively edit, which they absolutely and unequivocally do....."

Ah, poster DBA, times change.
But some things don't.

Remember when folks who had a beef would sit down and type out a 'letter-to-the-editor' of their newspaper? Yeah, so do I. I did it a bunch of times.

And that's how diverse personal views sometimes leaked into public awareness.

I say 'sometimes' because guess what? ----- It depended 100% on if the editor of that paper decided to print the letter. And if they did it was often 'edited'.
I know that, because I have written such letters. Had some of 'em printed.
Had some of the printed ones.....edited.
Not much I could do about either---the editing or the failure to print.
I could though, whine about it.

See that's the thing that doesn't change. A private newspaper can decide to print or not print some moke's unsolicited letter. And a private newspaper can decide to edit whatever it wants in some unsolicited letter prior to printing it.

I'm telling you this, poster DBA, as a reason for you to quit whining about Twitter and Facebook. If you want your damn opinion known; if Don Trump wants his opinions known......well, both of you should put your money where your mouth is......and pay for the dissemination of your opinions.

No private enterprise publisher...print, digital, broadcast.....has any obligation to you or to Don Trump to assist in the dissemination of whatever issue de jour pisses you off ......and of which you wanna advertise your pissed-off-edness.

Source: 'Whining for Dummies', 1st Edition.
We all contribute. But it's not the name, it's the content. They could change the name here to stormfront, it will still not be nearly as bad as the actual stormfront website. But as long as they're going to allow conspiracy bullshit to be propagated, we should counter it and not let it go unchallenged. If it goes unchallenged, then they might as well call this place the gatewaypundit.

Do you think more content created on this website regardless of what it is draws in more traffic? Logic and reason is already outnumbered here. If someone sitting on the fence came to check the site out how could they not come to the conclusion that wingnut conspiracies is what rules the day here?

Great, 20 posts out of a hundred are countered simply due to the fact that there is a concentration of wingnuts here. I don't see how you, I or anyone reasoned person makes a difference other than drawing in more traffic.
Yeah, cool story about these things called checks and balances.
Translation: "Thank you FFI for correcting my error."

You're welcome. Are you mad that Flynn plead guilty twice and then admitted guilt a 3rd time, considering you think he did nothing wrong? You should email him and give him a piece of your mind.
Smashing their dumb bs with facts and laughing at them is not good enough for you?
You're giving the left way too much credit. There are a lot of dumb ass idiots who lurk here and either don't understand a valid argument if it stabbed them in the eye or are just here to root for the home team. By supplying content it gives web browsers something to log into their search results and then your average American idiot will come here and see there are a lot more wingnut posts to read than moderate or liberal.
If you are in favor of "facts" determining are future, you would be in favor of the audits that would discover the truth about the last election.
Is that English?

Fact - we've had plenty of audits and review by election professionals, courts, DoJ and local enforcement. There was nothing found in terms of widespread fraud.

Fact - Arizona "audit" is conducted by bamboo sniffing Qanon partisan quacks that have never ran any kind of electoin audit.

Fact - they've blown all deadlines and have so far produced exactly NOTHING that disagrees with prior audits.
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If you are in favor of "facts" determining are future, you would be in favor of the audits that would discover the truth about the last election.
OK, but first, let's audit the entire country over the 2016 election.

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