Sidney powell

The Eddie Haskell Smarminess Award for the day goes to............ an unserious uninformed poster who tries too hard to be witty.

Unanimous decision by the judges.
You have to understand, lenny is on the payroll at a troll farm in Russia.
Probably no real reason to know about her, as she's been humiliated into irrelevance and is going to be financially ruined after the Dominion lawsuit is over. If she's lucky, Biden will pass some more benefits for retired folks and she won't die homeless.

I printed off you post and used it as toilet paper.

That's the best I could do to honor it.
Do any of the liberals ever sign onto this board and read posts from wingnuts convinced that Biden admitted to voter fraud before an election and watching these wingnuts deny reality when it's pointed out the context of the video is pretty much the exact opposite. Then some other retarded wingnut is trying to convince you that Flynn's case was dismissed having no fucking clue that is not true and apparently a pardon not tipping them off. Do you ever question why you keep signing up for this and thereby supplying traffic to a website that contributes to spreading unfounded conspiracy theories?

I'm just as guilty of anyone else. But what are we....what are you doing here? it's just a thought but perhaps posting here feeds their propaganda. Plus, fuck the mods for enabling unqualified and dishonest debate to reach this level of irresponsibility.
Do any of the liberals ever sign onto this board and read posts from wingnuts convinced that Biden admitted to voter fraud before an election and watching these wingnuts deny reality when it's pointed out the context of the video is pretty much the exact opposite. Then some other retarded wingnut is trying to convince you that Flynn's case was dismissed having no fucking clue that is not true and apparently a pardon not tipping them off. Do you ever question why you keep signing up for this and thereby supplying traffic to a website that contributes to spreading unfounded conspiracy theories?

I'm just as guilty of anyone else. But what are we....what are you doing here? it's just a thought but perhaps posting here feeds their propaganda. Plus, fuck the mods for enabling unqualified and dishonest debate to reach this level of irresponsibility.
Well the mods could do society a favor and not allow conspiracies that are harmful to the nation be posted, like Twitter and Facebook, but it seems they're more interested in making a buck than supporting our nation.
Well the mods could do society a favor and not allow conspiracies that are harmful to the nation be posted, like Twitter and Facebook, but it seems they're more interested in making a buck than supporting our nation.
And what is our responsibility?

If we are creating content and thereby traffic to this site, even if facts and truth are put up against their conspiracies, traffic is still steered to their bullshit.

Are we making this board money through ad revenue?

If this board were renamed would you continue to post? After all, what's in a name? Doesn't the inside of a septic tank smell like shit no matter what you call it?
And what is our responsibility?

If we are creating content and thereby traffic to this site, even if facts and truth are put up against their conspiracies, traffic is still steered to their bullshit.

Are we making this board money through ad revenue?

If this board were renamed would you continue to post? After all, what's in a name? Doesn't the inside of a septic tank smell like shit no matter what you call it?
We all contribute. But it's not the name, it's the content. They could change the name here to stormfront, it will still not be nearly as bad as the actual stormfront website. But as long as they're going to allow conspiracy bullshit to be propagated, we should counter it and not let it go unchallenged. If it goes unchallenged, then they might as well call this place the gatewaypundit.
You guys actually think this site is comparable to Stormfront?
From a guy who tried to say if Flynn is not in jail therefore he is innocent...

Flynn pleaded guilty twice... He was part Trump Campaign and he was working with the Russians and when asked by the FBI he lied. HE had some of the best legal representation beside him at the time and he lied...

Trump tried to step in the ask Comey to let him go... Comey didn't and was fired. This is blatant obstruction of justice. This is also why other Presidents never comment about active investigations.

When he was found out lying he pleaded guilty...

The prosecution tried and recommended a lenient sentence, the Judge who heard the case actually disagreed and gave him a longer sentence. This is kind of rare.

Trump grants him a pardon, which is highly unusual considering his closeness to the case... By accepting the Pardon, Flynn is admitting his guilt for the second time.
Shitstain, watch as I expose you lied. Again, he was talking about a hotline to report fraud, not commit it. Why are you too afraid to play that whole clip in context? Why? Because you're lying, ya piece-of-shit-con.

@ 18:40 (your out of context portion in red)​

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to
Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.
You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters, D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

An no mention of ID necessary. Go figure.
We all contribute. But it's not the name, it's the content. They could change the name here to stormfront, it will still not be nearly as bad as the actual stormfront website. But as long as they're going to allow conspiracy bullshit to be propagated, we should counter it and not let it go unchallenged. If it goes unchallenged, then they might as well call this place the gatewaypundit.

