*Sigh* Another Topic, Another GOP TRAITOR to America - Dinesh

Another fucking traitor who makes me want to rip my hair out. Make NO mistake, shelling innocent cities and women and children is NOT a 'use of power' as this traitor says.

Anti-American and anti-humane. This guy needs to go to Russia or some place. I am so sick of this.

They’ve made their choice. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. That’s how fucked up their thought processes are after years of MAGA media. They’d save Putin’s life and let Biden die.
Traitors are people who intentionally undermine the administration of a duly elected president with the intent of overthrowing the government. Usually they are in positions of power such as an FBI director. Civilians have a 1st Amendment right to free speech (so far). You almost gotta laugh that lefties won a Supreme Court decision about forty years ago when they were parading around with Russian flags and chanting "better red than dead" and burning Old Glory in the street. Today the same crazy lefties are in power and they call you a traitor if you criticize the doddering old fool in the W.H.

Another fucking traitor who makes me want to rip my hair out. Make NO mistake, shelling innocent cities and women and children is NOT a 'use of power' as this traitor says.

Anti-American and anti-humane. This guy needs to go to Russia or some place. I am so sick of this.

Oh lookie another liberal snowflake who can't comprehend a statement in context

Another fucking traitor who makes me want to rip my hair out. Make NO mistake, shelling innocent cities and women and children is NOT a 'use of power' as this traitor says.

Anti-American and anti-humane. This guy needs to go to Russia or some place. I am so sick of this.

Go ahead and rip your hair out dumbfuck. D'Souza is correct in his assessment.
They were trying to stop a catastrophe. Are you seriously blaming Biden for asking the 2nd most powerful country in the world 'please help us save Ukrainian lives'

I mean my God. I would try anything to prevent what we are seeing on CNN. Missiles falling, airports blowing up, women dead, streets turned into warzones.
You dumbass. China is not our ally. They are Russia's ally. I'm afraid you don't quite got all your groceries bagged.

Another fucking traitor who makes me want to rip my hair out. Make NO mistake, shelling innocent cities and women and children is NOT a 'use of power' as this traitor says.

Anti-American and anti-humane. This guy needs to go to Russia or some place. I am so sick of this.

Speaking of lying traitors, how ya doin?
You dumbass. China is not our ally. They are Russia's ally. I'm afraid you don't quite got all your groceries bagged.
Your trolling needs work.

You aren't getting a rise out of me with your weak posts. Sorry.

Back to the topic!

Another fucking traitor who makes me want to rip my hair out. Make NO mistake, shelling innocent cities and women and children is NOT a 'use of power' as this traitor says.

Anti-American and anti-humane. This guy needs to go to Russia or some place. I am so sick of this.

I can understand how you in your pussified world would be offended with that. But what you fail to understand is what all great leaders know: The worst thing you can do with a powerful adversary, is to underestimate, marginalize, or downplay them. Having respect for a powerful enemy in now way means that that you are aligned with that enemy.

For instance, If I said "Erwin Rommel was a great military tactician and a respectable Field Marshal", does that mean I'm a Nazi? Only in the mind of someone who has issues.

Even Rommel himself once said "If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it." Now would a statement like that have been construed as meaning he was an Australian or New Zealand sympathizer, and would shirk his duty?

This is the same thing the left did to Trump. Whether you want to believe it or now, he gained a lot of respect from other leaders. Those like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Il respected Trump, even though they didn't agree with him. So when powerful leaders respect other powerful leaders, we have peace. But when we have weak, impotent leaders like Biden, we end up with nothing but war.

It's as simple as that. If you can't comprehend that, I'm sorry. I have no other way to explain it to you.
I can understand how you in your pussified world would be offended with that. But what you fail to understand is what all great leaders know: The worst thing you can do with a powerful adversary, is to underestimate, marginalize, or downplay them. Having respect for a powerful enemy in now way means that that you are aligned with that enemy.
This guy called Putin a great leader.

...wow. Just wow.
I can understand how you in your pussified world would be offended with that. But what you fail to understand is what all great leaders know: The worst thing you can do with a powerful adversary, is to underestimate, marginalize, or downplay them. Having respect for a powerful enemy in now way means that that you are aligned with that enemy.

For instance, If I said "Erwin Rommel was a great military tactician and a respectable Field Marshal", does that mean I'm a Nazi? Only in the mind of someone who has issues.

Even Rommel himself once said "If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it." Now would a statement like that have been construed as meaning he was an Australian or New Zealand sympathizer, and would shirk his duty?

This is the same thing the left did to Trump. Whether you want to believe it or now, he gained a lot of respect from other leaders. Those like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Il respected Trump, even though they didn't agree with him. So when powerful leaders respect other powerful leaders, we have peace. But when we have weak, impotent leaders like Biden, we end up with nothing but war.

It's as simple as that. If you can't comprehend that, I'm sorry. I have no other way to explain it to you.


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