Simone Biles

When the media spends more time talking about her than the actual achievements of the others something is drastically wrong. The Olympics and coverage of them isn't supposed to be a therapy session. It is to celebrate the achievements of those who perform at their peak.
Honestly, I believe the Olympic have become a bloated, politicized, and corporate event that has almost nothing to do with the real Olympic ideals.
Olympics and coverage of them isn't supposed to be a therapy session. It is to celebrate the achievements of those who perform at their peak.
Covering her withdrawal is one thing. Exalting it is another entirely.
She went to compete. That was her only goal. For reasons only she knows she failed in achieving her goal.
Cover it and move on to those more deserving of the limelight
Nobody is exhaling her withdrawal. It’s a story because at what was expected to be the top of her game, she CHOSE to walk away. She had the “ultimate” goal an arms length away and CHOSE to give it up.

Honestly, I think she deserves just as much of the limelight for the teachable moment she’s provided as someone throwing or kicking a ball, surfing, etc… does. The Olympic Games have become a joke.
Or she could be a coward who was afraid to stand up to Black Lies Matter harassment
I don’t look to athletes for political messages, so I hadn’t seen them until you mentioned this. I still don’t care about her politics.

She had the right to say “No”. She will spend the rest of her life dealing with the positive and negative consequences of that choice.

I have neurological conditions that occasionally leave me disoriented, disconnected, and unable to function. Not unlike the “twisties” Biles suffered from. I can’t walk from room to room when I have these incidents, never mind try to complete a gymnastics routine.
Simone Biles was heard telling her teammates that Black Lives Matter activists threatened to cancel her if she did not protest the national anthem. She supported BLM, but did not want to protest.
Ehhhh....zee plot thickens. I knew it was some 'other' shit.

Yeap...athletes like Biles don't just...haver mental issues all of a sudden.

The knee grow mafia came callin so she dipped on the country.

Fuckin pygmy traitor.
Choke, drugs or am I being unfair??

Seems being a loser is now popular with the wokes.

You're being an ass, which I suspect is something you've quite good at.

Biles is a loser? She has a problem with performing, and it is real. I'll bet if she were white you'd be making excuses for her, no?

As for "wokes"... that is not a noun, nor does it apply to most on the Left. It is a word used by pompous college activist radicals. It is just another word picked up on by the Right to talk bullshit with.

There are some real words which legitimately apply to y'all, though: traitors, fascists, reprobates, deplorables...
I dont remember demanding she fact wasnt she instantly lauded...try to be honest

I guess you’ve missed it. Let me help out a little with a few of the denigrations.

Look at this thread. Look at all the idiots who are denouncing her here. Even after time to think, they react with hostility and conspiracy theory.

Because I haven’t commented doesn’t mean I’ve ignored the threads to date.
I don’t look to athletes for political messages, so I hadn’t seen them until you mentioned this. I still don’t care about her politics.

She had the right to say “No”. She will spend the rest of her life dealing with the positive and negative consequences of that choice.

I have neurological conditions that occasionally leave me disoriented, disconnected, and unable to function. Not unlike the “twisties” Biles suffered from. I can’t walk from room to room when I have these incidents, never mind try to complete a gymnastics routine.
They don't care about facts. They just want someone else to vilify and hate, and if the target is black, so much the better.
Ehhhh....zee plot thickens. I knew it was some 'other' shit.

Yeap...athletes like Biles don't just...haver mental issues all of a sudden.

The knee grow mafia came callin so she dipped on the country.

Fuckin pygmy traitor.
Your racism is unacceptable in a civilized society, you vile rat.

You better not be speaking thusly if you ever come into my presence, punkbutt.
It is all about her...her.......her................All these female libturd athletes have such emotional and mental issues.

The cyclops looking tennis player. The purple pickled brain carpet munching lesbo. The female athlete with her sack showing doing squats,

Should be in the Special Olymps
You better watch your smart mouth, adolescent puto. Keep it up and I'll start using the appropriate language to describe you family. And you don't want that, boy!

You hate nearly everyone, and so you should either join ISIS or just move to Russia where the white-right ambience will please you. Rat.
You better not be speaking thusly if you ever come into my presence, punkbutt.
I wish all keyboard tough guys were as threatening as you are.

Oh, wait! They are.

Intimidation and threats made electronically and anonymously are about as
pitiful and toothless as some senior in a wheelchair claiming he'll "whup your ass".
Lighten up, Francis!
I guess you’ve missed it. Let me help out a little with a few of the denigrations.

Look at this thread. Look at all the idiots who are denouncing her here. Even after time to think, they react with hostility and conspiracy theory.

Because I haven’t commented doesn’t mean I’ve ignored the threads to date.
Not the majority

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