Where was all this talk when lefties on this board were calling Trump a racist for saying there were "good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville? Did you note that it was taken out of context? No, instead, this out of context quote along with many others was used by the MSM and perpetuated by lefties on boards like this to paint a picture that Trump was a racist white supremacist. A similar false narrative is being used now to promote the idea that white supremacy is a huge problem in the US. Lefties refuse to see that much of their "facts" are nothing more than left-wing propaganda to get low-info and low IQ voters on board.
Do any of the liberals ever sign onto this board and read posts from wingnuts convinced that Biden admitted to voter fraud before an election and watching these wingnuts deny reality when it's pointed out the context of the video is pretty much the exact opposite. Then some other retarded wingnut is trying to convince you that Flynn's case was dismissed having no fucking clue that is not true and apparently a pardon not tipping them off. Do you ever question why you keep signing up for this and thereby supplying traffic to a website that contributes to spreading unfounded conspiracy theories?

I'm just as guilty of anyone else. But what are we....what are you doing here? it's just a thought but perhaps posting here feeds their propaganda. Plus, fuck the mods for enabling unqualified and dishonest debate to reach this level of irresponsibility.
Smashing their dumb bs with facts and laughing at them is not good enough for you?
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But as long as they're going to allow conspiracy bullshit to be propagated, we should counter it and not let it go unchallenged
.........If it goes unchallenged, then they might as well call this place the gatewaypundit.
Well, I'm fairly OK with the nutjobbery we see on this venue....virtually all of it from Rightfield, tho not all-----stuff like 'Flynn did nothing wrong cause he's not in jail'; 'Don Trump did nothing wrong 'cause he's not in jail'; ANTIFA or BLM or Gay Oathkeepers pulled off the Capitol MAGAriot; yadda, yadda, yadda. I could go on and on.
It is, at times, a source of great humor.
Kinda like the old MAD Magazine.

More importantly, for society, it is a marker on how deep and how intransigent whackaloon nuttery is in the fringie end of Rightfield politics. The acronym 'RWNJ' has existed in American culture for a long time. With reason.
It is an acknowledgment that there is an element of uber-conservative beliefs that is seemingly immune to logic, fact, or alternative views and opinions. Melissa Carone of Rudy Guiliani fame is a great example of inhabitants of the fringie Right. There are some posters here who are also great examples.....but no need to ID any particular avatar.

And without doubt, that looniness we see here is a marker on the educational level, thoughtfulness, probity, and unwillingness to venture outside a chosen news 'silo'.

So, in the end ----Yes! better thinkers need to challenge the whackaloons. If for no other reason, than exercise. Like going to a driving range.
But, we need not lose our sense of humor about their posted beliefs. After all, they serve us all as great examples of a bad example. If we --and the mods -- can wink at the overused f-bombs from the undereducated....well then, there is some snicker-worthy stuff being offered here. For free.


"This is also why other Presidents never comment about active investigations."
Indeed, poster Cowboy, indeed.
That violation of norms by Don Trump will be a lasting indictment on his judgment.

Perhaps, the most my eyes....lack of judgement, even tho he was no longer President, was his recent comments about ID'g the Babbit shooter from the stage--- in front of thousands---- in his recent Sarasota rally (after he had teased them several days earlier with an email "Who Shot Ashley Babbit"?)

Even I, a fairly un-shockable old man, was surprised that a former President of the United States of America, a leader of such stature and responsibility, would so publicly spark animosity towards a duly authorized officer of the law.
And casually, but unquestionably, put that man's life, and his family's lives, in danger.
So he could get an applause line.

It was the height (depth?) of irresponsibility.
Where was all this talk when lefties on this board were calling Trump a racist for saying there were "good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville? Did you note that it was taken out of context? No, instead, this out of context quote along with many others was used by the MSM and perpetuated by lefties on boards like this to paint a picture that Trump was a racist white supremacist. A similar false narrative is being used now to promote the idea that white supremacy is a huge problem in the US. Lefties refuse to see that much of their "facts" are nothing more than left-wing propaganda to get low-info and low IQ voters on board.
That shit again?

Again, if What Trump had said was so clear, he wouldn't have had the need to make three separate comments on his comments.

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