Signs Obama is the modern day Nero


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I agree with all the reason given. Obama has spent more time bashing the age-old crusades than the current slaughter by radical Islamists. His foreign policy has been more helpful to the radicals than to the U.S. and it's allies. He can't even admit that there is a significant problem with radical Muslims.

The article points out that the only difference between Hitler's evil reign and that of ISIS is that we are able to see ISIS slaughtering people in real time. We didn't know about the atrocities of Hitler until millions had been slaughtered. Photos were taken at the time because some real leaders didn't want people to forget or allow the appeasers to re-write history and deny that it ever happened. Obama is denying the atrocities of ISIS and other radical Muslims even as we witness it.

4 signs Obama is the modern-day Nero - Allen B. West -
I agree with all the reason given. Obama has spent more time bashing the age-old crusades than the current slaughter by radical Islamists. His foreign policy has been more helpful to the radicals than to the U.S. and it's allies. He can't even admit that there is a significant problem with radical Muslims.

The article points out that the only difference between Hitler's evil reign and that of ISIS is that we are able to see ISIS slaughtering people in real time. We didn't know about the atrocities of Hitler until millions had been slaughtered. Photos were taken at the time because some real leaders didn't want people to forget or allow the appeasers to re-write history and deny that it ever happened. Obama is denying the atrocities of ISIS and other radical Muslims even as we witness it.

4 signs Obama is the modern-day Nero - Allen B. West -

Whoah!!! Allan West is waaaaaay off!! Obama could never reach the competency of Nero.

All joking aside there is historical evidence that Nero was historically slandered after the fact.
signs the mods haven't seen this troll thread and moved it to the rubber room
I agree with all the reason given. Obama has spent more time bashing the age-old crusades than the current slaughter by radical Islamists. His foreign policy has been more helpful to the radicals than to the U.S. and it's allies. He can't even admit that there is a significant problem with radical Muslims.

The article points out that the only difference between Hitler's evil reign and that of ISIS is that we are able to see ISIS slaughtering people in real time. We didn't know about the atrocities of Hitler until millions had been slaughtered. Photos were taken at the time because some real leaders didn't want people to forget or allow the appeasers to re-write history and deny that it ever happened. Obama is denying the atrocities of ISIS and other radical Muslims even as we witness it.

4 signs Obama is the modern-day Nero - Allen B. West -

Whoah!!! Allan West is waaaaaay off!! Obama could never reach the competency of Nero.

All joking aside there is historical evidence that Nero was historically slandered after the fact.

And Obama is slandered in real time.

Sick of the lies from the anti-America RW traitors.

Russia wants you and you would be so much happier worshiping poootin.
I agree with all the reason given. Obama has spent more time bashing the age-old crusades than the current slaughter by radical Islamists. His foreign policy has been more helpful to the radicals than to the U.S. and it's allies. He can't even admit that there is a significant problem with radical Muslims.

The article points out that the only difference between Hitler's evil reign and that of ISIS is that we are able to see ISIS slaughtering people in real time. We didn't know about the atrocities of Hitler until millions had been slaughtered. Photos were taken at the time because some real leaders didn't want people to forget or allow the appeasers to re-write history and deny that it ever happened. Obama is denying the atrocities of ISIS and other radical Muslims even as we witness it.

4 signs Obama is the modern-day Nero - Allen B. West -

Whoah!!! Allan West is waaaaaay off!! Obama could never reach the competency of Nero.

All joking aside there is historical evidence that Nero was historically slandered after the fact.

And Obama is slandered in real time.

Sick of the lies from the anti-America RW traitors.

Russia wants you and you would be so much happier worshiping poootin.

Seems Obama has already mastered worshipping Putin.
I agree with all the reason given. Obama has spent more time bashing the age-old crusades than the current slaughter by radical Islamists. His foreign policy has been more helpful to the radicals than to the U.S. and it's allies. He can't even admit that there is a significant problem with radical Muslims.

The article points out that the only difference between Hitler's evil reign and that of ISIS is that we are able to see ISIS slaughtering people in real time. We didn't know about the atrocities of Hitler until millions had been slaughtered. Photos were taken at the time because some real leaders didn't want people to forget or allow the appeasers to re-write history and deny that it ever happened. Obama is denying the atrocities of ISIS and other radical Muslims even as we witness it.

4 signs Obama is the modern-day Nero - Allen B. West -
Nero had a dick to fiddle with...obabble can't find his.
I agree with all the reason given. Obama has spent more time bashing the age-old crusades than the current slaughter by radical Islamists. His foreign policy has been more helpful to the radicals than to the U.S. and it's allies. He can't even admit that there is a significant problem with radical Muslims.

The article points out that the only difference between Hitler's evil reign and that of ISIS is that we are able to see ISIS slaughtering people in real time. We didn't know about the atrocities of Hitler until millions had been slaughtered. Photos were taken at the time because some real leaders didn't want people to forget or allow the appeasers to re-write history and deny that it ever happened. Obama is denying the atrocities of ISIS and other radical Muslims even as we witness it.

4 signs Obama is the modern-day Nero - Allen B. West -
Nero had a dick to fiddle with...obabble can't find his.

Also the horse Nero appointed to the Senate was much more competent than any of the Obama nominees.
"Signs Obama is the modern day Nero"

Actually it's just another rightist thread that fails as a straw man fallacy, along with more ridiculous lies from the right.

Your pat answer to virtually everything. No comments to state what you disagree with and why? Of course not, just deny, insult, then ignore. Is that what the Daily KO tells you to do when things fall apart?

Looking at what Obama has done to help the radical Muslims, you cannot deny that they are better off because of his decision and aid to them. And he does deny the threat. He won't admit that there is a problem with radical muslims and he does keep bringing up the crusades as the only defense of what is happening now. You can stick your head in the sand, but that won't make the threat go away.
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We may survive the radical ideology of this administration, but the blatant corruption that Hillary would bring into the White House would turn us into a banana republic.

Viva Evita!
"Signs Obama is the modern day Nero"

Actually it's just another rightist thread that fails as a straw man fallacy, along with more ridiculous lies from the right.

I fail to see how discussing the topic of the thread equates a "straw man fallacy." A straw man is when you attempt to get your opponent to chase after an irrelevant line of argument away from the merits of a discussion and toward to a topic you feel better debating. When the op is the topic of the thread the only straw man presented is yours. Perhaps you should read up on your fallacies?
Obama is Nero.

Wait. He's Hitler AND Chamberlain. At the same time!

No, wait. He's the AntiChrist!

Wait. He's Lucy eternally pulling the football away at the last second.

Wait. He's that guy who spits his gum out in the urinal.

Wait. He's the second gunman.

Liberals won't discuss the effects of Obama's foreign policy. They defend him when he favors radical Muslim leaders. The deflect when radical Muslims murder infidels by bringing up ancient history time and time again. Obama insulted Christians on Easter by bringing up crusades. It's a blatant attempt to stop current news from being the focus of the media and the people. Any media who is also ignoring the rampant violence in Muslim countries should not be trusted, and that is most of the liberal media. How can we expect Obama to get tough on terrorism when he spends more time sympathizing and calling their irrational beliefs (gays and infidels should die horrible deaths) legitimate grievances? No, radical muslims have no legitimate complaints. They have archaic beliefs that cause them to treat women like property and non-muslims like insects that need to be squashed. And this administration will not condemn them despite the 'good' muslims remaining silent for the most part as those among them torture and kill in the name of their religion. Not objecting and failing to condemn these actions is tantamount to agreement.

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